Recreation and Waterway Services Branch
9th Floor, 240 Little Collins Street Melbourne
PO Box 1603, Melbourne Victoria 3001
Telephone (03) 9658 9184 Facsimile (03) 9658 9174
Casual Sports Permit – application form
Name of Club/Organisation:Contact name:
Suburb: / Postcode:
Telephone: (business): / Mobile number:
Booking date: / Start time: / Finish time:Number of male senior players: / Number of female senior players: / Number of under 18 players: / Expected no. of spectators:
Brief description of activity e.g. soccer tournament, work social, football training for U23 team:
Name of Park: / Preferred sports field:
Do you require a sports pavilion? /
Pavilion hours of access:
List below any infrastructure proposed for your sports event, as applicable. e.g. line markings, marquees, amusements, inflatable structures, vehicle access, provision of food and beverages, general/recycling rubbish bins, proposed signage, caterers etc.Public BBQ’s are available in most parks free of charge, but cannot be booked as they are public facilities. Portable BBQ’s are permitted but must be 4.5m away from trees and overhanging branches, away from canopies and public buildings and have protective material/drip tray to capture any residue e.g. oils/fats. Flames must be covered and contained at all times.
Vehicles are not permitted, unless prior authorisation is sought.
Cheque - made payable to “City of Melbourne” Credit Card - Bankcard, MasterCard or Visa.
Maximum payment allowed $5000. We do not accept Diners or American Express.
Credit Card number
Expiry Date / Amount
Name on Card:
Cardholder’s Signature:
The permit is also a valid Tax Invoice. ABN: 55 370 219 287.
- HIRE FEE – Casual sports field hire does not include customer specified line-markings or provision of goal nets or padding. Change rooms and use of the pavilion is charged separately. Public toilets are available through various locations in City of Melbourne.
- AUTHORISED OFFICERS - Council’s Park Rangers patrol the parks and are authorised officers. Any direction given by a Park Ranger or Park Curator must be followed. In the event of an emergency, direction given by Council’s Security branch (9658 9658) is to be followed.
- INFRASTRUCTURE & VEHICLES IN PARKS - vehicle access is not permitted onto Council’s sports fields, with the exception of emergency vehicles. Approval for vehicle access into a park must be sought in advance from
- CLEANING - is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure all facilities are kept tidy following each use. All litter including bottle caps and sports bandages must be removed. Pavilions are to be left free of mud and litter and furniture is to be stacked. Failure to do so may incur additional clean-up costs obliged to the permit holder. The provision of cleaning equipment and material is the responsibility of the permit holder. Dumping of rubbish in parks is illegal.
- RISK - Council requires the permit holder to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment prior to using Facilities. If the facility is deemed by the Council to be unsafe, the permit holder is to ensure steps are taken to mitigate risk to all participants and park users and/or cancel its use.
- CHILD SAFE STANDARDS - all Victorian organisations that provide services to children (<18 year old) are required under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 to comply with Child Safe Standards (CSS).
- I/We agree to abide by all Terms and Conditions.
- I/We hereby agree to indemnify the City of Melbourne against claims that may be laid against it either by members of the public or persons taking part in the sport who, as a result, suffer personal injury, property damage or financial loss.
- Permit Holders may qualify to be covered under Councils’ Community Liability Insurance Pack. This covers not-for-profit organisations and/or general park users that are not otherwise insured. Please make sure you have included all aspects of your event or activity on the application document provided.
Signature Name Date