Held on
Monday 14 December 2015
Present: Organisation:
Kate Fitzgerald Torfaen County Borough Council
Rebecca Hartley Torfaen County Borough Council
Rod Denley-Jones Chair of Town Team, Dawnswyr Blaenafon
Jac Denley- Jones Resident
Wendy Horler Artie Craftie, Secretary of Town Team
Nick Horler Artie Craftie
Stacey Grout Flowers by Stacey
Chris Dukes Flowers Stacey
Berwyn Jones Resident
Jane Heath Resident
Stuart Evans Resident
Emma Harvey Jadeni
Fiona Ford Torfaen County Borough Council
Carol Bolter Bethlehem Chapel
Grenville Bolter Bethlehem Chapel
Louise Kingdon Melin Homes
Claire Dullea Bron Afon
Nick Watts Resident
Peter Griffiths Vice Chair, Town Team
Ruth Saunders Torfaen Youth Service
Wayne Lewis Resident, Blaenavon Town Council
Barbara Lewis Resident, Blaenavon Town Council
William Bunce Resident
Hugh Sweeney Resident
ITEMNO / Action
2 / Minutes of the last Meeting
The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
3 / Action Points
Sub groups – SG confirmed that contacts had been given to PG
Town Cleaning – no incidents had been reported
RDJ – advised that letters had been circulated to businesses regarding Christmas lights.
4 / Melin Homes – development of Training Centre
Louise Kingdon gave the group information regarding a project to start in Blaenavon. CISCO are giving training for IT free to fill the skills gap in Wales. Melin have property near the Co op which was set up with Welsh Government funding but had not been utilised and are setting up Entreproneur courses which will be 15 hours online training – information was circulated.
JDJ asked how residents will know about the courses – LK advised they will be contacted using social media, speaking to school leavers as it is a gateway to employment and will give access to college. They will also identify those made redunant in the area.
LK advised that the vision is that by the end of January a club will be set up to register those interested in the training. Anyone applying will need an e mail address to register. It will need to be marketed and promoted well.
SG asked what times the classes will be run – LK advised there will be evening events for the weekly club.
LK asked that members promote the classes and was thanked for updating the group
5 / Green Dog Walkers
Fiona Ford advised the group that Torfaen is the first local authority to sign up to Green Dog Walkers to educate dog walkers. They have bandanas for dogs and badges for owners to promote the campaign. Those wearing the badges will carry additional bags to give out to other dog owners and these will be distributed to outlets in the town who can also display notices giving out information. Dog Walkers can sign pledge forms and receive the collars and badges.
FF advised that there are a lot of dogs in the Borough and it is important to promote the scheme and will be visiting businesses in the town for support.
RDJ said that he felt that this was a good idea as education is needed but it is difficult to get people to change.
JDJ asked if it will be monitored – FF said that funding is being given by Tidy Towns and will be monitored and findings will be revealed in six months time.
SG suggested that the scheme could be promoted with a stall at the next Flea Market
FF advised that there is a facebook page people can sign up by visiting –
6 / Winter Wonderland debrief
Firstly it was reported that the Town Council and Churches Working Together outdoor Carol Service, Blessing of the Cribb together with the stalls was cancelled due to the weather conditions.
RDJ then said that Winter Wonderland had been a great day all involved had worked very hard to rearrange the plans due the weather and people were receptive to where events were held.
SG advised that there were originally 50 stalls booked and that 42 actually attended. SG was thanked for pulling this all together.
CD asked that a letter be sent to the Youth Ambassadors who had worked on the candy floss machine – the funds raised from this will be given to the Neon Centre. KF said that the music provided by the Neon was good.
It was also requested that a letter of thanks be sent to both Bethlehem and Moriah Chapel for stepping in at short notice and for their help on the day. RDJ asked GB to pass on their thanks to Bethlehem Chapel and said that Moriah Chapel had asked to be involved in future events. It was felt that this is a good way to involve other buildings in the Town.
The group was advised that there will be no more funding available for future events and they need to be looking at ways to save and raise money.
JDJ asked if there could be a bigger Christmas market next year. SG said that it would not be possible to have road closures and the event needs to be redeveloped and grown and maybe could be over 2 days to attract stalls.
RDJ suggested using the car parks as this would not add to the cost of road closures.
CD asked if it would be possible to approach the Town Council and Churches Working Together regarding combining the Town Carol Service/Blessing of the Crib with Winter Wonderland and making this a weekend event and asked for permission to speak to both parties about making changes.
The question was raised if traders would come for three days – it was agreed this would need to be promoted early and marketed correctly. It is necessary to work with other organisations.
GB said that he had been to the Bath markets and the local hospice had been involved. There had been a carol service, readings, lighting of candles and was a very touching service. He felt that if this could be incorporated it would add to the event. This may be possible at St Peters.
Town Team would be responsible for the market, Town Council and Churches Working Together for the services.
RDJ asked for approval from the group to start approaching the other bodies involved – all were in favour
RDJ thanked everyone involved. / RDJ
7 / Summer Sports Day
CD said that events taking place in the town involve road closures and suggested that it might be good to have an event at the Rugby Club on a Sunday maybe in the form of a family fun sports day. This would not incur a lot of outlay and although it would be outside of the town but would be an advantage to the community.
It may not be possible to use the pitch area for some of the events. It could be opened up for the market.
CD said that he would contact AJ to discuss using the Rugby Club and set up a group regarding organising the event.
SG said that the group would not have funding but this would be a way to raise money. Torfaen have a community chest for sports and it may be possible to resource this.
NW questioned if the constitution would allow for activities to be organised by Town Team outside of the town. RDJ said that he had checked the details and it was allowed. SG asked for a copy of the consitituion and RDJ agreed that this would be circulated with the minutes.
It was felt that community groups could be involved with demonstrations and displays, information and help and advice regarding benefits etc.
The timing of this was discussed and it was felt that it would benefit from being the Sunday after Heritage Day – this could have duel advertising and would make it a Heritage Weekend.
RDJ and CD to speak to key stakeholders / CD
8 / Sub Group Reports
Flea Markets – these will be used to tie to base events being held on the first Saturday of each month. Decided not to hold one in January therefore the next event will be on 6 February followed by 5 March. The group hope that these will be expanded. The cost for the stalls is £10.00 and the event in December raised £270.00. It will coincide with the Spring event (9 or 14 May) and then the dance fesitival in July. SG said that local groups can have stalls for no charge. Thanks were given to SG for her hard work.
Marketing – no further meetings have been held but when dates are confirmed these will be posted on Blaenavonlife already have two generic banners to advertise the events, need to take fliers to Abergavenny market to promote events.
Events – nothing to report as PG not at the meeting. SG said that we need to be looking at the Spring event very soon and maybe involving the Horticultural Society with hanging baskets and maybe a Blaenavon in Bloom theme. Basket are available from Torfaen but last year these were not collected early enough. SG said that she could produce these and was asked to enquire about the contract.
Garden Group – At the moment leaflets are being awaited and hopefully will start to move forward in the new year. RDJ reported that he had been approached about open spaces, the Town Council are looking at what they can do with areas in the town and are looking for groups to take them on. One area is the Hope Garden this may be able to be adopted. / SG
9 / Blaenavon Burial Ground
RDJ advised that there was a meeting in November and the next meeting will take place in January. Things are moving forward to provide a sustainable way to clear and maintain the burial grounds in the town.
10 / Town Centre Cleaning
This was postponed but EH said that she had cleaned up Boot Lane but that there is a persistant problem and there are problems with ownership of the area. It was suggested that Torfaen may be able to send letters to the landlords of the properties with entrances onto the lane. EH asked for a copy of the cleaning schedule – WH said that she would forward the schedule produced previously.
11 / Town Centre Benchmarking – postponed
12 / Finance
RDJ reported that there is now £2178.00 in the bank this is due to the Flea Markets being held – SG advised that there is more money to be paid in.
13 / Property Improvement Grant
KF advised that an application had been approved for Blaenavon Kebabs, there has been an application made by the Premier and this will leave £1350 available.
King Street Chapel have confirmed they will be able to spend their grant.
14 / Any Other Business
It was agreed that the Agenda for the next meeting should be limited to give time to discuss future events and set dates to be able to start promotion.
15 / Date of Next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 18 January at 6.30 pm in the Bethlehem Chapel School Room.