The Meeting commenced at 10.00am and concluded at 11.05am


Councillors Mrs Butt (Chairman), Mrs Moore (Vice Chairman), Matthews and Mrs Evans.

John Pay- (Independent Governor, Co-Opted Member)

Also Present:

David Alderson – (Governance Adviser, Children & Young People’s Strategy, Quality & Improvement Service)

Lisa Gardner – (Clerk, Legal & Democratic Services)

Members of the Public Present: 0


Apologies for Absence were received from Councillor Mrs Walton.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10thNovember 2010, be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


LA Governors- Appointments agreed in principle on 10th November 2010:-

Minute 6, 10.11.10 (e) – Janis Hill (Carter Community College)

David Alderson advised that Janis Hill, who had been identified as a prospective LA Governor for Carter Community College’s Governing Body, met sections 1, 5 and 6 of the eligibility criteria and her appointment had been confirmed accordingly.

Minute 6, 10.11.10 (n)- (Merley First School)

Members were informed that a completed application form was yet to be received for the applicant,although Governor Services would follow this up,with a view to confirming their appointment as soon as possible.

Minute 7, 10.11.10 – Governor One-Stop-Shop

The Governor One-Stop-Shop charity was continuing to generate an increased level of applications for Governor positions across the Borough.

Minute 6, 10.11.10 (r)- Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services / LA Governor

The Monitoring Officer had advisedthat Portfolio Holders for Children’s Services could not also serve as LA Governors due to a conflict of interests and it was suggested that a section be added to the Panel’s Terms of Reference and the Council’s Constitutionto reflect this-

AGREED that Democratic Services:

(i)Adds a section to the Terms of Reference for the LA Governor Appointment Panel, to reflect the above;

(ii)Explores whether a section could be addedto the Council’s Constitution to reflect the above.

Minute 6, 10.11.10- Parkstone Grammar School Trust (Academy Status)

Parkstone Grammar School had successfully transferred to Academy Status in January 2011, Ann Simmons (LA Governor) had been appointed Vice-Chair of the Governing Body and the Chair of the Governing Bodyfelt that a strong link should be maintained with the Local Authority.


Minute 5(o) – Councillors Mrs Butt, Mrs Moore, Matthews and Mrs Evans declared personal interests that they knew John Pay;

Minute 5(b)- Councillors Mrs Butt and Mrs Evans declaredpersonal interests that they knew Barry Smith;

Minute 5(i)- Councillor Mrs Butt declared a personal interest that she knew Janet Morris;

Minute 5(k)- Councillor Mrs Butt declared a personal interest that she knew the applicant;

Minute 5(m)- Councillor Mrs Evans declared a personal interest that she knew Caroline Fowler;

Minute 5(o)- Councillors Mrs Butt, Mrs Moore, Matthews, Mrs Evans and John Pay declared personal interests that they knew Jeff Hart.


David Alderson and John Payprovided an update on the forthcoming Poole Governors’ Conference and highlighted the following points:

  • The Conference would be taking place on Saturday, 19th March, from 9.00am-12.30am, at Canford Heath First School and the theme would be“working in partnership”;
  • There would be various speakers and seminars at the event,including sessions on Finances, School Leadership, working together (etc) and 41 Governors had registered to attend;
  • Some of the Governors with childrenadvised that the Conference clashed with child care commitments and consideration could be given to providing a crèche for future events;
  • The focus had been on achieving “more for less” and Governor Services had sought to arrange a very cost effective event.

The Chairman thanked David Alderson for providing an update and confirmed that Poole was looking forward to hosting its first Governors’Conference.


(a)Bearwood Primary School

There was one vacancy for LA Governor and Governor Services was actively seeking to fill this position.

(b)Broadstone First School

RESOLVED that Barry Smith be appointed LA Governor to Broadstone First School.


(c)Corfe Hills School

Corfe Hills School was due to transfer to Academy Status on 1st April 2011 and the Schoolwished to have a LA Governor appointed to its Governing Body after Academy Status came into effect. One of the existing LA Governors, whose tenure was due to expire in June 2011, had been identified as a prospective candidate for the roleand the appointment would be considered at the next meeting in June 2011.

(d)Courthill First School

RESOLVED that Andrew Pasker be appointed LA Governor to Courthill First School.


(e)Hamworthy First School

There was one vacancy for LA Governor and Governor Services did not envisage difficulties with filling this position.

(f)Hamworthy Middle School

RESOLVED that Brenda Pope be appointed LA Governor to Hamworthy Middle School.


(g)Haymoor Middle School

RESOLVED that Chris Moreton be appointed LA Governor to Haymoor Middle School.


There was one remaining vacancy for LA Governor and Governor Services was actively seeking to fill this position.

(h)Hillbourne School and Nursery

There was one vacancy for LA Governor and Governor Services did not envisage difficulties with filling this position.

(i)Lilliput First School

RESOLVED that Janet Morris be re-appointed LA Governor to Lilliput First School.


(j)Longfleet Combined School

There was one vacancy for LA Governor and Governor Services did not envisage difficulties with filling this position.

(k)Longspee School

RESOLVED that the applicant be appointed LA Governor to Longspee School, in principle, subject to a completed application form.


(l)Merley First School

There were currently 3 vacancies on the Governing Body and Governor Services was actively seeking to fill these positions.

(m)Old Town First School

RESOLVED that Caroline Fowler be appointed LA Governor to Old Town First School.


(n)Poole Grammar School

David Alderson advised that Poole Grammar School was due to transfer to Academy Status on 1st April 2011 and Governor Services would ask the School whether it wished to have a LA Governor appointed to its Governing Body after the Academy Status came into effect.

(o)Poole High School

RESOLVED that Rhiannon Smith be appointed LA Governor to Poole High School.


RESOLVED that Jeff Hart be appointed LA Governor to Poole High School.


RESOLVED that John Pay be appointed additional LA Governor to Poole High School.


(p)St Mary’s Combined School

There was one vacancy for LA Governor and Governor Services was actively seeking to fill this position.

(q)Stanley Green First School

There was one vacancy for LA Governor and Governor Services did not envisage difficulties with filling this position.

(r ) Talbot Combined School

There was one vacancy for LA Governor and Governor Services did not envisage difficulties with filling this position.

(s ) Turlin Moor Community School

There was one vacancy for LA Governor and Governor Services was actively seeking to fill this position.


Longspee School

David Alderson reported that Longspee School had received a judgement of “Good with outstanding features” from Ofsted following its recent inspection and the School had strong leadership supported by a very effective Governing Body.

Merley First School

Merley First Schoolhad 3 vacancies for LA Governor due to Governors retiring and experienced Governors were being sought to fill these positions.The Governing Body needed to know that the Borough was engaged with the School and Governor Services would welcome appropriate support from the LA Governor Appointment Panel in its search for suitable applicants.

Ashdown Technology College

Councillor Mrs Moore advised that the Governing Body for Ashdown Technology College was aiming to strengthen its links with the local community and would aim to ensure that parents were keptfully informed of the forthcoming capital works.

Langside School Event

John Pay advised that Langside School would be holding its Partnership Day, bringing together able-bodied children and children with disabilities,on Friday, 8th July 2011, 10.00am-12.00pm, in Poole Park.

Guidelines for Councillors

The LA Governor Appointment Panel asked David Alderson to produce some draft guidelines for Councillors on their roles as LA Governors, which could be especially useful for any new Councillors that might join after the local elections this May (e.g. seeking to stay apolitical in their Governor role, ensuring that declarations were made, etc).


That David Alderson prepares some draft guidelines for Councillors(possibly in conjunction with the Democratic Services Manager)on their roles as LA Governors for consideration at the next meeting.


Wednesday, 8th June 2011 at 10.00am at Upton House.