Math Unit Template
El Rancho Unified School District
Topic/Main Idea:Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. / CCSS: OA.D.8 & OA.D.9
Timeline: 2 weeks / mid-year
Objectives/Concept/Skill(DOK) – Level 3:
- Solve two-step word problems using the four operations
- Representthese problems using equations with a variable
- Identify arithmetic patternsand explain them using properties of operations.
•2nd - solving two-step word probs w/ add & sub
•3rd – solving multi-step word probs w/ all 4 operations
•4th - continue solving multi-step word probs including remainders
Performance Task/Activity(DOK):
The students are planning an end-of-the-year roller skating party. They need to determine transportation cost, entrance cost, skate rental cost, and food cost for the whole class. They also need to determine the total cost per student. They need to choose between the two skating rinks that are the same distance from the school. Food costs are dependent upon combo vs independent food choices.Based upon their calculations, they need to determine which rink would be the most economical, and write a short explanation. / Relevance/Rationale:
Real world party planning situation
SBACAssessment Item References: / AcademicVocabulary:- Per-student cost
- Distance
- Rental
- Economical
- Distractor
Textbook References (i.e.,Homework Resources): / Materials/Manipulatives:
Paper (plain & grid), pencils
Mathematical Practices
__X__1.Makes sense of problems and persevere in solving them. ____ 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. __X__2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.____ 6. Attend to precision.
____3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoningof others. ____ 7. Look for and make use of structure.
____ 4. Model with Mathematics. ____8. Look for and expressregularity in repeated reasoning.
Lesson Topic: / LOL (Learning Objective with Language): / Resources(Instructional Strategies, Textbook References, etc.):
Relating add & mult through single step word problems / I will be able to...
....solve single step word problems by connecting addition to multiplication / *Modeling (include repeated addition)
Textbook examples: Ch. 4 pgs 167, 195 Ch. 5 pgs 217, 238
Relating sub & div through single step word problems / ...solve single step word problems by connecting subtraction to division / *Modeling (include repeated subtraction)
Textbook examples:Ch. 6 pgs 267, 287 Ch. 7 pgs 307, 335
Multi-step word problems w/ add & mult (including multiple item problems) / ...solve multi-step word problems by connecting addition to multiplication / *Modeling - choose appropriate strategy
Textbook examples: Ch. 8 pgs 350, 351, 360, 361 Ch. 9 pgs 369, 397 Ch. 10 pgs 432, 433 Ch. 15 pgs 648, 649
Multi-step word problems w/ sub & div / ...solve multi-step word problems by connecting subtraction to division / *Modeling - choose appropriate strategy Textbook examples:
Ch. 8 pgs 350, 351, 360, 361 Ch. 9 pgs 369, 397 Ch. 10 pgs 432, 433 Ch. 15 pgs 648, 649
As a small group, solve multi-step word problems w/ 4 operations / ...solve multi-step word problems with support from my group / *Cooperative learning
Textbook examples: Ch. 8 pgs 350, 351, 360, 361 Ch. 9 pgs 369, 397 Ch. 10 pgs 432, 433 Ch. 15 pgs 648, 649
With a partner, solve multi-step word problems w/ 4 operations / ...solve multi-step word problems with support from my partner / *Pair/share
Textbook examples: Ch. 8 pgs 350, 351, 360, 361 Ch. 9 pgs 369, 397 Ch. 10 pgs 432, 433 Ch. 15 pgs 648, 649
Performance Task / ...demonstrate how I solve multi-step word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, &/or division as needed / See above using the provided roller skating task