Curriculum Action Plan 2017-2018
Aims and why / Actions (By who and when) / Milestones / Progress commentEnsure the curriculum is well balanced for all children. (With a crammed curriculum it is essential all subjects have a high importance. Children see significance in subjects if they are cross-curricular. ) /
- Monitor time tables and learning journey. (RR)
- Ensure topics continue to be more cross curricular. (RR)
- Have days for foundation subjects e.g. DT or RE day. (All staff)
Monitor time tables and learning journeys.
Interview children reviewing their curriculum from last year and share in staff meeting.
Staff meeting on curriculum reviewing enjoyment, impact, bottom 15%, mastery and gender.
To ensure lesson design enables and allows for mastery in English and Maths.
(It is essential children are secure in their learning before they are move on to the next steps. All staff need to know what this looks like and how to successfully implement it) /
- Staff training on Mastery and what it looks like in English and Maths. (JB, IH, LC, RR)
- Ensure lesson design challenges all. (RR, LC, EH)
- Ensure staff know everyone can master at their level and that even very simplistic learning outcomes allows for mastery. (RR)
Math co-ordinator to plan with each year group implementing mastery.
Staff training on mastery
To continue implementing Active Learning
(In school pupil voice has proven that the children enjoy active sections to lesson and during learning walks it was evident last year that, if done correctly, they can increase impact and reduce staff workload). /
- Monitor the academic impact as well as enjoyment. Monitor lesson designs and notebooks. (RR)
- Pupil voice. (RR)
Monitor planning.
Autumn 2
Learning walks
Ensure lesson design allows for feedback that reduces workload but is immediate, more effective and increases progress.
(Being clever with how we formatively assess has been proven to make children progress at a higher rate and reduce staff workload. Pupil surveys last year indicated children were still happy with their feedback even after a change to our marking policy). /
- Share successes from last year. What had the most impact on attainment and progress and did it reduce workload. (All staff)
- Pupil voice continue to monitor (RR)
Book looks for progress in maths, misconceptions addressed and in writing self editing and improving of work. (Ensure consistency)
Autumn 2
Pupil Voice
Monitor progress (throughout the year)
Continue developing and implementing book led learning in writing. /
- Monitor lesson planning. (SLT)
- Training from Jane Branson
- Pupil voice. (SLT)
- Adapt curriculum planning taking note of gender gaps. (all staff)
Implement planning based on meeting with Jane Branson
Review previous year’s planning and learning journeys.
Review books ensuring they excite the children, encourage a high level of writing and are accessible to all.
Interview and video children discussing last year’s books and share with staff.
To review classroom books, curriculum lesson designs and topics ensuring they are not promoting gender bias. (More and more research has shown that gender stereotypes are enabling both genders to underachieve and these stereotypes are affecting their school curriculum interests and future career choices). /
- Review whole school books.
- Order new books.
- Review planning.
- Challenge gender stereotypes on classroom displays and in lessons.
To increase enjoyment for RE and French.
(These 2 subjects have always been the lowest in enjoyment by children) /
- Rebrand RE (CB, LK)
- PPA cover to teach RE throughout the school. (JJ)
- Work with interfaith party in Brighton and Hove. (JJ)
- Multicultural day. (JJ, LK)
- KM to teach French to the whole school alongside the class teacher. This should improve the children’s French and increase staff confidence.
Meet head of interfaith community.
Share our current planning and review.
Launch SPHERICAL thinking (PSHE and RE combined) (JJ&LK)
Review French curriculum and begin to deliver. (KM)
Mathsco-ordinator to provide planning and teaching support so that maths lessons are in line with the mastery approach, children are retaining concepts and mastering their maths.
(LC will be working with the local authority in this area) /
- LC to meet with maths planners to consult on planning lesson design, progression and to ensure the mastery approach is implemented.
Maths planners update curriculum map after each maths unit is planned to show coverage of objectives.
Assessments looked at to inform planning.
Further develop the school’s mastery approach to mathsso that teaching focuses on small steps, CPA approach and conceptual understanding.
Lesson monitoring has shown that children have been moved on too quickly in the past and lessons focus on too many concepts. / LC to begin Primary Mastery Specialist Programme in Sept 2017.
- LC to participate in 3 professional development residentials.
- Develop own understanding of skills for teaching maths for mastery.
- Work with colleagues to develop teaching for mastery approaches in our school.
- Hold TRG meetings.
- Lead a pilot TRG with teachers from local schools.
- Collaborate with maths hub lead and other mastery specialists.
- Explore the Maths No Problem maths textbook programme.
Maths No Problem Training in January 2018