Council Members Present:
Jon Hanson, Brett Gurholt, Art Wheeler, Brian Johnson, Kylie Blanchard, Jeff Thomas and Kim Humann.
Staff Present:
Connie Werner and Marguerite Ulmer.
Call to Order: President Jon Hanson called the meeting to order at 6:45pm
Additions to the Agenda: Website Update, Tree Trimming and Carpet Cleaning
Approval of Minutes from the May 10, 2016:
Brian Johnson moved approval of the minutes. Brett Gurholt seconded the motion.
Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Marguerite Ulmer presented the Treasurer’s Report. Marguerite inquired why H. A. Thompson charged an additional $25.00 for the quarterly inspection. Art Wheeler will check into this matter and report back to the council.
Art Wheeler moved approval of the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Jeff Thomas seconded the motion.
Motion approved.
Pastoral Assistant Report:
Tim’s report is attached to the minutes.
Staff Reports:
Connie Werner conveyed she would like to take vacation July 29 through August 5.
Council Member Future Goals:
Jon shared a quote, “Step back in perspective, open your heart and welcome transition into a new phase of life.” – Linda Rawson
Committee Reports:
Christian Education – Jeff Thomas
No report
Congregational Nurturing – Kylie Blanchard
Kylie indicated that the Helping Hands group delivered 32 geranium plants to members. They will also be following up with these members to see if there is anything else they may need.
Outreach – Brett Gurholt
No report
Worship and Music – Kim Humann
No report
Congregational Operations – Art Wheeler/Brian Johnson
Art Wheeler presented the monthly General Fund Revenue and Building Fund contributions report.
Call Committee – Jon Hanson
Jon distributed a draft of the Ministry Site Profile for the council’s review. He indicated this also had been submitted to the Synod for review. Discussion followed. He conveyed that Bishop Narum will be meeting with the Call Committee in early July.
Unfinished Business:
WND Synod Assembly – Jon Hanson conveyed that the members who had volunteered to attend the WND Synod Assembly were unable to do so and no response was received to the request for other volunteers. Jon sent an email to Bishop Narum requesting that since Dina Nygaard and Ken Will would be attending the Synod Assembly already that they be considered the Lutheran Church of the Cross voting members.
Parking Lot Repairs - Brett Gurholt presented his findings about chip sealing the parking lot. The approximate cost would be $12,500.00. Discussion followed.
Art Wheeler will obtain another bid and will bring back to the council meeting for the Council to make a decision.
Carpet Cleaning – Art Wheeler indicated he had received two estimates on carpet cleaning. The estimates received were from Advanced Cleaning & Restoration and Arrow Service Team. Discussion followed. By general consensus, the council requested another estimate for carpet cleaning be obtained and report back to the Council. Art Wheeler agreed to obtain another carpet cleaning estimate.
New Business:
Website – The church website is in need of updating. Discussion followed. Connie Werner will update what information she is able to at this time.
Tree Trimming – It has been brought to the Council’s attention that some trees are in need of trimming. Brett Gurholt agreed to obtain estimates for the tree trimming and bring back to the Council.
Mtg adjourned at 7:40pm
Next mtg July 13 @ 6:30pm