National Hydropower Association

Northwest Regional Meeting

Idaho Power Company,

1221 W. Idaho St., Boise, ID

October 17-18, 2012

October 17 – Tour Idaho Power Company’s Swan Falls Project and Museum

11:00 amDepart Idaho Power Company, 1221 W. Idaho St, Boise -includesbox lunch

5:00 pmReturn to Boise

6:00 pmInformal no-host reception on theTerrace, Owyhee Hotel, 1109 Main St.

October 18 – Northwest Regional Meeting - Idaho Power Company Main Auditorium

8:00 – 9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 – 9:10Welcome and Introductions

Suzanne Grassell, Chelan County PUD and Secretary – NHA Board of Directors

John Esler, Portland General Electric and President - NWHA Board of Directors

9:15 – 9:45Governor C. L. (Butch) Otter

9:45 – 10:00Lisa Grow, Vice President, Idaho Power Company

10:00 – 10:30Columbia River: Its salmon & Its hydropower – An Update

Terry Flores – Northwest River Partners

10:30 – 10:45Break

10:45 – 12:15One Project, Competing Species - Management of multiple fish species

Many FERC licenses require protection or enhancements measures to support fish populations. Unfortunately many projects include multiple fish species whose habitat requirements are at odds with each other. This panel will explore how their respective utilities are working through this challenge.

Moderator: John Esler, Portland General Electric & NWHA President

Megan Hill, Portland General Electric

Joe DosSantos, Avista

Jim Chandler, Idaho Power

Joe Miller, Chelan County PUD

12:15 – 1:15Lunch

1:15 – 1:45NHA Washington Update – Linda Church Ciocci – NHA Executive Director

1:45 – 2:45What is new in the Pacific Northwest hatchery world?

Moderator: Pat McCarty, Tacoma Power

Mort McMillen, McMillen, LLC - Sockeye Program in Idaho

Keith Underwood, Natural Resources Manager, Tacoma Power –new hatchery development considerations

2:45 – 3:00 Break

3:00 – 4:00 Shoreline Management – effective tools for equal enforcement

and ending encroachments

Hydro licensees are required to control use and occupancy of project lands and waters to ensure consistency with the purposes of protecting and enhancing the scenic,

recreational, and other environmental values of the project. Many licensees have experienced significant challenges implementing shoreline management plans (SMPs). This panel will explore specific, successful means of enforcing SMP and permit requirements and ending encroachments.

Moderator: Nancy Craig, HDR Engineering, Inc.

Sheryl Dotson, Grant PUD

Brian Burky, Avista Corporation

Allison Murray, Kleinschmidt Associates

4:00 – 4:10ICOLD 2013 Seattle - Briefing

Dan Hertel, Engineering Solutions LLC

4:10 – 4:20Closing Remarks

Suzanne Grassell, Chelan County PUD and Secretary – NHA Board of Directors

John Esler, Portland General Electric and NWHA President

NHA thanks the following companies for their generous support of this meeting:

Host Utility:Host Sponsor:

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Media Sponsor: