Kildare County Council Arts Service 2007



  1. Assistance will be restricted to “the arts” as defined in the Arts Act 2003. ‘Arts’ means any creative or interpretative expression (whether traditional or contemporary) in whatever form, and includes, in particular, visual arts, theatre, literature, music, dance, opera, film, circus and architecture, and includes any medium when used for those purposes
  1. Assistance shall be given only in respect of a specific body of work, project, exhibition, activity or event that would, in the opinion of the Council, stimulate public interest in the arts, provide the knowledge, appreciation and practice of the arts, or assist in improving the standard and development of the arts.
  1. Individual artists, arts groups and community projects may apply for the Arts Act Grants
  1. Grant aid provided by Kildare County Council must be acknowledged in all publicity material associated with the project.
  1. Assistance shall be given only in respect of an exhibition or other event held in Kildare.
  1. The applicant, organiser or organisation must be Kildare based.
  1. An exhibition or event in respect of which assistance is given shall be held only in a suitable premises.
  1. Assistance shall not be given in respect of commercial activities.
  1. Assistance shall be by way of a money grant.
  1. All applicants under the Arts Act Grant Scheme will be advised of Councils decisions in writing.
  1. Payment of a grant will be in respect of specific activities and not towards the payment of former debts.
  1. The payment of a grant is not taken as an indication that the equivalent of any grant will be made to the organiser on another occasion.
  1. Applications for assistance should be made on the official application form including

(a)A description of the proposed exhibition or other event.

(b)A declaration of grants or other assistance received or sought from other source.

(c)Details of income and expenditure

  1. Apart from the foregoing applicants shall furnish such particulars or information, as the Council shall deem necessary to consider an application.

15. The Council may at any time review these guidelines but such reviews shall not prejudice

applications received before the date of their revision.

Applications should be forwarded to:

Kildare County Arts Service, Riverbank, Main Street, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.

Tel: 045 448318/448328 Fax: 045-432490 E-mail:



Kildare County Council Arts Service 2007



Name of Organiser/Artist:______

Organisation (if applicable)______

Name and Title of contact person(for payment purposes):





Please outline details of the Organisation /Artists work______




No. of members in Organisation (if applicable)______

Project/ Event for which grant is being sought:






You should attach information to support your application e.g.:-

  • An estimate of the expenditure and income in respect of the project or event
  • Supporting material from previous productions, shows, exhibitions etc. with dates, venues
  • Cv of artist, or profile of organisers
  • Photographs

State if grants or other assistance have been received or sought for the event or exhibition from K.C.C. or any other source. If so, give details



I declare that the foregoing information is correct. I attach documents referred to above and I am aware of the Council’s Guidelines for assistance to the Arts.
