November 8, 2010@ 7:00PM
The Regular Monthly Council Meeting of the Tyrone Borough Council was held on November 8, 2010 at 7:00PM at the Municipal Building, 1100 Logan Avenue, Tyrone, PA. Mayor Fink led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and Reverend Barry Neal, gave the Invocation.
Mayor Fink called the meeting to order and requested roll call. Present: Council membersJen Bryan, Mark Kosoglow, William Latchford,Christy Ray, Courtney Rhoades, Patricia Stoner and Mayor Fink. Absent: Council member Steve Hanzir. Also present were Borough Manager John Cornell; Solicitor Larry Clapper; Sewer Superintendent Tim Nulton; Highway Superintendent Jim Bywater;Water Department Employee Dave Lynch; and Administrative Assistant Kimberly Gurekovich.
Mayor Fink presented a Proclamation to the VFW and American Legion, while a POW Flag was placed in Council Chambers.
Mayor Fink also presented a Proclamation to Sue Griep, of the Tyrone Merchants Association for the movie “Unstoppable”.
Mr. Jay Young, Lincoln Avenue
Mr. Young addressed the Council regarding the ceremony for the POW flag and advised that his father was a POW and Tyrone once served as a canteen and was a stop for soldiers along their way.
Mr. Josh Framel, Gamesa
Mr. Framel of Gamesa advised that the last of the blades would be coming through town this upcoming week. Mr. Framel thanked the Borough for the parking restrictions that were in place during the transportation of the wind mill pieces.
Minutes-Regular Council Meeting
Tyrone Borough Council – November 8, 2010
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Laura Stine, Elm Pregnancy Services
Ms. Stine was present to advise Council of a new service in the Tyrone area called Elm Pregnancy Support Services. The new service will provide free tests, counseling, abortion, the importance of abstinence and/or parenting classes. Ms. Stine has provided the Borough with a brochure with contact information.
There was no further public comment.
It was moved and seconded that the minutes of the October 11,2010 Borough Council meeting be approved. Council unanimously approved said motion.
It was moved and seconded that the financial reports for the monthly accounting period ending October 31, 2010 be approved: (1) The Account Balance Report; (2) Statement of Revenues and Expenses; and (3) Cash Disbursement Journal. Questions were asked regarding payment to the Hite Company for traffic lights, glass cleaner at the water plant and uniform allowance for part time officer Josh Franks. After some discussion, Council unanimously approved said motion.
Approval of Sale of Trucks
It was moved and seconded that Council approve the sale of two unused Borough trucks from the Highway Department. The trucks that are for sale are a 1988 GMC S-10 pickup and a 1999 Chevrolet 3500 small dump truck. Council unanimously approved said motion.
2011 Proposed Budget
Borough Manager, John Cornell, reviewed the Proposed 2011 Budget. Mr. Cornell stated that there is no tax increase in the proposed budget. There is also no wage increase for Borough employees, except for the police, who are still under contract. The Capital Fund remains in good financial standing. Mr. Cornell stated that the Borough has done a diligent job in preparing for the future. Minutes-Regular Council Meeting
Tyrone Borough Council – November 8, 2010
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The police budget contains capital items of tasers, replacement of the 2007 Dodge Charger, laptop docking stations for the cars and a computer server.
Capital items proposed for the Highway Department are a new truck and costs associated with the engineering for the Washington Avenue Streetscape project and Storm Sewer Repair at Clay Avenue. Other capital items include repair of Soldier’s Park sidewalk, pool and resurfacing of the hockey rink.
Borough Manager John Cornell recommends that Council adopt this as their Proposed Budget. Mr. Cornell also advised that if Council wishes to schedule a budget meeting as they have done in the past, they should do so within the next week or two.
It was moved and seconded that Council approve this as their 2011 Preliminary Budget. Council unanimously approved said motion.
- The Borough is in receipt of a notice stating that the Stormwater Check Valve Project is eligible for funding. The completed plans were submitted to PEMA on October 29, 2010.
- Two new business have recently opened up in the Borough, Brit’s Clip-n-Dip and Rosalind’s Finds and Consigns
- The premiere of Unstoppable is Friday, November 12, 2010. The Merchants Association has events scheduled for said movie premiere.
- Traffic Study for 7th Street has been received from CET Engineering and they recommend that the Borough seek input from the School, Fire, AMED and local police. Comments are due back to the Borough by December 9, 2010.
- Code Enforcement and Zoning issues continue to be addressed, a report of permits is attached to the Mr. Cornell’s report.
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Tyrone Borough Council – November 8, 2010
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SOLICITOR’S REPORT: The Solicitor had nothing to report.
CONSULTING ENGINEER: Council was in receipt of the Engineer’s report. Mr. Nester was unable to attend; however, Mrs. Ann Reynolds advised that we should hear something regarding the flood gates in January, 2011.
POLICE DEPARTMENT: Council was in receipt of the monthly Police report.
SEWER DEPARTMENT: Council was in receipt of Mr. Nulton’s monthly report. Mr. Nulton advised Council that the Borough was in receipt of a check in the amount of $7,925 for the Demand Response Program.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Council was in receipt of Mr. Bywater’s monthly report. Mr. Bywater had nothing additional to report.
WATER DEPARTMENT: Council was in receipt of Mr. Lynch’s monthly report. Mr. Lynch had nothing additional to report. Council member Bryan inquired as to the timeline for a resident to fix a leak when detected by the leak detection survey. Mr. Lynch advised that they are given 30 days. Council member Ray inquired as to a leak that was in front of her house. Mr. Lynch advised that the hole dug for the repair would have shale in it until the Streetscape project happens.
Jay Young, EMA Director
Mr. Young was present to provide Council with an update as to the EMA office. Mr. Young recently attended a very productive meeting at the County wherein they discussed 2011 projects and possibly color coding the hydrants. They will also be working on upgrading the Emergency Response Plans.
Mr. Young also requested that a 3rd staff person be added to the EMA office. It was moved and seconded that Council appoint Mr. Dave Lynch as Assistant EMA Director. This item was not on the Agenda. Mayor Fink called for public comment and there was none. Council unanimously approved said motion. Mr. Michael Beckwith was previously approved as Deputy for this office. It was noted that these are volunteer positions.
Mr. Young also advised that if a disaster occurs in the Borough, he will need damage assessment personnel.
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Tyrone Borough Council – November 8, 2010
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- Council member Rhoades thanked the Boy Scouts for attending tonight’s meeting.
- Council also thanked the parade committee for their work on the recent Veteran’s Day parade.
The Meeting Adjourned at 7:50PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
John V. Cornell/kdg
Borough Manager