HQ Avir Press Release

August 16, 2012

Smart Ventilation without Energy Loss

Oceanside, NY –With the focus on energy efficiency, today’s homes are built tighter than ever before. While sealing up a house leads to improved energy consumption, there can be unwanted health related outcomes. Without proper ventilation and moisture control, everyday activities and home design can create an indoor environment trapping moisture and pollutants harmful to the occupants and the structure. HQ Hometek has developed a proprietary home ventilation unit, the Avir model, to provide continuous moisture control and create whole house air exchanges without compromising energy efficiencies.

The most problematic air in a house is in the basement or crawl space, where the surfaces are the coldest and moisture infiltration is unencumbered. Air travels upwards from the basement; pulling mold spores, dust mites, odors, gases, toxins, and other pollutants into the living quarters. The computerized sensor controlled Avir unit reverses the natural flow of air in the house; expelling the moisture laden air in the lower level and replenishing it with the drier, warmer air from the upper levels of the house. This process reduces the relative humidity and the conditions that nourish biological growth.

In addition, the Avir unit exhausts gases that infiltrate through the foundation including radon and toxic vapors, as well as gases released by combustion appliances, along with VOCs and other pollutants. Over time, the entire air mass is replaced with a relatively healthier air mass from the upper level, transforming the basement from a source of problems into a comfortable, healthy environment. The process creates a whole house air exchange 6-10 times daily, reducing moisture and air pollutants throughout the entire home.

A study conducted by the Department of Energy of crawl spaces verified that mechanical ventilation was effective in consistently maintaining lower relative humidity and in reducing the HVAC energy costs in the entire house. Proper ventilation will increase HVAC efficiency as it is less costly to heat and cool a dry environment as opposed to a damp one.

The Avir sensors will constantly evaluate the condition of the air passing through the unit and automatically adjust the ventilation rate. When the desired conditions are achieved, the Avir unit will cycle into maintenance mode, but will always be ventilating so that the air does not become stagnant. The Avir system is an intelligent approach; expelling moist, polluted air, replenishing it with drier, healthier air, and continuously ventilating to prevent stagnation. It is a much more sophisticated approach to indoor mechanical ventilation than an arbitrary exhaust system that does not address the most problematic areas of the home. Avir is far superior to a dehumidifier in that it costs hundreds less to operate, benefits the entire home, and requires no maintenance.

Avir is easy to incorporate into any architectural design or to install in any existing home. There are models for crawl spaces, basements, slab homes, condos and apartments.

About HQ Hometek

Based in Oceanside NY, HQ Hometek has been providing innovative technologies in air quality for residences, military housing, and government buildings throughout the country since 2001. Recently the company has developed patented water treatment systems for residences with the goal of improving the overall health of the entire indoor environment. Go to for information or call 1- 866-486-4339.