MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 3rd March, 2008 at Mount Farm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield.
PRESENT : Councillor K. Hall Chair
Councillor E. Croft
Councillor M. Corrigan
Councillor C. Denslow
Councillor J. Eccles
Councillor B. Harris
Councillor R. Harwood
Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford
Councillor Mrs. N. Sutton
1. Items raised by Members of the Public
a) Russell Jackson Close It was reported that the fence at the rear/side of 8 and 9 Russell Jackson Close was broken and was allowing unauthorised access into the occupiers’ rear gardens. It was agreed that this matter would be investigated and the relevant agency would be asked to carry out repairs.
b) Proposed Wheelie Bins. Residents have expressed their concern about wheelie bins being left out on pavements during the day of collection and thereby causing obstructions for pedestrians and people in mobility vehicles. There was a short discussion about the benefits of having wheelie bins and the Parish Council agreed to raise this concern with South Oxfordshire District Council to see if the bins could be pushed back into people’s gateways or driveways in order to keep the pavements clear for pedestrians. It was stated that elderly and disabled residents are currently able to contact South Oxfordshire District Council to ask for their refuse to be collected from their house and it was assumed that this method of collection would be continued for elderly and disabled residents when wheelie bins are introduced.
c) Glass and Litter on footpaths. There were reports of glass and litter on various footpaths in the village, particularly in the area of Glyme Drive and between Lay Avenue and Colwell Road. It was AGREED that this matter would be reported to Berinsfield Community Business.
d) Street Lights. It was reported that a street light in Russell Jackson Close was not working. Councillor Hall informed the meeting that there were a large number of street lights not working at present due to a fault in the system.
e) Damage to trees in Spinney adjacent to A 4074. It was reported that trees in the Spinney were being cut for firewood. The Parish Council were extremely concerned about this and confirmed that legal action would be taken against anybody found damaging trees on located on Council owned land in Berinsfield.
f) Shops, corner of Chiltern Close and Fane Drive. The Parish Council were asked to consider removing the large bush located outside Costcutters as it is out of control and is used for anti-social purposes. It was also mentioned that barbed wire attached to poles on the flat roof at the rear of the shop had been damaged and is hanging off the roof in a precarious manner which could cause an injury to a pedestrian. The Council were also informed that residents were concerned that there may be rats in the empty shop premises.
It was AGREED that
i) the owners of the shop premises should be contacted and asked if they have any objections to the bush being removed at the Parish Council’s expense
ii) the owners should also be informed about the barbed wire and asked to take action to ensure that it is repaired or removed.
iii) South Oxfordshire District Council Environmental Health Department should be asked to check for rats in the empty shop premises
iv) South Oxfordshire District Council should be asked if they are still considering investing money to upgrade the area around the shops and if so, when this will happen.
2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs. Collins, Councillor Eldridge and County Councillor John Howell.
3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th February, 2008 The Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 4th February, 2008 were APPROVED by the Council and signed by the Chair.
4. Matters arising.
a) Police Surgery. The Chairman informed the meeting that he was disappointed that there was such a poor attendance at the Police Surgery held on 18th February, 2008.
b) Environmental Improvement Scheme – Sports Centre, Library, Family Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield. Details of the weekly deliveries to the Berinsfield Community Association premises have been passed to Monson, who are overseeing the contract for the environmental improvements, in order that access can be maintained to the BCA premises.
c) Berinsfield Library. Councillor Mrs. Sutton, the Librarian, informed the Parish Council about the publicity being undertaken in order to encourage new users at the Library. She has ordered old photographs of Berinsfield being built from Oxfordshire County Council to display at the Celebration Day and an evening event has been arranged for July which will include a speaker.
d) Proposed works to bridge M40/A329 (Milton Common) It was AGREED that the Clerk should contact Oxfordshire County Council to enquire about routing arrangements whilst the work is being carried out.
e) Membership of outside bodies. It was AGREED that the Clerk should contact the Youth Leader and the Manager of the Abbey Sports Centre in connection with the Parish Council’s representation on the Berinsfield Youth Committee and Abbey Sports Centre Joint Use Committee.
5. To consider planning applications and decisions received to date
a) Planning application No. P08/W0098 Change of use from B8 (storage) to D2 (Assembly and Leisure) in connection with the use of premises as a gymnastics club.
Unit A, Tower Road Industrial Estate, Berinsfield,
The Parish Council considered this application and AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that it should be refused on the following grounds :-
i) The large amount of traffic movements that will be generated as the majority of the people involved with the club will live outside the village and parents of children participating in the gymnastics training will make two journeys in and out of the village each time, to bring their child and again to collect.
ii) Loss of industrial unit that could be used to provide employment in the village.
iii) Potential loss of customers at the Abbey Sports Centre, Berinsfield who already employ staff to provide gymnastics lessons to young people.
b) Application No. P08/W0209 Single storey rear conservatory, 3 Chiltern
Close, Berinsfield, OX10 7PZ The Parish Council AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that the application should be approved.
c) Planning decision, Application No. P07/W1474/RET Two sheds located at
the front of property, one to the left hand side and one to the right hand side, 62 Colwell Road, Berinsfield. The Parish Council noted that planning permission had been refused by South Oxfordshire District Council.
6. Correspondence and items for information.
a) Church of St. Mary and St. Berin, Berinsfield. The Parish Council noted
that the Berinsfield PCC are exploring ways in which the Church of St. Mary and St. Berin may be refurbished and altered in the coming years. The PCC are keen that such alterations to the existing building meet the future needs of both the local community and the Church congregation and hope that the modifications may provide space for community and Church use. The PCC are eager to consult with any potential users of the building before any plans are drawn up and hope that the Parish Plan process and Berinsfield Parish Council will assist with this. It was AGREED that this item should be included on the agenda for the next meeting in order to allow Members time to consider any proposals they may wish to make with regard to the future use of the Church.
b) Church of St. Mary and St. Berin, Berinsfield – proposal to provide a
clock. The Parish Council were informed that a quotation has now been received for the supply and installation of a clock for the Church to the following specification :-
A clock manufactured from colour impregnated GRP, external diameter 38” with a
flat GRP dial and finished in standard blue BS20D45. The Roman numerals, minute marks, outer concentric ring and hands would be finished in 23½ carat double thickness English gold leaf. The clock would be fitted with an impact modified convex cover which would fit over the dial and hands and is vandal resistant. The clock movement would be controlled by an auto restart unit. The cost for supply and installation would be £3,030.00 and electrical work, removal and re-fitting of the cross and scaffolding would be at an additional cost.
It was AGREED that subject to planning permission being obtained from South
Oxfordshire District Council and the relevant faculty and consent being obtained from the Diocese of Oxford, that the Parish Council should place an order for the clock as detailed above.
c) Parish Remuneration Panel Report. The Parish Council considered the information provided by South Oxfordshire District Council’s Parish Remuneration Panel about the levels of allowances which may be paid to Parish and Town Councillors with effect from 1st April, 2008. The Parish Council AGREED that
i) No basic allowance should be paid to Members of Berinsfield Parish Council
ii) An allowance should be paid to the Chair of the Parish Council each year
to be used in the execution of his duties.
iii) Councillors who represent the Parish Council at functions or meetings outside the Parish should be paid mileage at the rate of 0.45p per mile.
d) Code of Conduct Training. It was AGREED that Councillor Hall, Councillor Mrs. Collins, Councillor Croft and the Clerk should attend the training session for Clerks, Chairmen and Councillors at the offices of South Oxfordshire District Council on 9th April, 2008 at 7.30 p.m.
e) Oxfordshire County Council Draft Report of Childcare Market assessment. The Parish Council noted that the County Council have been undertaking its statutory childcare market assessment and that it is on the website, www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/childcaresufficiencyassessment, but did not wish to make to make any comments on it.
f) Proposed changes to subsidised bus service 49A, Drayton St. Leonard,
Berinsfield, Baldons, Kings Copse, Cowley Centre, Abingdon. The Parish Council were concerned to receive the information provided by Oxfordshire County Council that they propose to remove the stop in Berinsfield from this service, which operates on a Tuesday each week, as it considers that Berinsfield already has a regular service to Oxford. The service operated by Heyfordian Travel on a Wednesday and Friday of each week will remain as it is and will still serve Berinsfield. The Council discussed the proposal to remove the stop in Berinsfield and it was AGREED that Oxfordshire County Council should be informed that the Parish Council considered that service 49A should continue to serve Berinsfield on a Tuesday for the following reasons:-
i) The Berinsfield Voluntary Day Centre is held in Marsh Baldon Village Hall on a Tuesday and Friday of each week and therefore service 49A provides transport for residents of Berinsfield who wish to volunteer at the Day Centre on a Tuesday.
ii) The service allows residents of Berinsfield to visit other villages, not just Oxford.
iii) The bus will still have to go past Berinsfield on its route from Drayton St. Leonard to Marsh Baldon and therefore there will not be much time or money saved if the bus does not enter Berinsfield.
g) Oxfordshire County Council (South Oxfordshire District) (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places) (Amendment No. 2) Order 200* Berinsfield : Westcroft, outside No. 2. The Parish Council noted that Oxfordshire County Council propose to make the above order under Sections 1,32,35 and 45 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 and all other enabling powers. The Parish Council had previously written to Oxfordshire County Council to object to this proposal on the grounds that the parking area has to serve the residents of ten properties. It was AGREED that a further letter of objection should be sent to Oxfordshire County Council.
h) Wallingford Area Neighbourhood Action Group. The Parish Council AGREED that details of the offer made by the Co-ordinator of the Wallingford Area Neighbourhood Action Group to attend functions in the village should be passed to the Celebration Day Committee.
i) Berinsfield Parish Council Grass Cutting, Litter Picking and Miscellaneous Works Contract 2008/09 The Parish Council AGREED that the Chair should be authorised to sign the contract between Berinsfield Parish Council and Scion Estates Ltd.
j) Football Foundation – 2008 Monitoring and Evaluation Support Day. New pavilion, land drainage, Berinsfield. It was AGREED that Councillor Hall, Councillor Harris and the Clerk should attend the monitoring and support day on Wednesday 9th July, 2008 at 11 a.m. at the offices of the Oxfordshire Football Association in Witney.
k) New National Concessionary Bus Pass Scheme The information regarding the new scheme for people over 60 or eligible disabled to enjoy free off-peak travel on local buses anywhere in England was noted by the Parish Council.
l) Society of Local Council Clerks, Annual Conference to be held on Tuesday 15th April, 2008 at Blue Mountain Golf Club, Binfield starting at 10 a.m. It was AGREED that Councillor Hall and the Clerk should attend the Conference and the cost of £45.00 per person should be paid by the Parish Council.