IAP State Medicaid-Housing Agency Partnerships

State Action Plan Template

Each state is asked to develop a State Action Plan to identify the unique goals and deliverables that your state would like to achieve as a result of the IAP Partnerships Track. In addition to the work through September when program support is available, states are likely to identify necessary action items beyond the time-frame of the IAP Partnerships Track. Please capture these steps in the State Action Plan as well. Your technical assistance (TA) Facilitator will work with your team to complete the Action Plan and revise it as needed.

The Action Plan template on the following pages is organized into the six core focus areas described in the April cohort on-boarding call. All of these focus areas are important to address, at least in part. States will not necessarily move through the focus areas in the order they appear in this template; please prioritize actions to meet your state’s specified goals and deliverables.

Please note CMS and the other Federal partners will not review the action plans for approval. The action plans are for your team to plan your state’s work. As part of disseminating lessons learned from this process, State Action Plans may be shared with other states or publicized to inform replication of the Partnerships Track process.

Tips for Completing the Action Plan

·  Complete the Action Plan as a team so all team members are aligned on goals, deliverables, action steps, and responsibilities

·  Use information from the services crosswalk and housing assessment to inform this plan – these tools will help identify opportunities

·  For each focus area, we have listed several potential action steps. These are intended as a "menu" to provide ideas. Please delete, change or add action steps as appropriate for your state.

·  We recommend completing a draft plan in May so a full four months of facilitation and TA is available to help implement the plan before the Partnerships Track ends in September.

·  The plan can be changed during or after the IAP Partnerships Track process as the state proceeds with implementation.

IAP State Medicaid-Housing Agency Partnerships

Individualized State Action Plan


Target Population(s) Description:

Target Population(s) Numeric Estimate:

State IAP Goal(s):

Briefly describe the deliverable(s) your team would like to produce by the conclusion of the IAP Process (September 29, 2015):

Focus Area 1: Build the Team & Base of Support

Menu of Potential Activities
(Examples listed below: Add, Change, or Delete examples as necessary) / State Specific Activities or Action Steps / Deliverable or Outcome / Expected Completion Date:
(Note if activity will be complete past the IAP period) / Lead Agency or Individual / Resources Needed / TA Needs / Progress Notes (include date) /
Revisit the core team defined in the IAP Expression of Interest to ensure appropriate partners are included
Assess the status of existing housing and service partnerships, involvement of key leadership, coordinating structures/processes and their potential effectiveness to move IAP action plan strategies forward.
Develop a stakeholder engagement process
Identify and send a team to attend future IAP Convenings

Focus Area 2: Gather Target Population Information

Menu of Potential Activities
(Examples listed below: Add, Change, or Delete examples as necessary) / State Specific Activities or Action Steps / Deliverable or Outcome / Expected Completion Date:
(Note if activity will be complete past the IAP period) / Lead Agency or Individual / Resources Needed / TA Needs / Progress Notes (include date) /
Identify data sources for target population cost, access to services, high-cost service utilization, and outcomes.
Assess data quality of sources to estimate the need for supportive housing (SH), the potential impact of SH, and return on investment
Estimate data for the target population(s) such as program eligibility, enrollment, service utilization, costs, and level of need.
Understand local and statewide efforts across system to identify individuals in the target population(s)
Link health, service, housing, and homelessness data in order to learn more about individuals in the target population(s). Establish any needed data use agreements and assess data quality.
Outline initial targeting and engagement strategy for individuals in the target population

Focus Area 3: Specify Services and Identify Services Financing Strategy

Menu of Potential Activities
(Examples listed below: Add, Change, or Delete examples as necessary) / State Specific Activities or Action Steps / Deliverable or Outcome / Expected Completion Date:
(Note if activity will be complete past the IAP period) / Lead Agency or Individual / Resources Needed / TA Needs / Progress Notes (include date) /
Complete Partnerships Track Services Crosswalk
If applicable, assess the provision housing-related services and care coordination within existing managed care organization (MCO) contracts
Identify opportunities for Medicaid payment for services currently funded by the housing system
Identify state regulations that impact payment and structure.
Identify staff level and provider level qualification and certification requirements across funding sources.
Select a Medicaid authority, either current or new, and design the benefit payment and structure
Determine how to pay for services that are not Medicaid reimbursable
Assess provider capacity and identify training, rate setting, and other strategies to ensure success for providers new to Medicaid
Assess capacity and training needs of providers currently billing Medicaid who may need to modify service provision practices to better assist the target population(s)
Conduct process mapping of service access to identify responsibilities, timeframe requirements, and essential functions and decisions across services and housing
Assess alignment with other policy priorities in the state
Assess existing payment model reform efforts for Medicaid, including efforts for people also eligible for Medicare

Focus Area 4: Secure Housing Resources and Design Approach to Link Services with Housing

Menu of Potential Activities
(Examples listed below: Add, Change, or Delete examples as necessary) / State Specific Activities or Action Steps / Deliverable or Outcome / Expected Completion Date:
(Note if activity will be complete past the IAP period) / Lead Agency or Individual / Resources Needed / TA Needs / Progress Notes (include date) /
Complete housing assessment to identify existing housing resources and opportunities to align housing-related policy and resources to create supportive housing opportunities
Estimate total number and type of housing units needed to serve the target population(s) by geographic area
Develop financing strategy using existing housing resources, new housing resources and/or opportunities to convert or transition resources in order to meet identified need
Identify and address barriers to implementation such as landlords not willing to hold units open when there is a delay

Focus Area 5: Develop Investment and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Menu of Potential Activities
(Examples listed below: Add, Change, or Delete examples as necessary) / State Specific Activities or Action Steps / Deliverable or Outcome / Expected Completion Date:
(Note if activity will be complete past the IAP period) / Lead Agency or Individual / Resources Needed / TA Needs / Progress Notes (include date) /
Using the data identified in Phase 2, estimate return on investment for the proposed services and the impact on service utilization and outcomes
Create message for stakeholders and decision makers using data identified in Phase 2.
Develop budget, investment, reinvestment, break-even and cost avoidance strategies


Focus Area 6: Implement, Evaluate, and Adjust

Menu of Potential Activities
(Examples listed below: Add, Change, or Delete examples as necessary) / State Specific Activities or Action Steps / Deliverable or Outcome / Expected Completion Date:
(Note if activity will be complete past the IAP period) / Lead Agency or Individual / Resources Needed / TA Needs / Progress Notes (include date) /
Develop concept paper or draft Medicaid waiver or State Plan Amendment for CMS
Implement changes to non-Medicaid funding sources to align with coverage of new Medicaid services
Implement Medicaid service and other regulations to meet needs of target population(s)
Implement housing strategies and changes to administrative plans to meet needs of the target population(s)
Determine responsibilities and roles for ongoing implementation of this plan
Develop evaluation plan, quality improvement, and performance management process