AtticaTownship Zoning Board of Appeals – September 5th, 2012
September 5th, 2012
At a meeting of the Attica Township Zoning Board of Appeals held on the 5thday of September, 2012 at the Attica Township Hall, 4350 Peppermill Road, Attica, MI, 48412, the following members were present: Carol Eisenhardt, William Winslow, Elaine Thayer, Richard Lacey and Kent Gierman. Absent: None. Also present: Planner Dave Birchler and the public per the attached sheet.
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Chairperson KentGierman.
The Board having reviewed the last meeting minutes of July 14th, 2011 and there being no corrections, additions or deletions:
MOTION by Eisenhardt, seconded by Thayer to approve the July 14th, 2011Zoning Board of Appeal minutes. A vote was taken. Ayes: All; Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED.
Chairperson Gierman opened the meeting to consider the request of Wayne Barnier and Jennifer Young to be granted a 50-foot setback variance for a pond from three neighboring property lines and a 25-foot setback variance from the applicant’s septic system drain field.
Land situated in the Township of Attica, Lapeer County, Michigan, described as:
3125 Davis Road, between Five Lakes Road and Evans Road, in Section 6 of Attica Township, Michigan
Mr. Barnier presented the ZBA with photos of the property. Mr. Barnier confirmed that no soil will be leaving the property. Mr. Barnier further stated that his reason for requesting a variance is because a gas line and a propane line run through the back of the property. There was lengthy discussion regarding height of slopes, depth of pond, distance from neighboring properties, reserve septic field and the location of the gas line and easement requirements for gas line and propane line.
There being no further comments from the Zoning Board of Appeals:
MOTION by Thayer seconded by Eisenhardt to table the request of Wayne Barnier and Jennifer Young to be granted a variance for a pond until more information is provided. A role call vote was taken. Lacey: Aye; Eisenhardt: Aye; Winslow: Aye; Gierman: Aye and Lacey: Aye. Ayes: All; Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED.
Supervisor Ochadleus suggested Mr. Barnier bring all missing information including distance of ponds from neighboring homes and title work for pipeline easements to the Township office to review with Supervisor Ochadleus.
There being no further business before the Zoning Board of Appeals, MOTION by Winslow, seconded by Lacey to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m. A vote was taken. Ayes: All; Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED.
Kent Gierman Chairperson Valerie Schultz, Recording Secretary