Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
My Dear Friends,
Lent, the journey to Easter, is always a new gift from God. In Lent we are given an opportunity to reflect on our call to discipleship both as individuals and through our membership of the world wide Church. It is also a time when we might give some thought to personal sacrifice and how we might help those who are less well off than ourselves.
This year, following the devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12, 2010, our Lenten call has even deeper meaning for us. The death toll as a result of the earthquake is now estimated to be over 150,000 people. Jean Zache Duracin, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, has set up a crisis commission to respond to the needs of victims who have turned to the church for much-needed support. Currently, they are caring for 323,000 Haitians. In his own words, Bishop Duracin declared: "We are desperate but strong in faith."
The Primates World Relief and Development Fund is the response for emergency relief, refugees, development, and justice by Canadian Anglicans. To date, the PWRDF has received almost $2 million. I wish to thank everyone who contributed to the people of Haiti through PWRDF and other relief agencies. I am very proud of Anglicans in our Diocese:"Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God." Acts 10:4 I assure you that what PWRDF is doing is changing lives, changing communities, and changing the world.
During this Lent, I ask that you think about your own mission work. Ask yourself, What can I do? How can I serve? Action is the measure of our response to Christ. The challenge, particularly during Lent, is not just to do mission but to be a people of mission.
Every blessing,
The Rt. Rev’d Cyrus Pitman
Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
Welcome to the Parish of
St. John the Evangelist
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland
February 21, 2010
The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God
and in Loving Memory of
George Metcalfe
Remembered by
Son, Robert
Dear Friends in Christ,
As we begin Lent we hear Jesus speaking of what we know to be three Lenten practices: Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting. His words which seem, at first, hearing to be a negative command: “Do not do these things in public” – are really an invitation to live in a way that express who we are as Christians.
In the readings for Lent, they make it clear that our Almsgiving, prayer and fasting are not done to impress others. Since we live as members of a community, all three practices are ways of improving our relationship with others, with God and with ourselves.
Almsgiving is a way of sharing our gifts and resources, be they material or spiritual, and thus acknowledging the value of the other person.
Prayer, which is a dialogue with God, deepens our experience of God’s presence, strengthens our knowledge of God and makes us more aware of who we are and what we place at the centre of our lives.
The Gospel reminds us that Lent is a time to open ourselves to conversion, to a change of heart that brings greater life to us as individuals and to our community.
Father John +
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
PRAY for Provincede L'Eglise Anglicane Du Congo The Most Rev’d Henry Kahwa Isingoma Archbishop of the Congo & Bishop of Boga
Tri-Diocesan Intercessions
Parish of Bay Roberts/Coley’s Point
Rector- The Rev. Amanda Taylor
Parish of Grand Bay
Team Rector’s-The Rev. Peter Boote
The sick
Cyril DaweHelen SheppardMark Mulcahy
Debbie SaundersBev AresCatherine Whalen
Bev ChaytorMuriel FowlerDebbie Taylor
We are pleased to pray for your sick family members and friends. We only ask that you give us an update on their progress. Please let us know when they are well enough to be removed from our prayer list.
The Parish is pleased to announce our website is now up and running. All information is now available online including the weekly bulletin. Please visit our site at
Lenten Café
Our Lenten Café will start this Wednesday, February 24th at 5:30 p.m. serving fishcakes and Vegetables. Tickets $10.00 each. Maximum of 72 tickets to be sold. Please call the office or see any member of Vestry for your tickets.
Mid Week Lenten Services….
…will begin this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. after the Lenten Meal
Haiti Earthquake Relief
A cheque was sent from the Parish of St. John the Evangelist on behalf of our generous parish family to PWRDF in the amount of $110 for the Haiti Relief. Total to date is $2,090!
Lenten Bible Studies
Monday’s in Lent
Beginning on February 22nd the study begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall on “The Passion of the Christ”
Wednesday’s in Lent
Beginning on February 24th the study begins at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall on “By His Stripes We Are Healed”.
150th Anniversary Committee
There will be a meeting on Monday, February 22nd at 7:00 p.m.
All Saints Parish Hall, C.B.S. Sunday Feb. 28, 2010. starting at 7pm. Great gospel music and a selection of music guests. Everyone welcome. For more information, please contact Sandra 834-4627.
The next Ultreya is scheduled for Friday, Feb 26, at New Hope Parish (St. Paul’s in the Goulds) @ 8:00PM. Everyone is welcome at an Ultreya, if you are wondering what Cursillo is all about, then come along and join us. Cursillistas - we challenge you all to invite a friend.Music usually starts around 7:30.