Spalding Park
Drop Off & Pick Up Safety
We currently have approximately 700 students at Spalding Park Elementary. To ensure safe arrivals and departures we have included some guidelines below. We would also like to encourage carpooling, safe biking, and walking for students. Students should walk only where there are sidewalks and cross streets only where there are crosswalks. Remember it is important that we modelappropriate traffic laws with our students when crossing the street to promote safe student behavior. We also ask that you use caution and drive no faster than 15 mph when driving on school grounds. We want to keep everyone safe!
The left lane of the drive is for entry to the parking lot only. The right lane of the drive is for quick pick up only. Please do not park and get out of your car in this lane. You may pull all the way up to the flag pole on either side of the street in front of the school. Always drop off/pick upstudents only along the curb, as it is extremely dangerous to do this in the middleof traffic. Also, do not block a cross walk while picking up or dropping off your student.
Students may not get picked up along the fence line by the entrance to the school grounds. There is no crosswalk or sidewalk there for students to cross or walk safely to their vehicles. There is also no parking or pick up/drop off on the East side of the building for our Kindergarten-5th grade students. This area is for preschool only.
The right lane of the area on the West side of the building is for our Daycare vans. You may park in the left lane of this area, but please do not leave your car. Students should cross at the crosswalk and get in on the passenger side of the vehicle.
If you need to park and walk to pick up or drop off your student, please park in the parking lot and use the cross walks. Students meeting their ride in the parking lot should also utilize the crosswalks and use extreme caution when walking in the parking lot.
*Please see the diagram on the back of this sheet for more specific information on pick up/drop off procedures.
Important Reminders:
- Please arrange car seats for siblings, so students can safely board from the passenger side of the car along thecurb.
- Student should not be dropped off at school before 8:25 (8:00 if they are eating breakfast).
- Remember that we have early dismissal (2:30) on Monday.
- Please notify the office in the event of an emergency that prevents pick up.
- If you are picking up siblings the older sibling should always go stand with the younger sibling.
- Last, but not least, please be patient with staff, teachers, and other parent drivers as we work to get allstudents to and from school safely.
Dismissal Locations:
Kindergarten parents should park their cars in the parking spaces, and then walk to the entrance to the blue wing to pick up theirstudents. Do not park in the preschool area or along the curb.
1st grade students will be dismissed out the yellow wing door and will be standing at the curb along the blue fence. You may pick your 1st grade student up at the curb in front of the school or park in the parking lot and walk over to meet them.
4th grade students without younger siblings will be dismissed out the yellow wing door. They may be picked up in the quick pick up lane in front of the school or may cross at the crosswalk to the parking lot to meet their ride.
2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade students without younger siblings will be dismissed out the front door. They may be picked up in the quick pick up lane in front of the school or may cross at the crosswalk to the parking lot to meet their ride.
Alternative Parking Lot Plan:
If the usual procedures will not work due to snow/ice, traffic will become 2-way at the entrance to the school.
Vehicles should stay to the right. The hill will be blocked off with cones, and cars will be redirected to turn left and go through the parking lot. They will then go back out the entrance, staying to the right. Students will be dismissed from the same locations they normally are.