School-Wide PBIS: Action Plan
Using ASP Results
Critical ElementSection / Action/Activity / Who is
Responsible / Timeline / Resources, PD, information, assistance needed
Attendance Tier 1 Critical Elements (Based on ASP)
A Staffing- Attendance Officer identified
- Administrator identified
- Administrator fully trained on policies, procedures, reports and data, strategies, and other areas of attendance
- Secretaries fully trained on policies, procedures, reports and data, strategies, and other areas of attendance
- School Social Worker fully trained on policies, procedures, reports and data, strategies, and other areas of attendance
- Teachers fully trained on policies, procedures, reports and data, strategies, and other areas of attendance
- Staff aware of attendance issues
- Staff involved in establishing and reviewing goals and have opportunities to provide feedback throughout the year
- Administrator has budgeted money
- Administrators have communicated the whole/half/period attendance timeframes as determined by the district to all stakeholders.
- The Secretary runs the Attendance Completion Log and Follows-up daily and collects and enters excuses in School Information System
- The Secretary follows school procedure for documenting and entering late students and/or early dismissal.
- The Secretary accurately codes suspensions, withdrawals, and transfers in the School Information System and updates attendance record upon re-entry.
- The Secretary checks the AlertNow reports for disconnected numbers and follows up with those home contacts.
- The Secretary sents the 5 day Certified Habitual Truancy Letter (daily) and keeps a hard copy.
- School Social Works communicates regularly with staff regarding pending attendance referrals and documents all contacts home in the School Information System.
- School Social Worker reviews Auto-generated 8 Day Attendance Referral daily
- School Social Worker reviews and completes necessary tasks for Auto-generated TABS referral on a routine basis.
- School Social Worker completes DA Referrals on a routine basis.
- Teachers accurately enter attendance for their class daily or by period and updates attendance records for late students.
- A curriculum to teach the components of the attendance system to all staff is developed.
- Plans for training staff how to teach expectations/rules/rewards are developed, scheduled and delivered as well as a plan for teaching students.
- A plan for teaching students expectations/rules/rewards is developed, scheduled and delivered
- Booster sessions for students and staff are plannned, scheduled, and delivered
- Plans for orienting incoming staff, students, and families are developed and implemented
- Attendance completion log is run daily (with follow up)
- AlertNow report reviewed daily
- Subgroup data reviewed at least monthly
- School wide expection that students are on time and prepared to learn is taught and reinforced
- Attendance data is discussed with students monthly.
- Behavior Lesson Plans(Cool Tools) regarding attendance are taught monthly.
- Strategies to share key features of attendance plan with family/community are developed and implemented by the Universal Team.
- Attendance is identified as a responsible behavior and is incorporated into existing Tier 1 acknowledgement system.
- Schedule for rewards/incentives for the year is planned for the year.
- A procedure for regular review of parent contact information for accuracy has been identified and is implemented.
- A process for the Universal Team to share data with all stakeholders has been created and implemented.
- Student information is regularly updated in the Student Information System to maintain accuracy.
MPS Curriculum & Instruction October 2013