A joint operation of the 3D Morphometrics and Bone Imaging Laboratories
APPLICANT DETAILSApplicant: / Application or Amendment Date:
Email: / Tel:
Principal Investigator (PI): / Department:
PI Contact
Email: / Tel:
Project Title:
Project Description (do not exceed space provided):
Additional Project Members Requiring Access to the Facility
Name: / Email: / Tel: / Role:
Name: / Email: / Tel: / Role:
Name: / Email: / Tel: / Role:
Do you have ethics approval for this study? Yes Pending No
N/A, the project does not involve animal or human tissues
If yes or pending, please identify the ethics committee and protocol number.
U of C, Animal Care Committee:
Health Sciences
Life and Environmental Sciences
U of C, Human Ethics Committee:
Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board (CFREB)
Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board (CHREB)
Other (please specify and attach documentation):
Ethics Expiry Date:
Hazards or Special Handling Concerns
No Yes
If yes, please specify:
Micro-CT Laboratory – Project Application, December 2010
MICRO-CT PROJECT DETAILSAccess Type (please see access information document)
University of Calgary Researcher
Functional Imaging Laboratory Collaborator*
University of Calgary Researcher or Micro-CT laboratory Collaborator*
External Academic Researcher
Are you interested in discussing collaboration with the Micro-CT laboratory for this project: Yes; No
*A collaborator is a principal investigator (PI) who holds joint funding with Dr.Hallgrímsson or Dr.Boyd.
Equipment Required (please check all boxes that apply)
vivaCT 40 and small animal anesthesia system
in vivo study
ex vivo study, must provide rational for vivaCT 40 use:
µCT 35
SDLT tape for micro-CT data storage
Specimen dissection tools
Specimen storage
Other, please specify:
Specimen Details
Sample description:
Scan region and length:
Total number of samples or animals:
Number of scans per sample:
Number of repeated scans per sample:
Total number of scans to be acquired:
Scanning Details (please fill out and submit the excel worksheet, or leave blank if unsure)
Nominal isotropic resolution:µm
Estimated time/scan:min
Estimated equipment time:hrs
Estimated disk usage:GB
Evaluation Outcomes (please check all boxes that apply)
Raw image data export (options: TIFF or DICOM, slice-by-slice)
Qualitative visualizations
Morphology and densitometry (e.g., density, thickness, numbers, etc.)
Biomechanical propertiesusing finite element analysis
Gross structural parameters(e.g., height, volume, etc.)
Shape analysis and variation
Other, please specify:
Analysis Details (leave blank if unsure)
Estimated analysis time/scan:minTotal hours for analysis: hrs
Number of scans to analyze: Required period for analysis:days
Scan Parameters (leave blank if unsure)
Current: µA
Reconstruction matrix:
Integration time: ms
Frame averaging:
Field of view:mm
Post-Scanning Plans
After micro-CT scanning, the samples will be used for:
no plans
histological evaluation
mechanical testing
other, please specify:
Define Variables (these will be used to create standardized file names for your project)
Personal identifier (e.g., BH, SB, etc.):
Project identifier (e.g., CATKNEE):
Expected scan dates and number of scans (e.g., Jul 2011 – 3 scans, Aug 2011 – 12 scans):
Potential project delays:
Funding to Cover Micro-CT Expenses
Funded Funds pending No funding
Funding details related to micro-CT scanning:
Additional Information and Comments:
Please return your completed application and excel worksheet to:
Dr. Helen Buie, Research Engineer
University of Calgary
Functional Imaging Laboratory, HRIC 3A29
3330 Hospital Dr. NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 4N1, Canada
Tel: (403) 220-8411
Micro-CT Laboratory – Project Application, December 2010