Assessment of the degree of employability support integrated within a module
Please use the table below to give examples of times when, duringthe specifiedmodule,you (the student)have the opportunity to enhance your employability. Employability refers to the set of attributes, skills and knowledge that you need to possess in order to be capable of being effective in the workplace. Please give examples of the ways in which each skill is taught (face-to-face or online), practised (e.g. during formative assessments), and assessed (e.g. contributes to final grade).Please also score the extent to which each skill is embedded in the module based on the criteria listed below, making any recommendations that you believe could improve the score.
0=not considered
Please complete this table for each of the modules that you study.
For further guidance, please contactDr Barrie Cooper,, or Chloe Cunningham,.
Taught / Practiced / Assessed / Score / What activities could improve the score?Communication
Ability to produce well-structured written work, have good oral literacy, make appropriate use of PowerPoint or other visual tools, and have good listening and questioning skills.
Ability to understand information presented in mathematical terms, use graphs and charts to represent data,use mathematical concepts within a range of practical contexts.
Team working
Ability to understand one’s interdependence with others, respecting others, cooperating and contributing to discussions, negotiating, persuading and influencing others.
Problem solving
Ability to analyse facts and circumstances to determine the cause of a problem and identify and select appropriate solutions.
Project management
Ability to work to a brief, setting and implementing objectives, scheduling and managing tasks, producing risk assessment and evaluation strategies to assesses outcomes and outputs.
Research skills
Ability to identify appropriate resources and know how to use them, and use theoretical approaches in a critical and scholarly way. /
Readiness to accept responsibility and improve one’s own performance based on feedback and reflective learning. It also refers to an individual’s ability to be flexible, resilient, be a self-starter, have an appropriate degree of assertiveness, and manage their time effectively.
Commercial awareness
Ability to understand the key factors influencing businesses, including the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Creative thinking
Ability to generate imaginative ideas.
Positive attitude to work
Readiness to take part in new activities and a desire to achieve results.
IT skills
Ability to utilise particular programmes.
Career management skills
Ability to articulate and give evidence based examples of times when the above skills have been developed. This is a particular concern during tasks such as CV writing, attending job interviews and completing job applications. Knowledge about graduate employment options and understanding the current labour market are equally important.
Are there any other skills that you believe students are developing within the module but which were not included above? Please give examples.
This material has been adapted for use at Exeter from various HEA Employability Audit tools