SonexAus News September 2012

Doug flies, at last... See the SonexAus website for more info.

Richard Ewing, Perth

My kit was shipped from the factory on July 19th. We got to Oshkosh on the 20th. Missed by that much.Expecting the big arrival late September, early October. I have the work areas prepared and the storage spots all marked and ready. I’ll let you know when the large package arrives.



From Lynn Jarvis, Adelaide

My Dad, now 88, has a lot of spruce and ply that he wants to sell and he would prefer it to go to somebody building an aircraft. I have a boat builder lined up but I thought you might know some people, perhaps a club or group, who might buy the lot. I am wondering whether the Jodel builder group who come to Yarrawonga would be interested. Dad also has a set of D19 plans unused.
The spruce is from a factory, Fisherman’s Bend I think, that used to make Mosquito bombers - it is that old!. It is rare enough as a collector's item. Some beautiful logs of A grade in the lot.
The history of this is that when the factory closed down, my father and friend together bought up all the spruce that was left, a huge amount, and split it between them. Approximately 12 of his aircraft have been built using this wood. His friend, Ted Pascoe, who recently passed away, used his share to build gliders of his own design. The remainder of his half has been sold to a boatbuilder.
Dad has lengths between 12 and 18ft all around 6x3". Most are A-grade. Although I can't see it being used at all, the plan is for my brother and myself to keep one log for spares in case a major repair is needed for the two remaining aircraft. The rest has to go. All is negotiable however. Call me to discuss if anybody is interested 08 8374 2269 - evenings is best.
Lynn Jarvis

Peter Bakker, Adelaide

I have just finished the RH wing. Only the LH wing to go than I am ready to rig. Both Flaps and Ailerons are done.The empennage and most of the Fuselage are done. The Fuselage Canopy and Instrument panel still have to be done.The plane will be mostly polished and during the building progress I pre-polish with F9.So fare I have spend about 1500hrs on the project.

I have attached a few photos .


Peter Bakker,Sonex #1430,Aerovee 2.1, Tri-Gear

Barry McFarlane, Temora

Just a quick update on my Sonex progress to date.

Have finished Tail & Horizontal Stab c.w Elevators. Construction of Aluminium straight forward but fibreglass tips for both vertical & horizontal did not fit or even come close. Ended up modifying mount to suit.

Hope to be at Narromine next month



Adrian Clout, Bathurst
Just an update on the Sonex multiple order.I have all the stuff here , there is no damage that I have found so far anyway.(Not expecting to though as it was packed very well)I will be delivering Micheal's in Wgong this weekend.If there is any of the group coming to Narromineor anyone who can transport to Melbourne I willbring it out.
Savings are great ,To bring in say one canopy it would cost upwards of $2000 + the canopy with 7 of us involved the cost was $300 approx +the order. By buying 8 canopies we got them for $250 ea instead of $300. Our box was no bigger than what would be required for 1 canopy.A few ordered 2 canopies and 2 windshields so they really saved a bundle.
Work from my end was minimal and in fact if I did it again it would be muchless now I know what to expect.I did not log the time involved and probably would be shocked if I did but itwas enjoyable so no big deal.The biggest fear was not stuffing anything up , common thing for mebut all went well.A few people including me ordered stuff from Wicks to be sent to Sonex and included in our box , even that went smoothly. I have a good rapport with Jeremy at Sonex and Christine at C&H freight.I had to use them because even though customs say you can do the paperwork yourself, in reality it would cost more than the agent charges.
Would you believe I had a request today for a canopy and a cowl +++ from a fellow in SA
sadly he was a bit late. BUT if there is more interest I would be happy to do it again.
See you at Narromine , I might attend the AGM to see what’s going on.
Cheers Adrian

Mike Leahy, Umina Beach NSW

My sonex is going along steadily except being away from home with work is a continual pain. I have completed the vertical stabiliser, horizontal stabiliser, elevators, rudder, ailerons, flaps, right wing and virtually the left wing. I am now polishing skins prior to riveting as it is so much easier to do. The left wing is all deburred, primed and skins are polished so next step is the easy rivet together.

I have a Jab3300 engine which is now fitted with ROTEC liquid cooled heads and will have their electronic ignition on one side, plus TBI. The aircraft will be fitted out for emergency IFR (ie get out of cloud) or after dusk landing. So I have fitted Duckworths HID Landing lights and LED nav/strobe lights. I do not intend to fly IFR or at night. The ailerons are sport acro size and the cockpit will be configured as a sport trainer. Landing gear configuration standard.

I am really looking forward to getting on with the fuselage and flying. Are you off to Narromine this weekend? if so I will see you there,

all the best,

Mike Leahy