IDT 453 - Management Process for Public Safety Managers
3 Semester credit hours
Wallace, Harvey/Roberson, Clif Steckler, Craig: Fundamentals of Police Administration. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995
Catalogue Description
Analysis of public safety management elements, including planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and communicating, presented in the context of and applied to internal police/fire/emergency management administration.
Prerequisites: None
Course Objectives
1. The student will review past and present understandings of what the public safety do in the student's jurisdiction.
2. The meaning of professionalization and its importance for law enforcement/fire today is introduced.
3. The student considers 20th century efforts to upgrade law enforcement and the fire service by establishing standards, with a closer look at the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) as part of this drive for professionalization. A discussion and critique of accreditation efforts is included.
4. The student will learn to emphasize policy and procedures as the essence of directing the organization toward accomplishing its goals. The objectives of this instruction are to ensure that students develop.
5. An understanding of the importance of policy relating to the function of a public safety agency.
6. An awareness of the many areas of administration requiring written policy ~d associated procedures.
7. An understanding of the staff officer role in the development, interpretation and dissemination of agency policies and procedures, and the skill necessary for formulating and writing effective policy and procedures.
8. The student will describe an internal affairs unit as a staff control unit, and explain how internal affairs is a valuable management information source. The student will take a position supporting one philosophy for internal affairs operation; the student will also review a method for complaint reception, investigation and recommendation of findings. The student will analyze and discuss policy statements for internal investigations covering complaint reception, investigation, use of polygraph, review and findings. The student will consider the importance and elements of inspections.
9. The student will review the duties, responsibilities, and activities of patrol and firefighter administration. Further, the student will leam, through classroom discussion and presentation of recent research findings, the most innovative techniques in administration of the patrol/firefighting operation.
10. The student will review the duties, responsibilities and activities of operations in the law enforcement/fire agency. The student will leam the latest research findings arid management practices for improving productivity in operations.
Topical Outline
I. Law Enforcement/Fire Role, Responsibilities, and Relationships
A. Law enforcement/fire Role and Authority
1. Law enforcement/fire Role
2. Limits of Authority
3. Use of Force
B. Agency jurisdiction, mutual aid and regional services
1. Agency jurisdiction and mutual aid
2. Regional services
C. Contractual Agreements for Law enforcement/fire
D. Relationships with other agencies
1. Liaison
2. Interagency Coordination and Planning
II. Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement/fire Agencies
A. Law enforcement/fire Role, Responsibilities and relationships.
B. Public Safety Organization, Management and Administration
C. The Public Safety personnel Structure
D. The Public Safety personnel Process
E. Law enforcement/fire operations
F. Traffic Operations - Fire Operations
III. Establishing Policy and Procedures
A. The Critical Need for Policies
B. Definitions
1. Policy
2. Procedure
3. Rules and Regulations
4. General Orders, Special Orders and Personnel Orders
5. Memoranda and Bulletins
6. Written Directives
7. Department Manual
C. Standards
1. Public safety Discretion
2. Establishment of Policy
D. Advantages of Sound Public safety Administration Policy and Procedures
E. Advantages of formally promulgating policies and procedures.
F. Critical dimensions m need of proactive public safety policy
G. Limitations of and potential problems
H. Identifying important issues where policy is needed.
I. Examples of critical policy areas
J. Role and purpose of written directives
K. Issues of Departmental and individual liability
L. The Written Directive System: A developmental model
1. Component 1: Development Stages
2. Component 2: Implementation
3. Component 3: Application
4. Component 4: Evaluation
5. A model for formulating and executing policy.
6. Criminal Proceedings
IV. Inspection Services
A. Line Inspections
B. Staff Inspections
C. Audit Responsibilities
D. External Audit
E. Internal Audit
1. Division
2. Unit
F. Management Audit
1. Establishing Objectives
a. Inspection
b. Quality Control
2. Authority
a. Chief of Public safety
b. Efficiency
c. Effectiveness
V. Organization Audit for New Chief
A. Contracts - Operational
1. Government
2. Dispatch
3. Records
4. Contract policing
B. Labor
1. Historical
2. Negotiation
3. Chain of Command
VI. Personnel Records
A. Review
B. Training
C. Education
D. Discipline
E. Evaluations
VII. Patrol Administration
A. Professional Ethics
B. Crime & Its Prevention
C. Community Involvement in Law enforcement/fire
II. Primary Tasks
A. Aggressive Patrol
B. Foot and Car Patrol
C. Field Inquiry
D. Use of Equipment
1 Quiz 15%
2. Quiz 2 15%
3. Quiz 3 15%
4. Final Exam 30%
5. Paper 25%
Albanese, Jay, S. & Pursley, Robert, D. (1993) Crime in America: Some Existing and Emerging Issues Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Altschuler, Bruce & Sgroi, Celia (1996) Understanding Law in a Changing Society. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Anderson, Wayne & Swenson, David & Clay, Daniel (1995) Stress Management For the Law Enforcement Officers. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Barker, Thomas (1994) Police Systems and Practices: An Introduction . Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Champion, Dean, J. & Rush, George, E. (1997) Policing in the Community. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Cromwell, Paul, F. & Dunham, Roger, F. (1997). Crime and Justice in America: Realities and Future Prospects. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Dantzker, Mark, L. Understanding Today's Police (1995) Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Goodman, Debbie, J. (1998) Enforcing Ethics. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Hancock, Barry, W. & Sharp, Paul, M. (1997) Public Policy Crime and Criminal Justice. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
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Holden, Richard, N. (1994) Modem Police Management. Upper Saddle River NJ:
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Langworthy, Robert, H. & Travis, Lawrence, F. (1994) Policing in America: A Balance of Forces Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Mayhall, Pamela, D. & Barker. Thomas, Hunter, Ronald, Hunter, D. (1995) Police Community Relations and the Administration of Justice. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
More, Harry & Wegener, Fred, T. (1992) Behavioral Police Management. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Oliver, Willard, M. (1998) Community Oriented Policing: A Systemic Approach to Policing. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Peak, Kenneth, J., & Glenson, Ronald, W. (1996) Community Policing and Problem Solving: Strategies and Practices. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Peak, Kenneth, J. (1997) Policing America: Methods. Issues. Challenges. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Reichel, Philip, L.(1994) Comparative Criminal Justice Systems: Topical Approach. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Roberson, Cliff & Wallace, Paul, Harvey & Sleekier, Craig (1994) Fundamentals of Police Administration. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Schmalleger, Frank. (1997) Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st Century. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
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Swanson, Charles, R. & Teirito, Leonard & Taylor, Robert, (1998) Police Administration: Structures. Processes and Behavior. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Thibault, Edward, A. & McBride, R., Bruce, & Lynch, Lawrence, M. (1998) Proactive Police Management. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Wallace, Harvey (1997) Written and Interpersonal Communication Methods for Law Enforcement Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Whisenand, Paul M. & Ferguson, Fred (1996) Managing of Police Organizations. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Whisenand, Paul & Rush, George, E. (1998) Supervision of Police Personnel: The Fifteen Responsibilities. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Roberts, Wess, (1991) Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun: Wamer Books
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Wysocki, Robert K., Beck, Robert. (1995) Effective Project Management: How to Plan. Manage and Deliver Projects on Time and Within Budget: John Wiley & Sons
Keehley, Patricia, (Editor), Medlin, Steven, MacBride, Longmire, Laur, Keelhey, Patricia, (1996) Benchmarking for Best Practices in the Public Sector: Achieving Performance Breakthroughs in Federal. State, and Local Agencies: Jossey-Bass Pub.
Lawton (Editor), McKevitt (Editor), (1996), Case Studies in Public Services Management: Blackwell Pub.
Bowman, James S. (1994) Ethical Frontiers in Public Management: Seeking New Strategies for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: Jossey-Bass Pub.
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Fire Publications Inc. International City Management Association, (1988) Managing Fire Services. ICMA
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Standards for Law Enforcement Agencies. Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), (1996) Text Edition
Management Exercises
· Leading Groups to Better Decisions (Didactic Systems)
· The Subartic Survival Situation (Human Synergistic)
· Styles of Management Inventory (Telemetric, International)
Managing For Effective Police Discipline. A Manual of Rules. Procedures. (1985)
Supportive Law and Effective Management. International Association of Chiefs of Police.