MORPH2015: A Conference in the Archaeological Applications of Morphometrics
Thursday, 28th May 2015 (08:30-18:00)
Avenue Campus (B65), University of Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom (SO17 1BJ).
Organising Committee: Christian Hoggard and Sarah Stark (PhD/MPhil Students, University of Southampton)
The University of Southampton Department of Archaeology invites you to a one-day conference on the application of morphometric analyses within archaeological analysis, which will be held at the University of Southampton on Thursday 28th May 2015.
The applications of morphometric (both “traditional” and “geometric”) analysis, i.e. frameworks centred on the characterisation and analysis of shape and form, have revolutionised many disciplines including palaeontology, systematics, neurology and the natural sciences. Archaeology has been much slower to adopt and develop modern morphometric methods of analysis, whether for a lack of statistical training, the necessity of digital equipment or suspicions in the “true” meaning of quantitative and statistical data. Whilst, traditional morphometrics have long played a role in archaeological analysis through linear measurements (e.g length, width, thickness and ratios), in recent years techniques based on geometric models (e.g. EFA and FFT) have been introduced, albeit slowly, to assess changes in production techniques, standardisation and many other topics within the study of the human past.
This conference is designed to bring together students (undergraduates and postgraduates) and academics interested in the application of both traditional and geometric morphometrics within archaeology. Through oral presentations, poster sessions, and a roundtable discussion current research, results and problems within the field of archaeological morphometrics will be discussed. A forum and network will also be created for people interested in applying these methods within their own research, regardless of experience or academic level.
Call for Papers, Posters and Roundtable Discussion ideas
Abstracts are invited for any topics/research associated with the implementation and use of traditional and/or geometric morphometric analyses within archaeology. Abstracts should be between 200-300 words and should be submitted before April 10th 2015. All presentations should be in English. Abstracts should include Title, Name, Institution and four key words. Please state your preference for either an oral presentation or poster presentation in the attached form.
Presentations should last fifteen minutes with a fifteen minute Q&A at the end of each session.
For any ideas of topics which you may feel may be useful to discuss during the roundtable discussion please note in the attached form.
Presenters (both poster and oral) will also be invited to submit their papers to be considered for a conference proceedings. An email to all necessary people will follow shortly after the conference.
Spaces are limited to 200 people. People interested in registering should fill in the attached form and send it to before 15th May 2015. Payment can be made through the Eventbrite system ( Registration will only be finalised when payment has been received. You will be notified when registration is complete.
Prices (excluding Eventbrite booking fee):
Unwaged/Concession/Student: £5.00
Staff/Waged: £8.00
Price includes coffees, tea, admittance to the conference, lunch and a wine reception. Sponsorship through the Faculty of Humanities means the savings can be passed through to the registration fee.
Invited Plenary Speakers
Invited speakers will be shortly announced.
Summary of key dates
Deadline for presentation/poster abstracts: April 10th 2015
Notification of abstract outcome: April 14th 2015
Announcement of conference programme: April 20th 2015
Deadline for registration: May 15th 2015
Conference: May 28th 2015
Call for papers for conference proceedings: Early June
For updates on the conference see the MORPH2015 Twitter account (@Morph2015), the Facebook event (, and regular emails.
Kind regards,
The MORPH2015 committee
Registration for MORPH2015
Title: …………
First name: …………………………………………
Last name: …………………………………………
Name on lanyard: ……………………………………………………………………….
Department: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Institution: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Email address: …………………………………………………………………………….
Phone number: …………………………………………………………………………..
Do you wish to do a presentation? (Yes/No) ………………………………
If yes, state which: ……………………………………………………………………….
How did you hear about this conference? ………………………………….
Intention to attend wine reception? (Yes/No) ……......
Food allergies? (State if any)………………………………………………………
Intention to attend the lunchtime roundtable discussion? (Yes/No) ………….
How confident do you feel about morphometric approaches and what do you intend to get out of this conference?...... ……………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..