I. Time Allotments (per week)

Grade K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

II. Art Guidelines

A. General

1. The Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools, Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, 2001 should serve as a resource on which all fine art programs are based.

2. The 2004 Visual and Performing Arts Framework for California Public Schools should serve as a resource guide for Visual and Performing Arts programs.

3. Education in the arts is essential for all students. Schools should provide a balanced curriculum, with the arts as a part of the core for all students.

4. The arts should include, when possible, dance music, theatre, and the visual arts.

5. The four arts disciplines have in common the following five components:

a. Artistic perception - processing sensory information

b. Creative expression - producing works by creating them or performing original or existing works

c. Historical and cultural context - understanding and appreciating the arts in the time and place of creation

d. Aesthetic valuing - analyzing, making informed judgments, and pursuing meaning in the arts

e. Connections, relations, and applications - connect and apply what is learned in the arts to other art forms and subject areas and to careers.

6. Students should experience each of the four components of each arts discipline during the year in a program focusing on art instruction that is:

a. Subject centered

b. Connected to other arts disciplines

c. Connected to other core subjects

7. Art programs should include a variety of experiences, including trips to art museums; art exhibits or festivals; and theatre, dance and orchestra performances.

8. Academic rigor is a basic characteristic of a comprehensive education in the arts, including the following:

a. Learning through active practice, rehearsal, and creation or performance of works in the arts

b. Reading about the arts and artists

c. Researching, writing, and communicating about the arts

d. Reflecting on the arts in thoughtful essay or journal writing on one's observations, feelings, and ideas about the arts

e. Participating in arts criticism on the basis of observation, knowledge, and criteria

9. Technology is recognized as an essential tool that enhances learning and expression in all the arts disciplines and provides for expanded forms of expression in digital and electronic media.

B. Recommended Art Programs

1. Silver Burdett Making Music K-8

Scott Foresman

135 S. Mount Zion Road

P.O. Box 2500

Lebanon, IN 46052

William Quinn

(916) 961-8763

2. Scott Foresman Art (6-8)

Scott Foresman

135 S. Mount Zion Road

P.O. Box 2500

Lebanon, IN 46052

William Quinn

(916) 961-8763

3. Art Connections – K-6


220 East Danieldale Road

DeSoto, TX 75115

4. Art and the Human Experience (6-8)

Davis Publications

50 Portland Street

Worcester, MA 01608

(508) 754-7201

5. Glencoe Middle School Art Series – 6-8

Glencoe/McGraw Hill

P.O. Box 543

Blacklick, OH 43004

(800) 334-7344

C. Art Resources

1. The Visual & Performing Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools, Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, 2001

2. Visual and Performing Arts Framework, 2004

California State Department of Education

Publication Sales

1430 N Street, Suite 3207

Sacramento, CA 95814-5901

$19.95 (plus tax)

3. Literature for the Visual and Performing Arts, K-12, 1996

California State Department of Education

Publication Sales

P.O. Box 271

Sacramento, CA 95802

Item No. 1266 $10.25 (plus tax)

4. Field trips to local art museums, at the appropriate grade levels, are encouraged.

a. San Jose Museum of Art

110 South Market

San Jose, CA

(408) 294-2787

Museum Art School, Diane Levinston, Director

Art classes and outreach programs/classes

Let's Look At Art

Docents will visit schools to present free programs on art for grades 4, 5, and 6.

b. Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

1342 Naglee Avenue

San Jose, CA

(408) 287-9171

c. Stanford University Museum of Art and Art Gallery

Museum Way and Lomita Drive

Stanford University, CA

(415) 497-3469

d. Triton Museum of Art

1505 Warburton Avenue

Santa Clara, CA

(408) 247-3754

e. M.H. de Young Memorial Museum

Golden Gate Park

San Francisco

School Services (415) 750-3640

f. Oakland Museum

Museum of California Art, Ecology & History

1000 Oak Street

Oakland, CA

(510) 238-3401

g. The Getty Center for Education in the Arts

401 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 950

Santa Monica, CA 90401

6/22/2007 – Fine Arts Guidelines 2