The Seed of God
Kenan Williams
I JOHN 3:1 - 10
1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
E-44 You can take a man that looks like a Christian, acts like a Christian, but if that man hasn't got the Word of God in him, if there isn't a germ of life in there to germitize that, he will never rise in the resurrection. That's right. 'Cause he can't rise; there's nothing in there to raise him up again: a seed.
Now, when you bury a seed, you farmers, you take and go out here and plant your corn, you don't go out every morning and scratch it up, and say, "Let's see now, is it growing? Anything happen to it? No." Put it back down. Late the next day, you say, "I want to see if it's getting along all right." scratch it up again; it'll never grow like that. Well, the thing you do with a seed, you commit it to the ground, cover it up; that's all you can do about it. It's up to God to do the rest of it.
Well, that's the same way it is with the Word of God. If you'll take any Divine promise God made in His Bible, put it in your heart, and water it every day with praises of God, that's going to come to pass, it'll grow, if you don't quit fooling with it, if you'll just leave it alone. Don't say, "Let me see, can I move my finger any better today, do I feel any better, is my headache a little bit better? " Oh, no, it'll never be that, just commit it to God, and walk away, and leave it alone. That's God's seed. It'll grow.
28-3 All right. All right, we notice then. See, the spoken Word... Then we are God's Word made manifest. That's how God wants His church: is to manifest Himself. How can He manifest Himself unless His Own Seed is in that person? How can you use your own thoughts and God manifest Himself through you? How can you take your own belief and say, "Well, my pastor teaches... My--my--my creed says that this... days of miracles..." How you going to do that and then be a manifested son of God? How you going to do it? The death of Jesus wasn't nothing to you. "Oh, I accept Him as my Saviour." You don't. You say you do, but you don't. Your works proves what you are.
Jesus said the same thing. "If you think I am illegitimately born..."
They said, "We're Abraham's son and need nobody to teach us."
Said, "If you was Abraham's children, you'd know Me." See? Said, "Which one of you condemns Me of sin (unbelief)? Show Me one thing that God promised of Me that ain't fulfilled. Show Me one thing that the Father promised that I haven't fulfilled. (Sin is unbelief.) Let's see you produce it then." That--that de-horned them. See? Certainly. Said, "Who's accusing Me? Who can condemn Me with sin (unbelief)?" See? "If I don't believe, then why is the Father doing through Me like He's doing--every Word that He promised? Now, let Me see where you got it in yours."
29-1 Who is illegitimate born then? They were. Illegitimate children professing to be God's... Jesus said, "You are of your father, the devil, and his works you do." What kind of works did the devil do? try to hybreed the Word of God through Eve.
That's exactly the same thing that these big denominations do today. The works of the devil, their father, they do. They're trying to take a creed and breed it with the Word of God. That's what Satan done in the beginning--the father, the devil.
God bless you, brethren. Come out of it. Jesus said so. You've got one little scratch of God in you, you ought to look and see that. Hybrid. Oh, my.
29-4 The works that Jesus did--if a man has the Seed of God in him with the Spirit of God watering that Seed, the same works that Jesus--was manifested in Jesus, Him being the original Seed of God, His death brings you back to the original Seed of God, and if the same Spirit that was within Him is in you, then the same works will be manifested. You don't believe that? All right, let's turn over to Saint John 14:12.
65-3 Can you plant a seed without it manifesting what it is, if it's growing? Can you plant a grain of corn without making corn if it grows? Can you plant a potato less it raise potato? Can you plant a flower without being that kind of flower? Then if you're sowed, and the seed of God in your heart, it's got to produce that. Jesus said, "He shall do My works if he believes Me." If he says he believes It, and these don't follow him, he's a liar, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also, even more than this, for I go to My Father." Why, it's strong, but just don't hit the skidding place and slide off over on to some rock somewhere. It'll just fall down in the valley, so that the winds can't blow it away and the fowls can't get it, it'll grow. Hide it down in your heart.
36 And he was a perfect type of Christ. He was a king over the people. He was a law-giver. He was a--he was a--a sustainer to the people. He was everything, in--in type, that Christ was.
37 Now, then, see that he was born with this great gifts and quality within him, then it only taken Something to flash across that, to bring that thing to Life.
38 See, the seed of God is actually placed in us from the foundation of the world. And when that Light first strikes that seed, It brings it to Life, but the Light first has to come upon the seed.
39 Like I've taught many times of the little woman at the well, her in that condition. Though she be a--an ill-famed person, though her--her life was degraded, and she was in that condition because that traditions had never touched her, but, though, when that Light first struck her, quickly she recognized It, 'cause there was something there to respond to It. "When the deep calleth to the Deep," there must be a Deep somewhere to respond to that call.
483 Thanks be to the living God Who created the heavens and the earth and all that's in the midst! No wonder, "He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; He that was, which is, and shall come; the Root, and Offspring of David; the bright and the Morning Star." He is all-in-all.
484 His Presence, in the individual, with a personal vindication of Himself expressing Himself, the living Word that's promised for the day, expressing Itself through you, a vindication of the great revelation of God. Look, only in an individual, never in a group! An individual; not in a group! His identification is with an individual. You get that? Not with the Methodist, not with the Baptist, not the Presbyterian, not the Lutheran, not the Pentecostals, but as an individual!
485 "I'll take one, and leave one; I'll separate them." That's right. "There'll be two in the field; I'll take one and leave one. There'll be two in bed, and I'll take one and leave one."
486 It's not a group. It is a personal vindication of a pregnated child of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, so surrendered to God that he don't care about anything else. And the Holy Spirit living Its Life, pulsating through him, showing the personal--personal vindication of the Word, Itself, expressing Itself to the people and to the world.
487 How can the world blindly walk by something like that? Just as the same as the Catholics walked by Saint Patrick and didn't recognize him till after he was dead. Same thing they done by Saint Martin, didn't recognize it. Same thing they've done in all ages.
488 The same thing they done to Joan of Arc. The Catholic church burnt her, for a witch, because she was spiritual. About a hundred and fifty years later, dug up the body of those priests and throwed them in, to do penance.
489 It goes right by them, and they don't recognize it till it's gone. It only picks up the predestinated Seed that God predestinated before the foundation of the earth. The same thing come through in the days of Noah, same thing come through in the days of Moses, days of Elijah, days of the prophets, days of Jesus, on down through and to this very hour. The pregnated person with the Seed of God, the Word in there manifesting Itself, so surrendered to the will of God that the Word, and the Word alone, manifests Itself in this person, the prisoner, to an individual.
496 But His mystery is only revealed to His beloved Bride. That's the only one could see it.
497 He said, "Well did Isaiah speak of you, you hypocrites, you snake in the grass. You go out here and say, 'Oh, the great holy prophets! We mark their tombs. We polish them.'" He said, "You are the one that put them in there." Did He say it?
498 Same thing He would say to the Catholic churches in their days, when they were sent the prophets of the old--the old testament before they had Nicaea, Rome up there, and elect. Them old prophets come out of there eating grubs and things out of the ground, with not even clothes on, with sheepskin wrapped around them, and tried to stand for that Truth of the Bible. But the Catholic church wanted their intellectual conception. Then they brought out... There come Saint Ireaneus, Polycarp, Martin, all the rest of them. And what did they do? They put them in the tomb, Joan of Arc, Saint Patrick, and the rest of them. They put them in there, now come back and whiten the walls like they did Joan of Arc. What did they do? They put them in there!
499 Then I say, as His Spirit calls onto you, "Whited walls! You hypocrites, calling yourself something, when you take the intellectual conception of man, and leave the Word go. Instead of come pregnated with the Seed of God, the Word in you, you've taken every other hybrid." No wonder she set as a "whore," because she "commits spiritual fornications," teaching the people things of man and not things of the God.
500 But He said, "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." That's right. Certainly. There we have it.
TOKEN_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_ 63-0901M
119 And, then, so that there would be no mistake! The seed of this life that must be planted in the earth, of this body that is a--a perishable seed; and the life, if it's a perverted life in the seed, it perishes with the seed. But He put Eternal Life into it and identified it as His Own, that in the resurrection He'd raise it up again, not going to be lost. Do you see what I mean?
120 There it is, it cannot perish now. The Life lays over it. It's a Token, lays over that little body, lays over that soul of that person. There is a Token over there, the Holy Spirit, that it belongs to God. It's His. "When I see the Token, I'll pass over you." A positive Token, the Holy Spirit is our Token. Therefore, when you receive the Holy Ghost, you've passed from death to Life. That's all there is to it, 'cause Life is in you. You can no more perish.
121 The Bible said, "He that's born of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin, for the Seed of God," amen, "the Seed of God remains in him." And how can he sin when the sinless God is in him? When he's in a sinless God, how can he sin? No matter what he's done, the Blood's covered him. See? He's a new creature now. His desires and ambitions is of Heaven, because he's changed from a cocklebur to a wheat. His desires ain't the same as they once was, and he displays it.
122 You say, "Oh, I believe That." And still sinning? Na! You're deceived. See? It can't display nothing but the Token.
147 A seal of promise! Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Ghost of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption." Not till the next revival. "Until the day of your redemption!" Being baptized into It, according to First Corinthians 12. And in Him is the fulness, and no sin is recognized in Him. "He that's borned of God, does not commit sin. The seed of God remains in him, and he cannot sin." How can he, when the Token is there? The Token is the sign he has been accepted.
148 And, well, you say, "I sin." Well, then you never had the Token. See?
149 The Token is the barrier, shows that the price is paid. If Satan tries to hand it to you... Just think of this. If Satan tries to hand you some sickness, or tries to hand you something, you know what to do? Show him your Token. Sure, sickness strikes the Christian. Show him your Token, and prove to him that you're a purchased product of God. "Resist the devil, and he'll flee from you." Hold the Token over your unmovable faith in His promised Word.
155 A Church across the nation, we're following Jesus Christ, the Word. To be in the Bride, you have to be remarried to the Word of God, which is Christ. "In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us."
156 As long as you hold to man's tradition of denominations, you are called, in God's Word, "a adulteress." As long as you're a denominational creed-seeker, belonging to a denominational church that denies the Word, you are "an adulteress," what the Bible said.
157 Jesus said, "You cannot serve two gods at the same time. You either serve God or mammon." Mammon is "the world." "He that loves the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not even in him." The Seed of God can't be in him the same time (the love of God) the love of the world is in there. When the Seed of God is operating through you, that's the Word of God. The love of the world can't be in there at the same time. Now where is the short hair, and the shorts, and the painted faces? Now where is it at?
158 You can't be virtuous to Christ, the Word of God, and serve a man-made denomination at the same time. It's contrary to the Word. Paul said here. "Whereabouts?" Romans 7.
159 Neither can you bear God's sons, of His Word, to this illegitimate denominational group. You cannot do it. In your incubator, you cannot bring forth a Word son of God. I'm speaking to the church. But still you claim to be very religious. So was Cain, the prostitute Eve's son, very religious, built altars and offered sacrifice, and paid his tithes and done everything that any other religious man would do. But he failed to keep that Word. He failed to have the revelation.
160 And the revelation is the only thing, the revelation of the Word. What is the... What is a revelation? Jesus said, "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell can't prevail against It." Faith is a revelation; because Faith has been revealed to you.