Bessemer City Schools Elementary Daily Lesson Plan
Teachers: Wells, Cox, Sealie, Molden, Morris, & Elliot Week of: February 24-28
Grade: 4th Subject: English
CCR Standard: Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. [W.4.1b]
Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition). [W.4.1c]
Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. [W.4.1d]
Introduce a topic clearly and group related information in paragraphs and sections; include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. [W.4.2a]
Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic. [W.4.2b]
Link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because). [W.4.2c]
Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. [W.4.2d]
Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented. [W.4.2e]
Day of the Week / Daily Outcome / Before (Review or Introduction) / During (Guided Practice) / After (Independent Practice)Monday
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Complete second paragraph / I can statement: I can provide reasons using transition words with expository writing.
Students will write an expository paragraph about the causes of the Civil War using information gleaned from an online article
Strips of green, red, and yellow construction paper Printed copies of online article
Teacher-Made Prompt (click on QuiP - Questions into Paragraphs) / Strategy: Brainstorm
Purpose: Activate prior knowledge.
Student Tasks: SW read the web article and, using the strips of construction paper, identify the main idea, details, and supporting details of the causes of the Civil War.
(American Civil War Causes Kids Zone.htm)
Article on causes of the Civil War
6.)Students may wish to expand their Civil War knowledge by exploring some of the following websites:
(Civil War for Kids) / Strategy: Group Writing
Purpose: Make connection to text
Student Tasks: TW define/explain/model and discuss how to extract facts from the article without plagiarizing. SW
Students will place the strips in the correct order and identify a closing sentence.
3.) Students may use the graphic organizer at this site to record their notes.
(Click on QuiP - Questions into Paragraphs)
Students will write their paragraphs and then work in pairs for peer editing. After paragraphs have been edited by peers, students should make necessary corrections.
Students will write their introduction. / Strategy: Journal Entry/Presentation
Purpose: Reflect on content in lesson.
Student Tasks (formative assessment): SW complete the first paragraph.
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Complete fourth paragraph / I can statement: I can write a clear introduction and conclusion.
Assignment from previous taught lesson. / Strategy: Think-Pair-Share/KWL Chart
Purpose: Activate prior knowledge and build background knowledge.
Student Tasks: SW reflect on the previous taught lesson. / Strategy: Jot Notes/Writing Application
Purpose: Make connection to the text.
Student Tasks: TW define, explain, and model. SW use information from previous taught lesson about the causes of the Civil War to complete an essay. / Strategy: Writing Application
Purpose: Reflect on content in lesson.
Student Tasks (formative assessment): SW peer edit, make revisions and complete their third paragraph.
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Complete final paragraph on causes of the Civil War Prompt / I can statement: I can use an informative text, draw conclusions, and construct a written piece to persuade others toward an opinion.
Computer/laptop/iPad with internet access
Chart Paper
Markers / Strategy: Brainstorm
Purpose: To build background knowledge and activate prior knowledge
Student Tasks: TW Students will read the article on TFK and watch the video. / Strategy: Turn and Talk
Purpose: Integrate new info with prior knowledge.
Student Tasks: TW allow the students to share and explain their choices.
TW model/explain / Strategy: Writing Application/Presentation
Purpose: Reflect on content in lesson.
Student Tasks: SW create a PSA (Public Service Announcement) to inform people of the threat to elephants. Submit final draft on Causes of the Civil War.
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Homework: / I can statement: I can link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases.
Internet Access / Strategy: Think/Connect
Purpose: To build background knowledge and activate prior knowledge.
Student Tasks: Reflect on previous taught lesson. / Strategy: Snowball Review
Purpose: Integrate new info with prior knowledge and make learning of interest to the students
Student Tasks: TW explain, model, and review. SW summarize the article about elephants in small groups. / Strategy: Writing Application
Purpose: Reflect on content in lesson.
Student Tasks: SW attempt to complete and essay that pertains to the teacher made prompt they receive.
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Homework: / I can statement I can write a well-organized expository essay utilizing a bold introduction and conclusion as well as link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases.
Paper Pencil / Strategy: Think-Pair-Share
Purpose: Activate prior knowledge and keep students actively engaged
Student Tasks: SW reflect on previous taught skills in small groups. / Strategy: Chalk Talk
Purpose: Assess prior knowledge
Student Tasks: TW monitor/assist when necessary while students review previous taught lessons. TW model/explain and make sure students have a clear understanding of what is expected in their writing. / Strategy: Independent Practice
Purpose: To assess prior knowledge
Student Tasks (formative assessment): SW complete an expository essay within a given time frame. (30 minutes)