Name James D. Anderson Department Technical Science and Math

Faculty Rank Assistant Professor Year of Appointment 1990 Year Last Promoted 1995

Highest Degree Master of Science Year Rec'd 1988


A. Scheduled Courses: Credit hours are course credit hours; contact hours are the actual number of hours you meet your class each week, e.g., 155-334. 4 credit hours. 5 contact hours.

__ Fall Quarter 1996______
Course No. of Hours
No. Credit Contact / _ Winter Quarter 1997______
Course No. of Hours
No. Credit Contact / _ Spring Quarter 1997 __
Course No. of Hours
No. Credit Contact
TSTM-102-004 4 4 / TSTM-102-004 4 4
TSTM-102-006 4 4 / TSTM-103-001 4 4 / On Sabbatical Leave
TSTM-103-006 4 4 / TSTM-103-003 4 4

B. Advising:

Graduate No. of Advisees

Undergraduate No. of Advisees

C. Other Teaching Activities: Work with Honors students; direction of independent readings and/or research; direction of theses and dissertations; development of new courses; librarian service.

1. Taught TSTM-100-032 and TSTM-102-031 in Summer Quarter 1996.

2. Team-taught with Bill Thomas a math enrichment course for the Young Scholars program for 5 weeks from July 1 - August 2. Received $390 from the Young Scholars program for teaching this course. (25 hours)

3. Developed the half-semester modular courses MATH-0910, 0930, and 0950 for the conversion of the courses TSTM-102, 103, and 104 from quarters to semesters. This process consisted of attending several curriculum conversion meetings, developing an initial restructuring for the three new courses and then making several revisions for all three courses until a consensus for all three courses was reached by the math faculty in the Department. No extra compensation nor release time was given for this work. (45 hours)

4. Held 5 scheduled hours of office hours per week during the Summer Quarter. Also, I scheduled my office hours based on the schedules of all my students. (40 hours)


C. Other Teaching Activities: (continued)

5. Held 3 scheduled hours of office hours per week beyond the required 5 hours. Also, I scheduled my office hours based on the schedules of all my students. (66 hours)

6. Answered the homework questions of students by phone at my home in the evenings and on weekends. (3 hours)

7. Provided the TSTM-100 class during the Summer Quarter with sample tests and keys for each of the four exams which were given in the course. (2 hours)

8. Provided the four TSTM-102 classes during the Summer, Fall, and Winter Quarters with sample tests and keys for each of the three exams which were given in the course. (5 hours)

9. Provided the four TSTM-103 classes during the Fall and Winter Quarters with sample tests and keys for each of the three exams which were given in the course. (3 hours)

10. For the TSTM-100 class, which had a department retest policy, I created 3 retests and I graded 9 retests that were taken. I also spent time outside of office hours in order to help students get ready for the retests. (5 hours)

11. For the four TSTM-102 classes, which had a department retest policy, I created 6 retests and I graded 48 retests that were taken. I also spent time outside of office hours in order to help students get ready for the retests. (21 hours)

12. For the three TSTM-103 classes, which had a department retest policy, I created 5 retests and I graded 46 retests that were taken. I also spent time outside of office hours in order to help students get ready for the retests. (19 hours)

13. For the TSTM-100 and TSTM-102 classes during the Summer Quarter, I provided a grade summary sheet after each test and retest. The sheet gave the student's test scores, retest scores, overall test score, test average, quiz scores, overall quiz score (which included dropping the two lowest quiz scores), absences, and the course grade going into the next test. (9 hours)

14. Conducted a two-hour help session on application problems for my TSTM-102 classes on Friday, November 22, 1996. (2 hours)

15. The final product of my sabbatical was modular lessons and laboratory activities for topics taught in Technical Calculus I and II (TSTM-245 and TSTM-246). The material would give students alternative learning experiences for topics which are taught in these two courses. These alternative methods would include 1) laboratory activities for visualization and discovery of mathematics, 2) collaborative activities to encourage students to work together for learning, and 3) writing activities which would help students synthesis material and promote mastery learning. A copy of my sabbatical report is on a copy in the Department office.


A. Publications: Distinguish among books, articles, book reviews, abstracts, newsletters, etc. List complete citation including names of co-authors, date and complete pagination. Indicate whether journals are refereed (R). Attach copies of letters of acceptance. Please indicate whether any of the listings below have been previously reported (PR) in another category.

1. Submitted:

2. Accepted:

3. In Press: [i.e., in galley proof]

4. Published:

1. Basic Mathematics; Anderson, Hoover, Terwilliger, and Thomas; Barnes & Nobles Custom Publishing Series. This is a student supplement required in the TSTM-100 course.

B. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings: Provide complete citation. Specify the nature of the association (State, Regional, National, or International) and designated papers as (C) competitively selected, (I) invited, or (V) volunteered.

C. Other Current Research and Scholarly Activity: List research in progress; grants received (include name of granting agency, grant duration and if new or renewal); grant proposals submitted. Show how progress has been made since last report.

1. Attended the annual conference of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) in Long Beach, CA from November 13 - 17, 1996. AMATYC is a national association. I attended seven one-hour sessions and the keynote address given by Wade Ellis. The one-hour sessions, which I attended, gave talks and handouts on 1) alternative delivery methods for developmental algebra, 2) the algebra curriculum reform endorsed by the Michigan Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, 3) collaborative learning activities for Intermediate Algebra, 4) a comparison between the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards and the AMATYC Standards, 5) exploring functions through the use of manipulatives, 6) incorporating graphing calculators into the teaching of trigonometry, and 6) getting students actively involved in solving application problems in developmental algebra.

2. Attended the annual meeting of the Kentucky Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (KYMATYC) in Pleasant Hill, KY from February 28 - March 1, 1997. KYMATYC is a state association. The meeting consisted of twelve presentations ranging in time from 15 to 60 minutes. The keynote speaker was Frank Morgan from Williams College. His presentation, entitled The Soap Bubble Geometry Contest, showed how soap bubble geometry can be used to illustrate and solve certain mathematical problems. Three of the presentations illustrated the use of the TI-92 graphing calculator to teach certain topics in Calculus.

3. Attended the video conference, entitled The New Public University, which was held at the Driscoll Center on April 10, 1997. (2 hours)


D. Performances and Other Artistic Endeavors: List with place, date and include published programs, etc.


A. Department, College, University Service: List specific committees. Provide evidence of level of effort and participation.

1. During my sabbatical leave, I accepted the invitation from the Engineering Technology (ET) Department to develop two Calculus courses for their department. The ET Department wanted the courses to be in place by Fall Semester 1997. I attended two Merger Implementation Committee (MIC) meetings in the initial stage of the project in order to for the ET Department to disseminate topics to be taught in the courses. Then as I was working on the project, I attended three Math Assessment Committee (MAC) meetings in order to keep the ET Department informed of my progress and also to have more information disseminated from the ET Department. Also, since this project was initialed by the ET Department, I distributed memos to the math faculty in the TSM Department in order to keep them informed on all developments concerning this project. The courses MATH-2450 (Calculus for Engineering Technology I) and MATH-2460 (Calculus for Engineering Technology II) were the end result of this project. Both courses were in place by Fall Semester 1997; however, they were run as pilot courses until the courses could be approved by the University. No modification was requested nor made for my sabbatical project. Also, no extra compensation nor release time was given for this project. (60 hours)

2. Served as Chair of the College Personnel Committee (CPC). In addition to calling meetings and distributing information to the committee, my work on this committee consisted of reading 14 dossiers and writing the recommendations for 1) the promotion of 9 faculty seeking a promotion, 2) the tenure of 2 faculty seeking tenure, and 3) the renewal of 6 faculty with two or more years of services. (36 hours)

3. Served on the Science Mathematics and Technology Education Center (SciMaTEC) Steering Committee at the University level. My involvement on this committee consisted of attending four meetings and serving on the Summer Camp Subcommittee. I distributed a memo to the science and math faculty at the University requesting presentations and demonstrations for the week-long summer camp. (9 hours)

4. Served as President of the University of Toledo Faculty Bowling League. My responsibilities included developing a budget, contracting a bowling facility for the year, ordering trophies, and distributing trophies and prize money at the banquet. In addition to these responsibilities, I also wrote a memo to the University community giving information pertaining to bowling in the league and inviting ones to bowl as a regular or substitute bowler. I paid the $36 copying fee out of my pocket as a gift to the league. I assisted the league Vice-President by printing the tickets and typing the program for the annual banquet. (10 hours)

5. Uncompensated coverage of 2 one-hour classes for colleagues. (2 hours)

6. Uncompensated coverage of 5 two-hour classes for colleagues. (10 hours)

7. Served as a Marshall at Fall Commencement. (4 hours)

III. SERVICE: (continued)

B. Participation in Organizing or Running Professional Meetings: Indicate role.

C. Other Professional Activities: Offices held in professional and honorary societies, reviewing and refereeing of articles and grant proposals, editorship and membership on editorial boards, etc.

D. Lectures at Workshops or Non-credit Courses: List dates, places and other circumstances.

E. Unpaid Consulting Assignments of a Professional Nature: List nature, dates and other circumstances.

Signature______Date ______


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Signature______Date ______

Department Chairperson