ACOP Business Meeting

November 1, 2014

Orlando, Florida

Members present: Wendy Fink (APLU), Anne Veeger (University of Rhode Island Chair), Bryan Garton (Missouri Vice Chair), Susan Sumner (Virginia Tech Secretary APS, CLP representative), Richard Crowder (Virginia Tech, CARET representative), Cindy Akers (Texas Tech NARUU), Marcos Fernandez (Purdue University North Central Region), Linda Martin (The Ohio State University Policy Board of Directors, representative), Nancy Irlbeck (Colorado State Past Chair), (NIFA representative), Ian Maw (APLU), Muquarras Qureshi (NIFA)

Meeting called to order by Anne Veeger at 2:00 pm

Approval of 2014 February 27 and July 22 ACOP minutes motion approved and accepted. Fix spelling of Marcos name for the July 22 minutes.

I. Visioning Session

  • Preparation is set with Mitch for the session to start on Tuesday and go through Wednesday at noon. Dinner at 6 pm on Tuesday.
  • Wendy distributed the comments she has received to date. More will come via email.
  • There are 31 people registered to attend.

II. AG STEM Connector

  • A recent report was submitted. Numbers were pulled from FAEIS. Wendy is unclear on how numbers were pulled for the report. A follow up report is planned. Most likely the report will be digital. The audience is unclear: is it students, policy makers? All the industry members heavily influence the committee. What is the next step? Again this is unclear from Wendy’s standpoint. Framing of the report?
  • Marcos talked about the USDA projectthat is lead by PurdueUniversity. Suggestion was made to write a letter about concern that the numbers in the new report do not match the recent data report. Concern about incomplete picture of the STEM report and the source of the data.
  • It is important to collaborate with industry partners to be clear about what skills might be missing with the college curriculum. Develop a list of gaps and a common understanding of what students need to be prepared to handle in industry upon graduation. NIFA fellows program (institutional grants) is a new program for summer experiential learning, which includes global and undergraduate research. It was commented that there isa difference in a study abroad experience versus a company sending a student to learn a business globally. Definition of study abroad versus travel abroad.
  • Concern was raised about the pressure to graduate students sooner (3 years). What is the level of COOP programs in colleges of agriculture? The best examples are in colleges of business and engineering, which are often funded by industry. Dick discussed the culture of companies and how to fit the culture of the student to a specific company. He mentioned several examples of food companies. Training and positioning of students is important. Wendy indicated that at the meeting, companies have a culture to push people (minorities) out. Attract talent but do not keep them.
  • APLU is not a formal member of AG STEM Connector.

III. Committee on Legislation and Policy Report- Susan/Wendy

No report. The group is meeting on Tuesday, November 4.

Concentrating on the implementation of the Farm Bill. Matching language (affects NARRU) for capacity funds for grants. Definition of non land grant was developed.

IV. NARRU Report– Cindy Akers (Texas Tech)

Of concern to NARRU is the recent certification of non-land-grant universities as eligible for the non-land-grant colleges of agriculture capacity building grants from NIFA. The recent 2014 NARRU annual meeting was the largest NARRU meeting. NARRU is growing and providing excellent programing at the annual meeting. The 2015 meeting will be in Kansas City.

V.CARET Report- Dick Crowder

  • Excited to be the CARET representative to APS.
  • CARET is optimistic about the budget. The meeting was about big issues instead of smaller details. The group spent a great deal of time on the definition of agriculture.
  • Issues discussed: water, antimicrobial, infrastructure at universities, measure what is going on in research, GMOs, unified voice on at least core areas, healthy food/food people program update, relationship with AHS and how to be more effective.

VI. AG*IDEA- Bryan Garton

Handout provided

VII. Executive Director’s Report- Ian Maw

  • Infra structure study is going forward from Sightlines. Invitations (assessment) will go to all institutions plus 23 NARRU to participate in the study. NIFA is hoping for a large participation pool.
  • BAA futuring task force ($50,000) has been commissioned.
  • APLU and veterinary colleges to put together a task force on antimicrobial resistance, with plans due by mid February 2015. Looking for GAPS in research as well as educational efforts needed to inform consumers. Lonny King (Dean vet school at OSU) and President of Illinois, Ronny Green (UNL) and Tom Koon (Oklahoma State), Ian Maw, representatives from industry, USDA and FDA as observers.
  • Research white paper
  • NAS pipeline of studentsstudy possibly a meeting in October 2015.
  • Marketing efforts ($55,000) from BAA to KGlobal. This is an issue for administrative heads.Testing of messages. This will come with an increase in assessment.

VIII. Associate Director Report - Wendy


IV - Final 2014 Budget

  • Handout. Budget is on target. Only one institution did not pay assessment.
  • The APS budget is healthy. There are reserves in the budget.

X. 2015 Budget

  • Budget accepted to be presented on Monday at the APS meeting. Separate the teaching grants as they are now just a footnote.

XI. FAEIS Discussion

  • The leadership of the grant at Virginia Tech is changing. Dr. Susan Sumner and Dr. Pete Ziegler will become the principal investigators. A job description and posting for a programmer has been done. As apart of the winter 2015 APS meeting, APS will have a discussion on FAEIS to concentrate on best practices and the data that is collected.
  • Recommendation to acknowledge Bill Richardson’s work on FAEIS. Need to get the NARRU resolution.

XII. Old Business

  • Salary surveyhad a low participation rate

XIII. New Business

  • Staff Development at The Ohio State University in May 2015 (May 18-20).Travel will be on the 18th with the meeting starting that evening.
  • Marcos Fernandezwill present results of the USDA/NIFA Employment Opportunity for Agriculture Graduates report at the winter 2015 APS meeting. Will need a full afternoon of the meeting.