Carers Enterprises DBS Service Agreement
The following Guidelines apply to any organisation using the Carers Enterprises Limited (CEL) umbrella DBS service.
The organisation first completes the disclosure application form sections a, b, c, e, w and x ensuring the form is completed correctly and then send the application form with payment to the CEL office in Rugby. The CEL office will sign the registered body section then take a copy and keep on file (in a lockable cabinet) until we receive confirmation of receipt, the CEL copy will then be shredded.
The recruitment decision is the sole responsibility of the employing organisation.
The Policy on the secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of disclosure information and the recruitment of ex offenders policy are attached and must be adhered to.
The authorised person (as attached) from the employing organisation will have the responsibility for verifying the identity of the applicant in section x of the disclosure form and ensuring the form has been correctly completed, otherwise delays will occur when processing the disclosure.
The charges for the disclosures are as follows, these fees are subject to change and any reviews will be notified.
Cheques should be made payable to Carers Enterprises Limited
The prices for the DBS for schemes and outside organisations are: -
Carers Trust network partners
DBS Admin
Charge Charge Total
DBS Enhanced Disclosure £44 £7.66 £51.66
DBS Standard Disclosure £26 £7.66 £33.66
Enhanced with ISA £50 £10.16 £60.16
ISA Adult £6 £2.50 £8.50
Volunteer Nil £7.66 £7.66
External ID Check Nil £5.40 £5.40
External organisations
DBS Admin
Charge Charge Total
DBS Enhanced Disclosure £44 £10.50 £54.50
DBS Standard Disclosure £26 £10.50 £36.50
Enhanced with ISA £50 £13.00 £63.00
ISA Adult First £6 £2.50 £8.50
Volunteer Nil £10.50 £10.50
External ID Check NIL £5.40 £5.40
Please note that the prices include VAT set at the current rate.
Payment must be made by the organisation upon request for a disclosure. If payment is not received the disclosure form will not be submitted to the DBS, the employing organisation will be advised and the form will then be submitted upon receipt of payment. The employing organisation is always liable for payment for disclosures.
CEL reserves the right to withdraw the DBS service if the terms in this agreement are not adhered to.
Authorised person for DBS disclosures/information
This form must be completed by the authorised person from each organisation and returned to the address below:
DBS Department
Carers Enterprises
10 Regent Place
CV21 2PN
The name on this form will be checked against all DBS disclosure forms to ensure that the person checking the identity of the disclosure application has the authority to carry out this task.
I the undersigned agree to adhere to the DBS and Carers Enterprises procedures regarding ID checking, the eligibility guidance, the Policy on the secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of disclosure information and the recruitment of ex offenders policy that are attached they will be reissued as required when updated.
Position .....…………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone Number…………………………………………………………………………
Signed……………………………………………… Dated……………………………
© Copyright Carers Enterprises Limited 2017