Supplementary table 2: Overview of surgical details of selective peripheral denervation and reported side effects in the available literature. Only the most recent publication of each group was included.
Author / Year / Position / Myotomy sternocleidomastoid / Adverse events / Re-operations% (No. patients)
Bertrand / 1993[3] / Sitting / Yes / Occipital numbness; sense of tightness, few; tic-like pain, 3; paresthesias, few; marked postop neck swelling, few; tonsillary abscess, 1; exacerbation of generalized dystonia, 1. / 2 SPD (5)
Ford / 1998[16] / ? / Yes / Deterioration and spread of dystonia, 2. / 38 SPD (6) (1, + thalamotomy)
Chen / 2000[4] / Sitting / Yes + splenius and levator scapulae / Occipital numbness, most; slight neck atrophy, some. / ?
Munchau / 2001[5] / Semi-sitting / Yes / Occipital numbness, all (discomforting, 7); dysesthesia, 7;dysphagia, 7; dysphagia deterioration, 5; wound infection, 1; head tremor deterioration, 2; exacerbation of dystonia, 3 (with generalization, 1; oromandibular, 2); balance problems, 3; trapezius paresis, 1. / 6 SPD (2)
Meyer / 2001[17] / ? / No / na / 63 SPD (19)
Braun / 2002[18] / Semi-sitting / No / Occipital numbness, all; occipital pain, 3; hypoesthesia ear, some; postop hematoma requiring surgery, 3; prolonged dysphagia, 4; laryngosthenosis, 1; paresis trapezius, 2; increase tremor, 2. / 10 SPD (15)
Taira / 2002,
2003[15, 21] / Prone / Yes / Anaesthesia or dysesthesia, all; transient occipital neuralgia, 4.
Cohen-Gadol / 2003[19] / Sitting / Yes / Dysesthesias, 3; shoulder weakness, 3; wound infection, 1; postop myocardial infarction, 1; pulmonary embolism, 1; pulmonary edema, 1; hypoxia, 1;crespiratory arrest, 1; death following respiratory arrest, 1. / 10 (17)
Huh / 2010[10] / Sitting / No / Occipital neuralgia, 3; wound infection, 2; delirium, 1; venous air embolism, 1.
Contarino / Present study / Prone / Yes / Numbness, 13; pain neck/head, 3; paresthesias neck, 2; numbness face, 1; transitory increase head tremor/jerks, 2; temporary stiffness/weakness neck, 3; transitory paresis arm muscles, 2; dysphagia, 2; hypophonia/dysarthria, 3; feels less fit, 1; sleep problems, 1; wound dehiscence and infection, 1; airways infection, 1. / 55 (11) (4 SPD, 7 GPi-DBS)
GPi-DBS, Deep brain stimulation of the globuspallidus; SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; SPD, selective peripheral denervation
Reference List
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