Summer Academy to Inspire Learning (SAIL)
Internship positions
Hours: / Internship requirements varyInternship Descriptions: / Outreach and Recruitment Internship Opportunities
Include learning to interact with the UO and community networks to develop and present strategies for outreach activities around higher education. Learn how to recruit college mentors as well as high school students for SAIL program to increase impact of those pursuing higher education; Learn about presentations in schools. Need to be out-going, self-starter, independent, organized, creative, team player.
Event/Administrative Internships
Include staffing events representing the University; interacting with SAIL students, families and community members; planning activities on-campus and in high schools throughout the year; developing new events as needed.
Mentoring Internships within local schools
Include working with SAIL office and community schools in high school career centers and counseling offices assisting high school students with college preparatory activities. Gain experience in schools working on various projects and with students, staff and SAIL.
Custom Internships possible pending on personal interests and program needs. (Grant writing, program evaluation….)
SAIL INTERN Application 2017
NAME: ______SEX: ______DOB: ______
UO ID: ______EMAIL: ______PHONE: ______
AGE: ______YEAR IN SCHOOL: ______T-SHIRT SIZE (circle one): S M L XL XXL
ETHNIC BACKGROUND: Alaska Native American Indian Asian White
Black/ African American Hispanic/ Latino Other/ Multi-racial
DRIVER’S LICENSE #: ______STATE: ______
1. Explain your previous experience working with high school students?
2. Why are you interested in interning for SAIL?
3. What interests you most from the list of possible internships? (check which ones your interested in)
Outreach and Recruitment Internship Opportunities
Event/Administrative Internships
Mentoring Internships within local schools
Custom Internships possible pending on personal interests and program needs. (Grant writing, program evaluation….)
Drug and Alcohol Policy
The use, possession of, and/or intoxication from drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the SAIL Program, including at all SAIL sponsored activities. I ______understand that this is a zero-tolerance policy. I will take responsibility for my actions, be immediately be removed from the program if I defy the policy, and could face prosecution.
The information I give in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I herby give the SAIL program permission to contact my references and submit a background check concerning my qualifications to be SAIL staff member. I also give my permission for my references to provide SAIL information about my experiences with them. If appointed as a SAIL staff member, I agree to abide by stated rules and goals for the program, and will fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability.
Date ______Signature ______
Department of Economics
1285 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1285
Director E-mail: