Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Location:Development Services Building, Room 107A/B

Recorder:Reede Hapner, Prince William Area Agency on Aging


Lisa Bell, Neabsco District

Michael Bizik, Occoquan District

Mark Fletcher, DARS

Lillian Garland, Neabsco District

Susan Rudolph, Gainesville District

Lisa Schuman, Brentsville District

Karen Smith, Chairperson, Potomac District

Paul H. Weisenberger Jr., Coles District

Sarah Henry, Agency on Aging Director, Staff

  1. Call to Order 7:05P.M.Karen Smith, Chairman
  2. Welcome & IntroductionsKaren Smith, Chairman
  3. Pledge of AllegianceKaren Smith, Chairman
  1. Citizens TimeNone Presented
  1. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the April 4, 2017, meeting approved.

Motion: P. Weisenberger; Seconded: L. Garland; In Favor: All; Opposed: None

  1. Guest SpeakerAlan Wooten

a.Karen Smith introduced Alan Wooten, Executive Director of Prince William County Community Services.

b.Mr. Wooten began by saying the PWC CSB is one of 40 Community Service Boards (CSBs) in Virginia and it is the second largest CSB jurisdiction by general population in the state. They are the single point of entry to public funded mental health, developmental and substance abuse services.

c.The CSB provides a centralized intake process that begins with an assessment to determine the services an individual may need. The CSB also provides psychiatric assessments for persons experiencing mental health crisis. These can include Emergency Custody Orders (ECOs) and Temporary Detention Orders (TDOs) and Crisis Intervention Teams (CITs).

d.The CSB provides case management, employment and residential services for those with developmental disabilities including infants and young children; through their early intervention programs; which helps to eliminate gaps between adolescent and adult behavioral health programs.

e.They are working to implement same day access to assessment and referral for treatment, trying to improve their wait time for mental health appointments and reduce the driving distance for these appointments.

f.Mr. Wooten said their agency is always pursuing additional funds through the state and federal levels. They have many non-profit community partners that help them to provide services and they continue to look for new partners.

g.In closing, he said the CSB continues to review the services provided and seek options to fund additional services, especially for Veterans and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

  1. Old BusinessKaren Smith, Chairman

Sarah said she received an email from the Manassas Social Security Office. They would like to meet to discuss the concerns that were mention in previous correspondence. Sarah followed up with the manager and received no response regarding meeting. She will continue to follow up and try to secure a meeting. Karen suggested that she take to the congressional level.

  1. New BusinessKaren Smith, Chairman


  1. Host Agency UpdatesSarah Henry

a.Sarah provided copies of the “Ready-Help Emergency Preparedness Toolkit for Individuals” guide to members. Theproject was funded through a grant from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) MRC Challenge Award.

b.Sarah announced the Agency on Agingis a recipient of a 2017 n4a Aging Achievement Award for the program called Wills for Vets: A Legal Service for Veterans program. Barbara Diehl developed the program in 2015. The award will be presented to the Agency at the Annual Conference in Savannah, Georgia on July 30, 2017.

  1. Members Time and Announcements
  1. Susan said there are significant Medicaid changes coming. She advised members to visit the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) website and review the changes.
  2. Mike announced the principal at Garfield High School, Dr. Cherif Sadki was named 2017 Outstanding High School Principal of Virginia by the VASSP; he was selected for his creativity and imagination in bringing about positive change, improving the education program, student achievement and involving the community in the life of the school.
  3. Karen announced The Arc’s National Convention is scheduled for November 2-4, 2017 in San Diego, California.
  1. Karen mentioned Senator Kaine and Senator Warner continue to be supportive of the affordable health care act and Medicaid for those individuals with disabilities.
  1. Adjournment
  • Karen adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
  • The next meeting is scheduled for August 1,2017,at 7:00pm