On Oct 30 the Redesdale Working Group (RWG) successfully consolidated ideas from the Redesdale community plan to guide the development of a consultants brief to facilitate the carrying out of a feasibility study to learn how many of the goals within the plan can be achieved.

23 residents gathered, and - after hearing an outline what has happened thus far–weengaged in 2 rounds of table-based group discussions and a prioritising exercise, which affirmed that the following goals of the community plan have the highest priority:

  1. Improve sporting facilities with consideration to replacing or upgrading the pavilion.
  2. Review the architectural drawings originally made for the Reserve when the oval was developed.
  3. Upgrade the Agnes Mudford Recreation.
  4. Improve the streetscape throughout Redesdale.
  5. Improve facilities at the Hall including the kitchen, storage and smaller areas.
  6. Provide rooms for community offices, visiting specialists, tourist information.
  7. Improve visual appearance and landscaping of the external Hall area.

This information will inform the consultants brief. Important to note is that the list of goals above does not mean that other goals listed in the plan will be ignored, but rather that this study will concentrate on these goals, yet still look at other aspirations to see how they might fit into the overall study.

At the meeting the following people were nominated to form a team of “key communicators”, who will facilitate passing information to and from the consultant, and assist the consultant in making contact with Redesdale residents and groups.

  • CoGB – Andrew Plant
  • RaDA – Kathy Hall
  • Hall Committee – Carolyn Boyd
  • Recreation Reserve – t.b.a. (Simon Hills is no longer available)
  • Andrew Campbell- Farming
  • Don White – CFA
  • Gloria Pocock – community

We also acknowledged 4 means of communication as being the main avenues for information sharing on the feasibility study:

  • Bridge Connection
  • Redesdale community website (
  • Emails
  • Community notice boards

Thanks!! To all those who were a part of this activity. The informality and interactive nature of the meeting not only provided useful information, but further strengthened the unity of vision and action of the community with regards to moving forward on the concept of creating multi-functional community hub and recreational space.

Over the last week the City of Greater Bendigo has given briefs seeking expressions of interest for carrying out the feasibility study to 4 consultants; and in the near future we will be going through the process of selecting the most appropriate candidate. Please feel free to contact me (or other key communicators with questions or comments) – Andrew (, 0407 179 898)