School of Human Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706-1524
Email: , Tel: (608) 265-5954
Kohl’s Chair in RetailUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison2016-2021
Department ChairConsumer Science2014-
Professor University of Wisconsin-Madison2013
ChairGraduate Program Committee2009-2011, 2013-
Faculty DirectorCenter for Retailing Excellence2008-present
Associate Professor University of Wisconsin-Madison2008-2012
Assistant ProfessorGeorgia Institute of Technology2001-2008
Assistant ProfessorUniversity of Hawaii1996-2001
Visiting ProfessorUniversity of Hong Kong1/99 – 6/99
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Business Administration, PhD.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Social Psychology, MA.
University of California Los Angeles, Marketing, MBA.
York University, Toronto, Accounting, BBA.
Research interests: Culture, materialism and emotion
Cross-cultural research methods
Consumer decision making and public policy
*Dholakia, Utpal, Leona Tam, Sunyee Yoon, and Nancy Wong (2015) “The Ant and the Grasshopper: Understanding Personal Saving Orientation of Consumers” Journal of Consumer Research, 43(1), 134-155.
*Shrum, L.J., Nancy Wong, Farrah Arif, SunainaChugani, Alexander Gunz, Tina M. Lowrey, Agnes Nairn, Mario Pandelaere, Spencer M. Ross, AyallaRuvio, Kristin Scott, and Jill Sundie (2013) “Reconceptualizing Materialism as Identity Goal Pursuits: Functions, Processes, and Consequences” Journal of Business Research, 66, 1179-1185.
*Wong, Nancy, L.J. Shrum, Farrah Arif, SunainaChugani, Alexander Gunz, Tina Lowrey, Agnes Nairn, Mario Pandelaere, Spencer M. Ross, AyallaRuvio, Kristin Scott, and Jill Sundie (2011) “Rethinking Materialism: A Process View and Some Transformative Consumer Research Implications” Journal of Research for Consumers (Special issue based on 3rd Transformative Consumer Research Invitational Symposium [Baylor], 19.
*Wu, Lan, Yi He and Nancy Wong (2010) “Mood and Comparative Decision Making: The Moderating Effects of Self-Relevance, Self-Relevance and Consumer Impulsiveness” Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 10(3).
*Koert Van Ittersum and Nancy Wong (2010) “The Lexus or the Olive Tree? Trading off Between Global Convergence and Local Divergence” InternationalJournal of Research in Marketing, 27(2), June, 107-118.
*Rindfleisch, Aric, James Burroughs and Nancy Wong (2009) “The Safety of Objects: Materialism, Existential Insecurity, and Brand Connection” Journal of Consumer Research, 36(1), June, 1-16. Lead article.
- Most cited publication in Journal of Consumer Research for 2009, Highlighted in Journal of Consumer Research at 40 (2015).
- Reprinted in Consumer Research Methods (April 2013), James Fitchett and Andrea Davies (eds.), SAGE Publications, London, UK.
- Highlighted in How to Publish High Impact Research (2013), Jeff Joireman and Paul Van Lange (eds.), American Psychological Association.
*Wong, Nancy and Tracey King (2008) “The Cultural Construction of Risk Understandings through Illness Narratives” Journal of Consumer Research, 34(5), February, 579-594. Lead article.
*Wong, Nancy and Richard Bagozzi (2005) “Affect Intensity as a Function of Psychological Distance and Cultural Orientation,” Journal of Business Research, 58(4), 533-542.
*Wong, Nancy (2004) “The Role of Culture in the Perception of Service Recovery” Journal of Business Research, 57(9), 957-963.
*Wong, Nancy, Aric Rindfleisch and James Burroughs (2003) “Do Reverse-Worded Scales Confound Results in Cross-Cultural Research? The Case of the Materialism Values Scale” Journal of Consumer Research, 30(1), June, 72-91.
• Material Values Scale published in PsycTESTS (2011), Research Database, American Psychological Association:
*Ahuvia, Aaron and Nancy Y. Wong (2002) “Personality and Values Based Materialism: Their Relationship and Origins,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12(4), 389-402.
*Gould, Stephen and Nancy Wong (2000) “The Construction of Emerging Consumer and Material Culture in China as Observed in the Movie Ermo: A Post(modernization) Versus Sinicization Reading,” Journal of Global Marketing, 14(1/2), 151-168.
*Bagozzi, Richard P., Nancy Wong, Shuzo Abe, and Massimo Bergami (2000) “Cultural and Situational Contingencies and the Theory of Reasoned Action: Application to Fast Food Restaurant Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9(2), 97-106.
*Bagozzi, Richard P., Nancy Y. Wong and Youjae Yi (1999) “The Role of Culture and Gender in the Relationship between Positive and Negative Affect,” Cognitionand Emotion, 13(6), 641-672.
*Wong, Nancy Y. and Aaron Ahuvia (1998) “Personal Tastes and Family Face: Self-Concepts and Luxury Consumption in Confucian and Western Societies”, Psychology and Marketing, 15(5), 423-441.
• Reprinted in Intercultural Communication, published by Institute of Sociology, Warsaw University, Poland
*Peng, Kaiping, Richard Nisbett and Nancy Y.C. Wong (1997) "Validity Problems Comparing Values across Cultures and Possible Solutions" PsychologicalMethods, 2(4), 329-344.
Way, Wendy, Nancy Wong, and Damiana Gibbons (2011) “Social Network Sites and Internet Forums: An Investigation of Interactions around Personal Finance in the Online Social World” Madison, WI: Center for Financial Security Working Paper.
Way, Wendy and Nancy Wong (2010) “Harnessing the Power of Technology to Enhance Financial Literacy Education and Personal Financial Well-Being: A Literature Review, Proposed Model and Action Agenda, Madison, WI: Center for Financial Security Working Paper.
*Wong, Nancy and Julie Lee (2017) “Putting the Pieces Together: Culture and the Person” in Cultural Issues in Consumer Science and International Business, Hester van Herk and Carlos Torelli (eds.), New York: Springer (forthcoming).
*Wong, Nancy and Xiaohong Liu (2011) “Growth Strategies in Emerging Markets: Examples from the Logistics Industry in the People’s Republic of China” in the Handbook of Contemporary Marketing in China: Theories and Practices, Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 101-113.
*Wong, Nancy and Myoung Kim (2011) “Ecological Factors and Childhood Obesity: A Structural Look” in Leveraging Consumer Psychology for Effective Health Communications: The Obesity Challenge, Rajeev Batra, PunamAnand Keller, and Victor Strecher(eds.), Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 272-291.
*Rindfleisch, Aric, Nancy Wong and James Burroughs (2010) “God and Mammon: The Influence of Religiosity on Brand Connections” in The Connected Customers, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence-Erlbaum, 163-201.
PI, Fetzer Fellowship Award, 2016-17. $45,000
Co-PI, National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program, submitted February 2016.
Co-PI, Sustainability Innovations in Research and Education (SIRE) Grant, 2014-15. $40,000
Co-PI, Sustainability Innovations in Research and Education (SIRE) Grant, 2013-14. $50,000
Co-PI, National Science Foundation CyberSEES Grant, submitted February 2013
Co-PI, Sustainability Innovations in Research and Education (SIRE) Grant, 2012-13. $50,000
Co-PI, National Science Foundation SEP Grant, University of Wisconsin-Madison – 2012-2016. $1,900,000
Co-PI, Social Security Administration Financial Literacy Research Consortium, University of Wisconsin. 2010-2011. $50,000
Co-PI, Social Security Administration Financial Literacy Research Consortium, University of Wisconsin. 2009-2010. $50,000
Asia-Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2001-2008
Journal of International Marketing, 2007-2016
International Journal of Consumer Research, 2010-present
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2012-present
Journal of Consumer Research, 2012-2014
Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2016-2017