Newsletter No. 3 autumn 2017
Our focus value for our Collective Worship this half term is Respect and Reverence and our French phrase of the week is ‘À tout à l’heure! ‘See you later!’
House Points: Blue 65 Yellow 61 Red 47
Achievement Awards: 18.09.17
After School Club award for good manners at the lunch table
MDSA award to a child for showing kindness towards others
Rabbit class – Working hard at her phonics
Squirrel class – Showing increased concentration and contribution in his class discussions
Badger class – Using his joined up handwriting script and applying in his work
Owl class – Challenging herself in ordering mixed decimals.
This week the Rabbits are going on a bear hunt.
The Squirrel class are writing stories about lost toys.
The Badger children are learning the place value on each digit in a 4 digit number.
Our Owl Class are placine value in numbers to ten million, ordering and comparing decimals and negative numbers.
Welcome back to Breakfast Club, we hope you had a great summer. Breakfast club opens at 7.45 every morning and costs just £4 per session, payable when you drop off please. Children are welcome to attend on a regular basis or as and when required. Claire & Oscar
After School Club is open for five nights a week until 5:30. Again you pay £4 until 4:30 and £8 after 4:30 – session closes at 5:30. We started our Great Barningham Bake Off (Tuesdays) with Blackberry Crumble last week and are planning an Indian themed night this week with chapattis and raita. We’d love to see you there! Paige & Oscar
Lunch and Key Dates for your diary
Tuesday 19 September – Y6 to TCC for Sports Festival
Tuesday 19 September – EYFS Cooking with Julie
Friday 22 September – Harvest Festival at St Andrews church, starting at 9:15
Tuesday 26 September – Y1 Cooking with Julie
Tuesday 2 September - Kingswood Meeting or Y/ parents, carers and children at 3:30
Thursday 28 September – National Dogs Trust
Friday 29 September – Macmillan Coffee Afternoon
Wednesday 04 October – Y5 and Y6 to Kingswood Activity Centre
Friday 13 October- Meeting for Rabbit class parents and carers, starting at 9:00
Friday 13 October – Harkirat Singh in school
Monday 16 October – Parents’ Evening 3:30 – 5:00
Tuesday 17 October – Parents’ Evening 5:00 – 7:00 (not EYFS)
Tuesday 31 October – Y2 Cooking with Julie
Friday 03 November – Owl class assembly 9:05
Tuesday 07 November – Individual photos
Tuesday 07 November – Y3 Cooking with Julie
Wednesday 08 November – Squirrel class assembly
Tuesday 14 November- Badger class assembly
Tuesday 14 November – Y4 Cooking with Julie
Friday 17 November- Rabbit class assembly
Monday 20 November – New 2018 EYFS intake parent and carer evening at 3:30
Tuesday 21 November – Y5 Cooking with Julie
Tuesday 28 November – Y6 Cooking with Julie
Wednesday 29 November – Scholastic Book Fair
Friday 01 December – Y6 to TCC for Christmas Celebration
The Harvest Festival will be held at St Andrews Church on Friday 22 September at 9:15. We ask children and staff to bring donations for the local foodbanks: tinned food, soap, toothpaste, cereals – rather than fresh vegetables or fruit, please. It would be great to see you there!
There will be a meeting on Tuesday 26 September at 3:30 for parents, carers and children to explain timings, clothing requirements, snack, pocket money and personal items (such as cameras and hand-held games). Please look out for a letter.
Please remember not to include nuts, including nutty bars or peanut butter, as a snack or in a lunchbox. We have a pupil who is allergic to nuts.
We have three clubs running after school. Monday is Code Club – an opportunity for our older children to develop their IT skills; Wednesday is Multiskills with Josh for Y1 – Y3 children – building up teambuilding, stamina through fun (and fast) games; Thursday is Hockey Club with Mr Call.
Please come along and support our Coffee and Cake Afternoon for Macmillan Care on Friday 29 September – starting at 2:00 in the school hall. Cakes and helpers are wanted please!
Why not look on the school website for more information, newsletters, policies and some fantastic photos? First Gardening Group was on Thursday 14 September and was a great success – and I’m sure that you have noticed the trimmed hedges around the school grounds. The next project will be tackling the willow bower, which needs shaping before the winter. Mrs Shelton will be taking some children to clear away the vegetable patch and the front beds as part of her lunchtime gardening group.
Frances Parr
Head Teacher
To learn, aspire, believe and hope through our Christian faith.
Barningham CEVC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children.
The Designated Senior Leader is Mrs Parr; the Alternate Designated Person is Mrs Pipe
and the Governor with Responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Norris
The Online Safety Lead is Miss Shipston and the Governor with Responsibility for Online Safety is Mrs Norris.
The Prevent (Radicalisation) Lead is Mrs Parr and the Governor with Responsibility for Prevent is Mrs Mitchinson.