Cub Scout Pack#613 Parent Guide
Updated October 27, 2010
The Purposes of Cub Scouting
- Character Growth
- Spiritual Growth
- Good Citizenship
- Sportsmanship and Fitness
- Family Understanding
- Respectful Relationships
- Personal Achievement
- Friendly Service
- Fun and Adventure
- Preparation for Boy Scouts
The Methods of Cub Scouting
- Living the Ideals
- Belonging to a Den
- Using Advancement
- Involving Family and Home
- Participating in Activities
- Serving Home and Neighborhood
- Wearing The Uniform
- Making Character Connections
Cub Scout Promise / Law of the Pack / Cub Scout MottoI, (say your name), promise / The Cub Scout follows Akela. / Do Your Best
to DO MY BEST, / The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
To do my DUTY to GOD / The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
And my Country, / The Cub Scout gives goodwill.
To HELP other people, and
To OBEY the LAW of the Pack
Cub Scout Responsibilities
- Do his best
- Be helpful to others
- Be prepared by coming to Cub Scout activities on time, in uniform and with his Cub Scout book
- Be courteous and respectful to Scout leaders and other Cub Scouts
Parents Responsibilities
- Provide a home for your son where he finds love and security
- Help your son with Cub Scout achievements and advancement
- Take an interest in his Cub Scout activities
- Assist the den and pack as needed
- Provide and/or arrange for transportation of your son to and from Scout meetings
Leaders Responsibilities
- Be on time and prepared with activities.
- Provide a safe environment and follow guidelines established by the Boy Scouts of America.
- “Two Deep Leadership” – no exceptions!
- Be registered and trained through the Boy Scouts of America.
- Communicate with families about Cub Scouting activities and plans.
Pack 613 Staffing and Pack Contact List
- Hard & soft copy will be provided but not posted online for safety
- Please let us know if we may include you (family name, parents, boy, email, phone number)
- Please let any leader know if there is ever a question about anything
Cub Scout Parent Volunteers
- Den Meeting Assistants (rotate weeks)
- Parent Volunteers working with Boys
- Need to register as Scout Parents (no cost)
- Need to take “Youth Protection” Training
Cub Scout Committee Members
- Advancement
- Day Camp
- Scouting For Food
- Secretary
- Training
- Pine Wood Derby & Rocket Launch
- Friends of Scouting and Tree Drive (provided by charter org)
- Cub Scout Committee Members
- Need to register ($10)
- Need to take “Youth Protection” Training
- Den Meetings: Wednesday 3-4 p.m. (focus on advancement), calendar provided by Dens
- Pack Meetings: 4th Wednesday 7-8 p.m., families invited (focus on awards)
- All Meetings will be at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 10115 172nd Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052, 425-881-7488 (sometimes referred to as the Redmond LDS Stake Center)
- As a general rule, there will be no Scout activities on days when school is not in session
- Occasional field trips or special activities may be scheduled other days of the week (Thurs, Sat, etc.)
- Scout leaders will contact you if there is an exception to this schedule
Awards and Advancement
- Awards will be presented at monthly pack meetings.
- Books will be checked on the 3rd Wednesday (be sure things are signed off!)
- Cards will be used for documentation and record keeping.
Cub Scout Program 2011 Dues & Expenses
- Subscription for Annual Boys Life Magazine (Optional)$12.00
- Payable to BSA but submitted by the Pack with Registration
- Dues(Payable to Charter Organization: Redmond 3rd Ward)$75.00
- Charter organization pays dues for congregation members
- Dues cover the following program expenses
- Registration with Boy Scouts of America
- Metal & Cloth Awards and Advancement Badges
- Den Meetings
- Pack Meetings
- Pinewood Derby
- Blue & Gold Banquet supplies & decorations
- Program supplies and resources
- Most fieldtrips
* Note: Family in congregation donate Pinewood Derby Track rental ($75)
- Additional Expenses not covered by Dues
- 1st Year (Wolf Den)
- Blue Cub Scout Shirt (short sleeved)
- Wolf neckerchief (yellow)
- Wolf neckerchief slide
- Number patches 6, 1, & 3
- Council patch
- Rounder patch
- World Crest patch
- Wolf book
- 2nd Year (Bear Den)
- Bear neckerchief (blue)
- Bear neckerchief slide
- Bear book
- 3rd Year (Webelos Den)
- Webelos neckerchief (plaid)
- Webelos slide
- Webelos colors (go on shoulder & hold pins)
- Webelos book
- Optional
- Hat, pants, shorts, belt, etc.
- Optional (or if outgrown blue shirt)
- Tan Shirt (short sleeved)
- Number patches 6, 1, & 3
- Council patch
- Rounder patch
- World Crest patch
- Cub Scout Day Camp (1/2 of $80 fee is usually covered by annual fund raiser)
- Rocket Supplies for annual Pack Rocket Launch in August
- Optional awards (Arrow of Light Kit, etc)
- Periodic requests to assist with refreshments
- Chief Seattle Council – Annual Friends of Scouting Fund Raiser
- Annual request for donations to maintain local BSA camps, shop and services
- Annual Tree Drive Fund Raiser
- Tree Drive usually covers ½ of $80 Cub Day Camp fee for boys who participate
Scout Retailers(Uniform, Gear, Awards, etc.)
- Puget Sound Scout Shop: 3120 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98144 or by phone 206-721-5945
- Some items are also available at the following retailers;
- Sir Plus, Inc: 17524 131st Ave NE, Woodinville, WA 98072, 425-483-1761
- The Grange Supply: 145 NE Gilman Blvd., Issaquah, WA 98027, 425-392-6469
- Jerry’s Surplus: 2031 Broadway Everett, WA 98201, 206-252-1176
Online Resources
- Troop & Pack 613 web site -
- Chief Seattle Council web site -
- Training web site -
Religion & Scouting
- Pack 613 is sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- We welcome friends and neighbors of any religion to the Pack (and Troop as the boys grow)
- We start and end all meetings with a prayer.
- We use the following 4 steps of prayer.
- Dear Heavenly Father.
- We thank thee (add what you are thankful for)…
- We ask thee (ask what you are in need of)…
- In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
- Please join us in worshiping in the manner to which you are accustomed.
Sample Den Meeting Agenda
- Gathering Activity
- Welcome
- Prayer
- Weekly Activity
- Prayer
- Refreshments
Sample Pack Meeting Agenda
- Gathering Activity
- Welcome
- Presentation of Colors
- Cub Scout Promise, Law, & Motto
- Opening Prayer
- Introduction of New boys and families
- Recognize Birthdays
- Calendar Review
- Special Presentation - Past Month Activities
- Award Ceremony by Dens
- Cub Master Minute
- Retiring of Colors
- Closing Prayer
- Refreshments
Thank you for being part of Pack 613. We look forward to a fantastic year together as we work with these wonderful young men and assist them in becoming great men!