Headteacher: Miss V HuntTel: 01442 389040
Fax: 01442 390589
10th June 2016
Year 5 Curriculum Letter Summer 2nd Half Term 2015-16
Dear parents,
Welcome back to school for the final half-term of the academic year. Let’s hope the sun shines and gives us all the opportunity to get outside and do some learning beyond the classroom! Our whole school topic this term is “Changes”, while our school value is “Compassion”.
For our class book this term, we will be reading the classic Charlotte’s Web by E B White. Our class focus will be a European Country Study. Meanwhile, we will also be taking part in the very exciting “Fiver Challenge” Young Enterprise initiative.
Dates for your diary:
Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th June: Y5/6 cycle training
Thursday 16th June: Ogden Trust Y5/6 Science Day at Berkhamsted School
Tuesday 21st June: French Day
Thursday 23rd June: Hazard Alley Trip
Thursday 7th July: Class transition morning
Friday 8th July: Reports home
Friday 8th July: Fiver Challenge finale event at Ashlyns School
Tuesday 12 July: Sports day
Wednesday 13th July: Y5/6 Olympics at Sportspace
Wednesday 13th July, 5pm – 6.30pm: Open evening
Thursday 14th July: Children’s disco
Tuesday 19th July: Reserve sports day
Wednesday 20th July: Staff vs pupils netball match
Thursday 21st July, 9.30am: Leavers’ church service
Thursday 21st July: break up at 1.30pm
As usual, please ensure your child has a replenished pencil case for this half term, and that painting shirts and PE kits are in school at all times!
Kind regards,
Mr Potter
An overview of learning in Year 5, Summer 2nd Half Term, 2015-16
Understanding English, Communication and languages(Speaking & Listening, Reading, Writing, MfL) / Mathematical Understanding / Religious Education
- non-chronological report writing based on our class text, “Charlotte’s Web” by E B White.
- grammar, handwriting an spellings will continue to be taught explicitly by Mrs Forsyth on Fridays, and daily within whole class sessions, small group work and individually
- French, taught weekly by Mr Potter. / The children will to be taught a variety of maths skills in the areas of:
- understanding simple algebraic expressions and calculating the unknown values in given algebraic equations.
- understanding properties of 2D and 3D shape
- understanding expressions for calculating properties of shape, such as volume, perimeter, area, etc. / RE is taught by Mrs Archbold. Our value for this term is Compassion. The children will be learning about the difference between ultimate and non-ultimate questions including raising questions, suggesting answers and understanding that religions may give followers the answers to some of the mysteries of life.
Scientific and Technological Understanding
(Science, Design & Technology) / Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding
(PSHE, History, Geography) / Computing
In science this term, we will continue to look at plant and animal life cycles, looking more at animal adaptations, teeth, the respiratory and circulatory systems and reproduction in plants. / In history and geography, we will be conducting a study of a European country. This will involve comparing and contrasting the lifestyles of people living abroad with those we live at home, and understanding how societies change over time. / For our Computing unit this term, we will continue to study the use of database software to help understand how data is stored and retrieved in information systems. We will look more at the aspects of programming within this context.
Understanding physical development, health and wellbeing.
(Physical Education, Personal and Economic Wellbeing) / Understanding the Arts
(Art and Design, Music, Drama, Dance)
The children will be doing outdoor striking games with Mr Macey, as well as elements of athletics. / Art and Design
For art and design this term, we will be producing artworks inspired by our class text, Charlotte’s Web. / Music
The children will continue to learn the ukulele this term.
Do unto others as you would have them do to you (Luke 6:31)