Fall 2008 OCASI Professional Development Conference

GenevaPark Conference Centre

Orillia, Ontario

October 22, 23 and 24, 2008

Call for Proposals: Professional Development Workshops

Deadline for submissions:Friday, July 18, 2008


Over the years, trainers and consultants from the community, private and government sector, as well as staff from OCASI member agencies and other community organizations have presented information and workshops at the OCASI Professional Development Conference. Once again, we invite your participation.

Conference Goals and Objectives

The OCASI Professional Development Conference is designed for frontline workers in immigrant and refugee settlement, program coordinators, administrators, directors and managers from community-based immigrant and refugee serving organizations who want to increase or update their skills and knowledge and discuss current and emerging issues with their colleagues.

The goal of the OCASI Professional Development Conference is to enhance the capacity and quality of services delivered by the immigrant settlement service sector.

Its specific objectives are:

  • To enhance the professional competency and skills level of approximately 250 immigrant and refugee service workers and volunteers.
  • To facilitate the networking and sharing of information, innovative approaches and expertise among new and experienced workers
  • To offer a forum for discussion and consensus building on issues related to the development and professionalization of the settlement sector.

Workshop Themes and Selection Process

Conference attendees prefer workshops that provide them with new and pertinent knowledge, strategies and tools to improve their work with newcomers.

“Newcomer Youth” will be the theme of the Fall 2008 Conference, however we will be accepting a variety of workshops to address the vast professional development needs of frontline workers.

The following themes were identified via needs assessment, comments on evaluation forms received after the last conference, and discussions of the Conference Advisory Committee:

Contact: Farheen Beg, Conference Coordinator: 416-322-4950, ext. 260


  • Settlement Counselling
  • Intake and Assessment
  • Case Management
  • Information and Referral
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Using New Media / Technology
  • Bridging Settlement & Employment Counselling
  • Community Partnerships
  • Quality Customer Service Communication Skills
  • Diversity and Cross-cultural Communication
  • Integrating an Anti-Oppression Approach to Settlement Services
  • Self-care for Service Providers
  • Promoting Immigrant Community Engagement
  • Family Violence Prevention
  • Labour Issues / Workers’ Rights
  • Innovative Services for Newcomer Youth
  • Services for Immigrant and Refugee Seniors
  • Service Delivery for LGBTQ newcomers
  • Refugee-specific Issues / Services
  • Supporting Clients with Disabilities
  • Supporting Clients with Mental Health Issues
  • Leadership Development

Contact: Farheen Beg, Conference Coordinator: 416-322-4950, ext. 260


We are open to innovative ideas and emerging trends, so you do not need to be limited by the themes mentioned above.

For your reference, the previous conference program is available online:

Workshops will be reviewed and selected by the Conference Advisory Committee based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to conference participants
  • Practical applicability of knowledge, strategies, and tools
  • Experience and expertise of facilitator
  • Consistency with conference goals and objectives
  • Suitability to conference schedule

Note: Proposals that are not accepted for the Fall 2008 Conference may be considered for the 2009 Professional Development Conferences.

Format Options

  1. Workshop Format – 3 hours

All workshops should:

  • Include a professional development component, with a combination of information, strategies, and tools for frontline workers
  • Incorporate adult experiential learning models
  • Consider policy implications of the topic in the sector (if applicable)

Workshop descriptions should include:

  • Purpose and outline of workshop
  • The intended audience (i.e. frontline workers, program managers)
  • Outcomes: an indication of the skills or knowledge that the participants will have at the conclusion of the workshop
  • Teaching strategies to be employed (i.e. lecture, case studies, focus group discussion, analysis)
  1. Information Sessions / Facilitated Discussion – 1.5 hours

These sessions should be designed to provide information on specific programs, current developments, strategies and/or innovations. Suggested formats:

  • Update and information on new programs, policy or legislation
  • Focus group discussion and analysis session
  • Showcase of recent research, including finding and recommendations
  • Showing and discussion of educational resources such as internet sites, videos, etc.


Modest honoraria will be offered for the workshops as follows:

Information Session / Facilitated Discussion

  • No honoraria or paid accommodation.Free meals will be offered for the day of the presentation. OCASI will reimburse for travel expenses as per OCASI Travel Expense Policy Guidelines.


Facilitators from OCASI Member Agencies, NSP and CIC-funded agencies

  • No honoraria.
  • Free accommodation and meals will be offered for the day of the presentation.
  • OCASI will reimburse for travel expenses as per OCASI Travel Expense Policy Guidelines.

Facilitators from Non-OCASI Member Agencies and other Consultants

  • $500 per workshop
  • Free accommodation and meals for the day of the presentation, if required.
  • OCASI will reimburse for travel expenses as per OCASI Travel Expense Policy Guidelines.

Submission Deadline

Please complete and submit the attached Workshop Proposal Submission Form by Friday, July 18, 2008.

Please note that proposals arriving after that date will not be considered for the October 2008 Conference, and may be considered for theConferences in 2009. Incomplete proposals will not be accepted.

All submissions must be made by e-mail to Farheen Beg, Conference Coordinator at

Applicants will be notified of the outcome by Friday, August 8, 2008. Approved facilitators will receive complete logistic information and will be asked to sign a contract with OCASI.

Fall 2008 OCASI Professional Development Conference

GenevaPark Conference Centre

Orillia, Ontario

October 22, 23 and 24, 2008

Workshop Proposal Submission Form

Deadline for submissions: Friday, July 18, 2008

Workshop / Information Session Title: ______

Name of Facilitator(s) - maximum of 2 facilitators per session:

  1. ______
  1. ______

Name of Organization (if applicable)
Mailing Address:
Postal Code:

Workshop Description:

Workshop description should include:

  • Purpose and outline of workshop
  • The intended audience (i.e. frontline workers, program managers)
  • Learning outcomes: an indication of the skills or knowledge that the participants will have at the conclusion of the workshop
  • Teaching/facilitation strategies to be employed (i.e. lecture, case studies, focus group discussion, analysis)

Is this workshop / information session:

Introductory ______Intermediate ______Advanced ______

Maximum number of participants for your workshop / information session? ______

Please provide at least 2 references

Name / Email / Phone number

Facilitator Biography (100 words or less):

Equipment / Audio / Visual Requirements:

Facilitators are asked to bring their own laptops and LCD projectors, where possible. We will provide each workshop with a flipchart, markers and tape.

Please indicate the items you will bring and that you require for your presentation:

Equipment / You will bring / You need from OCASI
LCD Projector
Overhead Projector
TV and DVD player
TV and VCR
Other (specify):

Are you interested in presenting more than once during the October conference?

Yes or No? ______

Please indicate your availability (check all that apply):

Dates / Times / YES / NO
Wednesday, Oct 22 / 4:00 – 5:30 PM
(Information Session /
Facilitated Discussion Only)
Wednesday, Oct 22 / 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
(Information Session /
Facilitated Discussion Only)
Thursday, Oct 23 / 9:00 AM– 12:00 PM
Thursday, Oct 23 / 2:00 PM– 5:00 PM
Friday, Oct 24 / 9:30 AM– 12:30 PM

Deadline for submissions: Friday, July 18, 2008

If you have any questions, please contact Farheen Beg, Conference Coordinator at or 416-322-4950, ext 260.

Thank you.

Contact: Farheen Beg, Conference Coordinator: 416-322-4950, ext. 260