MDIA 3970-001Communication Technology and the Environment (Spring 2014)

Dr. Ed Youngblood

Contact Information: Email: ffice: Tichenor 223Office Phone: 334.844.0257

Class Meets: TR9:30-10:45 am in C. E. Davis Aerospace Hall 302

Office Hours:MW 10:00-11:00 am; TH 11:00 am -12:00 pm; and by appointment. Office hours will be held in my office (Tichenor 223) or in HC-1204. Office hours may be used for discussions related to coursework, and academic or career advising.

CLASS OVERVIEW:“The digital revolution, it turns out, is littered with rubbish.” (Gabrys, 5) The digital revolution has been accompanied by a tremendous amount of e-waste. Much of this e-waste is toxic to humans, animals, and the environment as a whole. The production of our digital technology is also far from benign, and has negative effects on both the environment and society. The media industry, however, cannot turn away from these technologies, and the production and use of older media technologies, such as print, film, broadcast media, the telegraph and the telephone, were also harmful to humans and the environment as a whole. At the same time that e-waste threatens the environment, the companies manufacturing communication technology and consumer electronics encourage us to replace these items with great frequency, in some cases going so far as to build them to fail early and make the devices difficult to work on. The production of media content can also be problematic, with issues ranging from energy consumption, to set construction, to efforts to modify the landscape to make it meet a specific visual aesthetic. This course is designed to help us learn about and wrestle with these issues, including ways to help lessen the environmental impact of the media industry.


This course is designed so that students will be able to:

  • explain differing ethical frameworks for viewing the environment
  • explain the environmental impact of the production of communication technology
  • explain the environmental impact of the use of communication technology
  • explain the environmental impact of production and distribution of media products
  • explain what planned obsolescence is, how it applies to communication technology, and what the implications are for the environment
  • discuss the life cycle of various communication technology products
  • discuss the legal issues and governmental policies associated with communication technology and the environment
  • explain ways to minimize the environmental harm caused by communication technologies
  • produce an organizational sustainability plan to minimize the environmental impact of communication technology

ASSESSMENT: Formal:Written and/or interactive projects, portfolios, exams, homework, class discussion.Informal:Polling the class, non-graded quizzes, active learning techniques, muddiest point activities.

REQUIRED TEXT:R. Maxwell & T. Miller, Greening the Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Other required readings will be available online.

ASSIGNMENTS: Assignment descriptions will be posted on Canvas. Assignments and online quizzes are due by 11:59 pm on the date indicated on the syllabus unless otherwise indicated. Assignment grades will be cut one letter grade (10 points) for each day the assignment is late. Some assignments may have multiple-parts. The assignment is not complete until all components are turned in. Points will be deducted for not following all instructions and/or if an assignment is not complete. Consult with the instructor at any time regarding any of the assignments. Readings for class will be discussed on the day listed on the syllabus. Students with university excused absences (see the Student Policy eHandbook) are still responsible for missed class material.

GRADING: Grading criteria will be provided for each assignment. Students will be evaluated on both the use of specific content creation tools as well as knowledge and ability to apply design concepts and techniques. I will assign final grades on a 10-point scale, with 90-100 equaling an A, 80-89 a B, 70-79, a C, 60-69 a D, 59 or below an F.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance in this class is mandatory. As the class meets in a computer lab, I may need to let you into the room. I will be by the door 5-10 minutes before class to let people in. You are allowed three (3) unexcused absences. Absences beyond that will result in a deduction of five (5) points from your final grade for each absence. Absences caused by extended illness or hospitalization will be considered as excused absences. The student is responsible for bringing adequate documentation and ensuring that their attendance is properly recorded. Students must present documentation within one week after they return to class unless arrangements are made with the Instructor. Make sure you sign the role sheet everyday. If you do not see the sheet, please ask me for it. Unless prior arrangements are made, you need to be in class the entire period to be counted as having attended class for the day. If you are more than 10 minutes late for class you are considered absent for that day. Students with university excused absences are still responsible for missed class material. For more information, see the Student Policy eHandbook (

WITHDRAWING FROM THE COURSE: Students may withdraw from the course through midsemester (Feb. 27) with no grade penalty. “W” assigned.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES:Students who need accommodations are asked to electronically submit their approved accommodations through AU Access and to make an individual appointment with the instructor during the first week of classes – or as soon as possible if accommodations are needed immediately. If you have not established accommodations through the Office of Accessibility, but need accommodations, make an appointment with the Office of Accessibility, 1228 Haley Center, 844-2096 (V/TT).Please note that I do not make accommodations without university verification, nor do I backdate accommodations.

DIVERSITY: The Department of Communication and Journalism recognizes the importance of both reflecting and teaching diversity. Our policy is intended to be inclusive of all underrepresented and minority groups whatever their race, religion, national origin, gender, age, ability or sexual orientation.

ACADEMIC HONESTY:All portions of the Auburn University Student Academic Honesty code (Title XII) found in the Student Policy eHandbook at will apply to this class. All academic honesty violations or alleged violations of the SGA Code of Laws will be reported to the Office of the Provost, which will then refer the case to the Academic Honesty Committee.

CLASS TIME IS FOR LEARNING. You are expected to stay focused on the class. The following activities are among those I consider inappropriate use of lab time—e-mail, playing games, surfing the Web, using chat programs. After the first warning, a student may be asked to leave the class with an unexcused absence. If you have an emergency situation that requires you to leave your phone on, please talk to me before class.

CIVILITY IN THE CLASSROOM: Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. In order to assure that all students have the opportunity to gain from time spent in class, unless otherwise approved by the instructor, students are prohibited from engaging in any other form of distraction. The AU Classroom Behavior Policy is strictly followed in the course; please refer to the Student Policy eHandbook at for details of this policy. Students asked to leave the classroom for disruptive activity will not receive credit for being in class that day, i.e. it will counted as an unexcused absence. Before each class, please turn off or silence all cell phones, beepers, alarms, or any other electronic noise-making device.

EMERGENCY CONTINGENCY STATEMENT: If normal class and/or lab activities are disrupted due to illness, emergency, or crisis situation (such as an H1N1 flu outbreak), the syllabus and other course plans and assignments may be modified to allow completion of the course. If this occurs, an addendum to your syllabus and/or course assignments will replace the original materials.

COMMUNICATION: Course announcements will frequently be made by email using your Auburn email address and/or through Canvas. Make sure that you check your Auburn email account. Grades and some course material will be distributed using Canvas. Many of the course assignments will be turned in through Canvas as well. Because of the problems posed by spam, please put “RTVF 3970” in the subject line of any email you send me. Be aware that failure to use the correct subject line may mean that your email message will not be read. Students can typically expect me to respond within 24-hours during the week or by 5:00 p.m. on Monday if you email me late on Friday or over the weekend.

Issues Papers: 10%
Over the course of the semester, you will have a series of short papers that ask you to examine a range of issues related to communication technology and the environment including personal media use/ownership; how technology is produced, consumed, and disposed of; and how companies and governments handle technology-related issues.
Quizzes/Reading Responses: 10%
During the course of the semester, you will respond to several prompts on Canvas based on the readings, discussions in class, and/or class projects, as well as take online quizzes over the readings. In addition there may be pop quizzes in class.
Life Cycle Map: 15%
Each group will create a visual life cycle map following the life of a device from production through disposal. This includes looking at the raw materials used to create the device, how the device is produced, transported, sold, used, and disposed of. You will present these in class. / Sustainability Plan: 25%
Each group will create a media sustainability plan for an organization. This project includes a written report and in-class presentation.
Panel Presentations:15%
Each group will be responsible for presenting an issue to the class and then leading a discussion of the issue, including an activity that engages the entire class. The presentation and discussion should take around 50-60 minutes. Each group should plan on scheduling a meeting with me the week before they present to discuss their presentation. Each group will be responsible for providing handouts for the class as well as providing me with an electronic copy of the handout the day before the presentation. You can use short video clips in class if appropriate, but all clips must be approved. Each topic is a bit different and may require different presentation styles. The team should select 1-2 readings to share with the class and will need to write a set of possible exam questions based on the presentation.
Midterm Exam: 12%
Final Exam: 13%


Wk. / Date / Topics & Readings (due date listed) / Assignment Due & Date
1 / Jan. 9 / Class Introduction
In class: The Great Smog of London
2 / Jan. 14 / Technology, Technology use, and Consequences
Unintended Consequences of Technology
Cellphone as a agent of change
Technodeterminism / Reading Response (Jan. 13)
Jan. 16 / Technology, Technology use, and Consequences
A definition of pollution
A brief history of pollution
25 biggest man made environmental disasters
The real impact (infographic)
In class: Cuyahoga River videos / Sign up for groups
3 / Jan. 21 / Thinking about old technology
When old technologies were new
Future Schlock
Dead Media Project
History of Environmental Politics: “History of Environmental Transformation” (5-21) / Reading Response (Jan. 20)
Jan. 23 / What do we own? / Issue Paper #1: Media Inventory (Jan. 22)
4 / Jan. 28 / Talking about the environment
Greening the Media, Intro & Chapter #1 / Reading Response (Jan. 27)
Jan. 29 (15th Day)
Jan. 30 / Environmental Ethics (possible guest lecture)
Watch: Trade Offs of Building Green. (YouTube)
Read: Leopold's Land Ethic
5 / Feb.4 / Planned Obsolescence
Greening the Media, Chapter 3
Made to Break / Reading Response (Feb. 3)
Feb.6 / Film: The Light Bulb Conspiracy
6 / Feb.11 / Conspicuous Consumption
Stop keeping up with the Joneses
Inconspicuous Consumption / Reading Response (Feb. 10)
Feb.13 / Environmental Economics (possible guest lecture)
An Economic Reality Check (Ted Talk)
Changing Behavior: A Social Marketing Approach
In class: The Poisoner's Handbook(PBS) Lead
7 / Feb.18 / Conflict Minerals
From mine to mobile phone
Tungsten’s tainted trail / Panel: Problems with Raw Materials
Feb.20 / Manufacturing & Workers
Greening the Media, Chapter 4
My gadget guilt
Do Chinese workers dream of iPads
Watch: Ted Talk: Voice of Chinese Workers (14 min) / Issue Paper #2: Technology Teardown (Feb. 24)
Panel: Health Issues
8 / Feb. 25 / Manufacturing & Workers (cont.) / Mid-Semester (Last Day to withdraw with no grade penalty; deadline for request to move final.)
Feb.27 / Midterm Exam
9 / Mar. 4 / E-Waste
The afterlife of cellphones (New Yorker)
Unwanted electronic gear rising in toxic piles (NYT)
High Tech Trash (National Geographic)
E-Waste Videos (in class)
60 Minute e-Waste Report (YouTube)
Frontline report on Ghana (PBS)
How to recover gold from scrap computer chips (YouTube) I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING THIS.
Mar. 6 / E-Waste (cont)
Greening the Music Industry (External Link)
Power Pollution & the Internet (NYT) / Panel: Industry Issues
10 / Break
11 / Mar. 18 / Building the Cloud(possible guest lecture)
Toward a green Internet (Science, v. 339: 1533-1534)
Is cloud computing always greener (EPA)
Power of the wireless cloud (CEET) / Panel: Powering Technology
Mar. 20 / Sustainability Policies
Greening the Media, Chapters 5 & 6
WalMart’s Corporate Sustainability Policy / Reading Response (Mar. 24)
12 / Mar. 25 / Lifecycle Map Presentations / Lifecycle Map Presentations
Mar. 27 / Government Sustainability Policies (possible guest lecture)
E-Government and Environmental Sustainability
National Strategy for Electronic Stewardship
13 / Apr. 1 / Governments & Policies (cont)
Discuss findings from reading response / Issue Paper #3: Policy Analysis (Mar. 31)
Apr. 3 / Environmental group tries to sabotage wolf hunting season (NPR) / Panel: Protest
14 / Apr. 8 / Polluting Space(possible guest lecture)
Kessler Syndrome
Space Junk
The Growing Peril of Space Debris
Apr. 10 / Can I fix it?
Greening the Media, Chapter 7 & Conclusion
iFixIt self-repair manifesto
In class: Hands on with Linux / Reading Response (Apr. 9)
15 / Apr. 15 / Can I fix it?: Panel discussion / Panel: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Apr. 17 / Sustainability Plan Presentations
16 / Apr. 22 / Sustainability Plan Presentations
Apr. 24 / Semester Wrap Up
17 / Final Exam

Important University Dates (Not all of these may be in the schedule above)

  • Jan 15-29: Dropping a course during these days will result in a $100-per course drop fee.
  • Jan. 29: 15th Day.Last day to drop from course with no grade and for potential tuition refund for dropped classes.
  • Feb. 27: Mid-semester (36th day).Last day to withdraw from course with no grade penalty. "W" assigned. Student deadline for request to move finals.
  • Mar. 6: (41st class day). Student deadline for request to move finals to Associate Dean.



Maxwell, R., & Miller, T. (2012).Greening the media. Oxford University Press.

Book Chapters

Barr, S. (2012). “Changing Behavior: A Social Marketing Approach,” in Environment and society: Sustainability, policy and the citizen. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..

Hays, S. P. (2000). “A history of environmental transformation,” in A history of environmental politics since 1945. University of Pittsburgh Press.

Leopold, A. (1948). “The land ethic,” inA Sand County Almanac,204.

Marvin, C. (1997).“Introduction,” in When old technologies were new. Oxford University Press.

Standage, T. (2014). “Preface,” in Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century's On-Line Pioneers. Bloomsbury, USA.


Haigh, N., & Griffiths, A. (2008). E-government and environmental sustainability: Results from three Australian cases.Electronic Government, An International Journal,5(1), 45-62.

Kessler, D. J., Johnson, N. L., Liou, J. C., & Matney, M. (2010). The Kessler syndrome: implications to future space operations.Advances in the Astronautical Sciences,137(8), 2010.

Postrel, V. (2008). Inconspicuous consumption.The Atlantic.

Recupero, D. R. (2013). Toward a Green Internet.Science,339(6127), 1533-1534.

Schefter, J. (1982). The Growing Peril of Space Debris.Popular Science,221(1), 48-51.


Average Penguin. (2012) Technodeterminism.

Barboza, D. (2011). Workers Sickened at Apple Supplier in China. New York Times.

Carrol, C. (2011) High Tech Trash. National Geographic.

CEET. (2013) The power of wireless cloud.

Chang, L. T. (2012). Do Chinese Factory Workers Dream of iPads?New Yorker.

Glanz, J. (2012). Power, Pollution and the Internet, New York Times.

Healy, T. Unanticipated consequences of technology.

Huffington Post. Environmental Disasters Prove They Don't Heal Themselves (INFOGRAPHIC)

iFixIt Manifesto (2013).

Johnson, J. (2011). Gadget guilt. Wired.

Jones, M. (2010). The greening of the music industry. Business.

List25. 25 biggest man made environmental disasters in history.

Moolalem, J. (2013). The Afterlife of Cellphones, New York Times.

National Strategy for Electronic Stewardship (2011)

NOAA. (2008). A brief history of pollution.

NRDC (2012). Is Cloud Computing Always Greener?

Nurullah, A. S. The cellphone as an agent of social change. Forum: New media, new relations.


Prendergast, J. & Lezhnev. From mine to mobile phone.

Smith, L. Stop Keeping Up With The Joneses - They're Broke.

Smith, M. Tungsten’s Tainted Trail. Bloomberg.

Space Junk: How to Clean Up the Space Age's Mess. Discover Magazine.

Sterling, B. The dead media project.

Urbina, I. (2013). Unwanted Electronic Gear Rising in Toxic Piles, New York Times.


60 Minutes: E-Waste (2013).

Chang, L. T. (2012). The voices of China’s workers.

Cuyahoga River Pollution Ohio 1967.

Cuyahoga River Restoration.

Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground. (film).

The Great Smog of London.

How to recover gold from scrap computer chips. (YouTube).

Mohr, C. (2010). The tradeoffs of building green.

The Light bulb Conspiracy

The Poisoner’s Handbook: Lead in Gasoline (PBS)

Reading Responses

Reading Response #1 (Technology, Technology use, and Consequences)

For Tuesday, January 14th, I'd like you to read the following three articles:

  • Unintended Consequences of Technology (
  • Cellphone as a agent of change (
  • Technodeterminism (

Next, I'd like you to write a reading response providing a brief synopsis of the article's main points and a discussion of how you so these articles relating to the course's theme. You should write a 100-200 word paragraph for EACH of the articles. Be prepared to talk about what you got of the articles in class. Please turn in the assignment on Canvas as a .doc or .docx file (an MS Word compatible file).