July 18, 2011

The Board of Aldermen met in regular session with Mayor R.E. Graner at City Hall, 206 North 16th Street, on Monday, July 18, 2011 at 5:30 p.m.

Present: / Graner, Flesher, Mann, Williams, Nichols
Absent: / none
Others Present: / Janelle Hagler, Jaunita Schroff, Sabra Hamilton, George Hulet, Kenny Robertson, Ann Burrows, Ora Eisenbarger, Joe Johnson, Stuart Johnson, Phil Conger, Sharon Smith, and Cris Stallings.
Meeting Called To Order / Mayor R.E. Graner called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance / The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approve Agenda / Mayor R. E. Graner called for a motion for approval or amending of the agenda.
Mayor R. E. Graner requested a closed session for personnel.
Motion made by Alderman Fred Flesher to add a closed session for personnel and seconded by Alderman Randall Mann.

Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye

Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye

Approve Bills / Mayor R.E. Graner asked if there were any questions on bills presented for payment and if not, a motion to approve the bills.
Motion made by Alderman Jeff Nichols to approve the bills presented for payment and seconded by Alderman Todd Williams.

Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye

Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye

A-Z Window Service 45.00

American Fire & Safety 910.75

ANR Pipeline Company 5,974.78

Baker & Taylor Inc 634.20

Bethany Tire Center 85.00

Book Systems Inc 725.00

CarQuest Auto Parts 552.33

Carrot-Top Industries Inc 88.39

Cintas Inc 113.64

Constellation Newenergy-Gas 31,076.00

Country Woman 29.98

Elecsys International Corp 139.98

Environmental Compliance Sol 745.00

Fedex 22.66

Fleet Services 6,079.55

Fordyce Equip Inc 82.87

Foster, Bryan 321.60

Gale Group, The 216.70

H*D Supply Waterworks 150.00

Haslter Inc 60.00

Hawkins Inc 2,157.00

HD Supply Utilities LTD 1300.45

Hoover, Brenda 120.00

Ikon Financial Services 108.49

Ikon Office Solutions 7,211.00

Jennings, Charles L. 65.00

Kansas City Life Ins 222.06

Lewistown Plumbing Inc 185.40

Maryville Typewriter Exc 39.99

Midwest Laboratories 444.60

MO Economic Dev Council 125.00

Missouri One Call System 31.20

Norris Aggregate Products 312.03

North MO Family Health 90.00

North Missouri Satellite 755.99

Northeast Power 70.00

Northwest Implement 7.02

O’Reilly Automotive 33.36

Petty Cash 122.59

Petty Cash – Bethany Pub Lib 14.39

Quality Chemical Co Midwest 533.04

Quill Corporation 232.67

R/S Electric Utility Services 26,700.16

Radio Shack 59.99

Randy’s Auto Service 80.95

Sam’s Club 280.00

Solomon Electric Supply 89.40

Trenton Coca-Cola Bottling Co 674.00

Tyler Technologies Inc 2,130.90

US Foodservice Inc 1,314.93

UMB Bank 24,898.14

USA Blue Book 147.29

Utility Consultants Inc 75.00

Utility Safety and Design 6,872.16

Vance Brothers Inc 45.09

Winners Circle Awards 138.55

Missouri Joint Mun Elect Ut 270,814.68

Total $396,555.95


Void Check

UMB Bank 24,898.14

Total $24,898.14



Hagler, Janelle 1,355.02

Johnson, Cathy 805.65

Lawson, Kevin 970.10

Dierenfeldt, Rick 1,014.45

Fordyce, Brandon 77.66

Russell, Melvin 707.40

Russell, Robert 875.58

Hayden, Rickey 1,110.92

Brown, Johnathan 637.81

Stottlemyer, Lela 245.19

Gard, Paul 898.82

Burns, Walker 983.81

Clemmons, Ted 957.96

Greene, Richard 896.73

Groves, Kenneth 924.33

Breer, Michael 594.89

Cowell, Christopher 796.24

Jennings, Randy 947.04

Allen, Jeremy 515.74

Bennett, Garrett 418.33

Ratcliff, Toby 434.15

Clark, Coltyn 466.79

Vandivert, Ashton 444.86

Stoner, Kelli 413.61

Wright, Nolan 364.30

Lathrum, Shea 450.97

Bugbee, Alyssa 469.85

Ragan, Drake 332.25

Underwood, Thomas 313.84

Schroff, Jaunita 1,133.12

Turley, Rebekah 850.34

Ellis, Joyce 701.95

Doll, Jacob 64.15

Hamilton, Sabra 930.35

Groom, Brian 1,041.69

Holloway, Bryan 997.23

Place, Trevor 830.89

Gannan, John 800.20

Meissen, Matthew 584.78

Burkhead, Mike 719.04

Murphy, Jamie 738.65

Kinnison, Teresa 488.02

Wooderson, Karen 113.98

Dunlap, Erma 151.72

Sanders, Linda 176.14

Robertson, Kenneth 1,159.12

Willis, Brian 669.56

Puffer, Toby 674.73

Hoover, Charles 740.04

Hulet, George 1,103.82

Thompson, Brad 622.60

Pierce, Scott 475.19

Butler, Kelsey 439.37

McClure, Cody 407.26

Shepard, Kelli 584.57

Pettijohn, Tiara 263.92

Hulett, Sydney 437.21

Bennett, Whitney 370.41

Barnett, Brooke 935.93

Williams, Lindsay 630.91

Thomas, Michelle 689.50

Kohler, Ann 326.01

Schell, Norman 273.73

Ing Life Insurance 505.00

BTC 11,662.07

Community America 50.00

Harrison Co Circuit Court 81.54

Total $52,849.03

Approval Of Minutes / Mayor R. E. Graner called for approval or correction of the minutes of July 5, 2011.
Motion made by Alderman Jeff Nichols to approve the minutes of July 5, 2011 and seconded by Alderman Todd Williams.

Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye

Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye

17th St Terrace / Sewer Issue / Mayor R. E. Graner asked for discussion over the 17th Street Terrace sewer issue.
Joe Johnson spoke on behalf of the residents that were involved with the sewer issue. The residents believe since the sewer line runs under the road then it is the City’s responsibility. The sewer line consists of four homes which include Gerald Smith, Jeff Nichols, Ann Burrows, and a vacant line capped off. All four sewer lines are connected into one – 4 inch line. Administrator Janelle Hagler had talked with MIRMA and they replied with a letter stating that the City was not responsible for service lines. The City takes responsibility for all the main sewer lines. The service line is the responsibility of the land owner. Joe Johnson believes that the City should pay because they accepted the Haas Addition.
Administrator & Department Reports / Mayor R. E. Graner asked for Administrator and Department reports.
Bid / 750 KVA Transformer / Kenny Robertson, Electric Operator, explained to Council that Prinsco has upgraded their equipment and added a night shift. Prinsco has burnt up four transformers and the cost is $1,200.00 a piece. Prinsco has agreed to pay for half of a new 750 KVA transformer and the City pay for the other half. The bids submitted for a 750 KVA transformer were from Solomon for $9,250.00; Arkansas Electric for $12,960.00; and Kriz-Davis did not submit a bid. Kenny Robertson’s recommendation to purchase a 750 KVA from Solomon for $9,250.00.
Motion made by Alderman Fred Flesher to purchase 750 KVA from Solomon for $9,250.00 and seconded by Alderman Randall Mann.

Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye

Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye

Carbon Building / George Hulet, Water/Sewer Superintendent, needs to get new bids on the carbon building at the Water Treatment Plant. T & P Construction was the successful bidder but is unable to complete the building. George will be submitting new bids at a later date. The second bidder was Roy Pankau but he will not be able to start the project until October. George Hulet would like the project to be completed as soon as possible, if all possible.
WWTP Bond / Administrator Janelle Hagler talked to the County Clerk’s Office on behalf of putting the Wastewater Treatment Plant bond issue on the ballot. The information will need to be turned into the Courthouse by August 30, 2011 for the November election. There will not be enough time to complete all the paperwork to have it on the ballot for November.
Grease / George Hulet reported a sample was collected from McDonald’s and showed they were over the required grease limit. Cris Stallings, City Attorney, will send a letter to McDonald’s explaining that this problem needs to be corrected or there will be a fine issued.
Alderman Todd Williams would like George Hulet to go by B & G Muffler to check on the water line that was installed. The sewer line was hit when installing the water and it has settled.
Bids / Fire Station / Administrator Janelle Hagler presented the bids on removing the bricks on the Northeast wall of the old Fire Station; install firing strips and painting metal. The bids submitted was Whitney Roofing for $1,750.00; Roy Pankau for $1,875.00; and Alan Smith $2,322.50. John Gannan’s, Fire Chief and Building Inspector, recommendation was Whitney Roofing with low bid of $1,750.00.
Motion made by Alderman Fred Flesher to accept John Gannan’s recommendation for removal of bricks on the Northeast wall of the Old Fire Station to Whitney Roofing for $1,750.00 and seconded by Alderman Randall Mann.

Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye

Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye

Bids / Community Center Guttering / Administrator Janelle Hagler presented the bids to replace guttering on the Community Center Building. The bids submitted were Roy Pankau for $682.00; Alan Smith for $2,325.00; and Quality Roofing and Construction Company for $4,825.00. John Gannan’s recommendation is for the low bid to Roy Pankau for $682.00 and seconded by Alderman Fred Flesher.

Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye

Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye

Bids / Replace Flat Roof / Administrator Janelle Hagler presented bids to replace flat roof on the Old Fire Station. The bids submitted was Whitney Roofing for $7,280.00; Robert’s Roofing for $24,587.00; and Quality Roofing and Construction Company for $8,350.00. John Gannan’s recommendation is to go with low bidder Whitney Roofing for $7,280.00.
Motion made by Alderman Jeff Nichols to accept John Gannan’s recommendation to go with Whitney Roofing for $7,280.00 and seconded by Alderman Todd Williams.

Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye

Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye

Bid / Repair Wood and Paint Com Room / Administrator Janelle Hagler presented bids to repair the rotted wood and paint the outside of the Community Center. The bids submitted were Bryan Foster for $3,575.00; Roy Pankau for $2,235.00; and Alan Smith for $4,812.00. John Gannan’s recommendation was to go with low bidder Roy Pankau for $2,235.00.
Motion made by Alderman Jeff Nichols to accept John Gannan’s recommendation for Roy Pankau to replace rotted wood and paint outside of Community Center in the amount of $2,235.00.

Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye

Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye

Gas Project / Administrator Janelle Hagler told Council that Ted Clemmons, Gas Superintendent, reported that that gas project on South Street will begin on July 18, 2011.
Administrator Janelle Hagler told Council that the Street Department will be working on Bartlett Street and will be mowing as well.
Aquatic Center / The Aquatic Center has been very busy with daily swimmers, parties, and aerobics. The final payment has not been paid to Vanum.
Great NW Wholesale Water Commission / Steve McIntosh stopped by and left some books about the Great Northwest Wholesale Water Commission. According to the Missouri Drought Response Plan, Harrison County is located in a severe drought. This indicates that the surface water is inadequate during the drought and the groundwater is sufficient only for domestic needs. Bethany has plenty of water at this time and sees no need to pay meter fees at this time. Harrison County PWSD #2 is not a member with Great Northwest Wholesale Commission at this time.
Simple, Handy, Risk-based Integrity Management Plan (SHRIMP) / Ted Clemmons, Gas Superintendent, needs a distribution integrity management program in place by August 2, 2011 for the Pipeline & Hazardous Material Safety Administration. A company called SHRIMP (Simple, Handy, Risk-based Integrity Management Plan) can help prepare the plan at the cost of $495.00.
Dog Pound / The Dog Pound was inspected by Ron Praisewater, Animal Health Officer, for the Department of Agriculture on July 14, 2011. The violation that was issued was people not writing clearly and not putting their address down.
MIRMA / Administrator Janelle Hagler will be attending the MIRMA Conference at Tan-Tar-A on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 and return Friday, July 22, 2011.
Sales Tax / Sales Tax is up 10% from last year.
Economic Development Report / Mayor R. E. Graner asked for the Economic Development report.
CDBG Survey / Sabra Hamilton, Economic Developer, is working on the CDBG survey. Sabra is contacting people that have not returned the surveys. There have only been 141 surveys returned to help get other grants there needs to be 350 surveys returned.
Governor’s Conference / Sabra Hamilton, Economic Developer, will be attending the Governor’s Conference September 22, 2011. The City of Bethany will be receiving and award for MoCAPP. Sabra has two extra tickets if any Councilman would like to attend and accept the award with her in Springfield.
B & D Party Time / Sabra Hamilton attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for B & D Party Time on Saturday, July 16, 2011.
Fred Flesher sold his business to Misty Wilczek and Emily Rollheiser and they will take possession August 1, 2011.
Public Input / Mayor R. E. Graner asked if there was any public input.
Information Center / Ora Eisenbarger reported that there were 91 visitors that signed the guest book at the Information Center in June.
Bartlett Street / Ora Eisenbarger asked if Bartlett Street is going to be repaired because it is in very bad shape. Administrator Janelle Hagler reported that the Street Department was going to be working on that Street this week.
Council Reports & Comments / Mayor R. E. Graner asked for the Council Reports and Comments.
Traveler’s Street Market / Alderman Fred Flesher had several good reports on the Traveler’s Street Market.
Caboose / Alderman Todd Williams helped load the old caboose that went to Albany. Todd would have liked to see it left in Bethany.
Enforce Ordinance / Alderman Todd Williams notice that there are a lot of places that need to be cleaned up. Alderman Todd Williams would like someone to drive around and enforce ordinances. Administrator Janelle Hagler told Alderman Todd Williams that she is hoping after the meter reader gets trained that he will be able to report the violations since he will be walking all over town.
Library Clock / Alderman Jeff Nichols reported that the Friends of the Library would like to get the clock fixed at the Library. Administrator Janelle Hagler reported that the clock had been hit by lightning and did not think it could be repaired.
Library / Alderman Jeff Nichols reported that the Library Board would like to make the library handicap accessible to the basement. The Library would like to put a book store in the basement.
Correspondence / Mayor R. E. Graner correspondence or appointments.
Michelle Thomas / Michelle Thomas would like to start working at a second job. Michelle will be helping Jillian Long improve her motor skills.
Motion made by Alderman Randall Mann to allow Michelle Thomas to work with Jillian Long and seconded by Fred Flesher.

Nichols – Aye Williams – Aye

Mann - Aye Flesher– Aye