Richmond Dales ASC Extraordinary General Meeting
Minutes held on held on Tuesday 1st July 2014
Present: Ingrid Flower (IF), Kim Linklater (KLin), Kirsty Livingstone (KLiv), Ryan Livingstone (RL),
Rachel Morris (RM), Simon Ridley (SR), David Smith (DS), Kim Taylor (KT), Gary Wright (GW)
Absence: Apologies were received from Roberta Barker
The meeting was held following the resignation of Roberta Barker (Chair). Prior to the agenda
items being considered Simon Ridley (SR) proposed Ingrid Flower (IF) as Chair, the committee
voted for the proposal (unanimously) and IF was duly elected with effect from 1st July w2014. As
as result of the appointment the position of Club Secretary required filling. IF proposed Rachel
Morris (RM) the committee voted for the proposal (unanimously).
Item / Minute / Action owner
1. / Declarations of Interest
None were declared.
2. / Confidentiality
No agenda items were considered confidential to be excluded from the minutes.
3. / A review of the committee structure and responsibilities
In addition to the above appointments the following roles have also been filled.
Kim Taylor (KT) will become responsible for welfare in addition to the administrative responsibilities he is currently undertaking.
Kim Linklater (KLin) is taking over a number of the financial responsibilities with a view to Gary Wright leaving the committee in the near future.
David Smith (DS) is responsible for general communications and press releases.
RM will update the RDASC organogram to reflect these changes. / RM
4. / Website review
  1. KLin requested that the composition and content of the website be reviewed as there is concern regarding how up-to-date some information published (including contact details) on the site is. Also, concerns were raised regarding how quickly information appears on the site and the Twitter feed dates back to the Majorca trip. Kirsty Livinstone (KLiv) confirmed that the Twitter password had been reset and feeds can again be sent.
  2. Simon Ridley (SR) confirmed that a number of ‘administrator’ accounts can be created and any committee member could then update the site. SR will review website access for all committee members and run a training session in how to edit the site. To do this SR needs everyone’s e-mail address who requires access.
  3. SR to work with KLin to include a contact form on website.
  4. SR and IF revisit uploading photographs of the coaches and key contacts on the website.
/ SR
SR and IF
5. / Adult Swim Sessions
  1. A review of the Adult Swim sessions was raised. The programme was initiall launched as a 6 month pilot to be evaluated at the end of September.
  2. Following a discussion regarding costs and viability with current sessions having 9 members attending (various not all sessions) Ryan Livingstone (RL) is to discuss number of lanes needed for adult swim following consultation with Darcy Kitchin.
  3. RL will also review the content of information provided regarding adult swim criteria. Following this information will be re-issued.
  4. RL will also consider appropriateness of putting together a grant application once the pilot has been evaluated.
/ RL
6. / Finance and Fundraising
  1. KT raised the possibility of ring-fencing finance generated through fundraising. GW commented that the accounts in practice were managed this way however, it was not always possible to direct all funds raised by this means to specific projects/causes as the club has to be able to cover the monthly outgoings. Currently the shortfall each month can be between £200-400. Funds generated from the annual gala are required to cover monthly costs. IF raised the possibility of charging and annual membership fee for all current full-time members of the club. (To be revisited in item c). KT will investigate the possibility of registering with the charity commission and if not possible whether there is the potential for a separate ‘Fund Raising’ account to be opened that could be.
  2. KLin ask the committee to consider writing-off the arrears that currently exist as a result of swimmers bridging and the fees changing. KLin will review value of payment arrears. The general feeling was these should be written-off. KLin will check the amount and bring it to the next meeting for confirmation. Additionally, KLin will implement increased charging for swimmers changing squad one month after they start bridging. This will reduce the issue of payment arrears in the future.
  3. In order to address the monthly shortfall IF and KLin will review the potential process for launching an annual membership fee of £30 to be paid along with ASA (whatever level) in January due no later than 1st March 2014. As part of this information and documents provided to new members will be reviewed and updated.
  4. Linked to the above action RM and IF will review the constitution and update the document to include the annual membership fee.
/ KT
IF and KLin
IF and RM
7. / AOB
  1. KLiv will contact Joanne Jackson to see if she will provide a signed costume for raffling at the Summer Party.
  2. A meeting will be held on Wednesday, 16th July 2014 at 6.30pm at 2 Rawlinson Road (DL9 3AP) to discuss and plan for the 20/21 September 2014 Gala. IF will notify all parents/carers in order to try to secure increased support with the planning of the event.
/ KLiv
13. / Date of the next committee meeting tbc
Minutes approved by the Chair (signed):……………………………………….

Meeting Minutes of RDASC committee EG meeting on 1st July 2014

Chair’s Initials………………Page 1 of 3