St. Peter School- PTO Minutes
Board Meeting #1
Meeting Date: September 11, 2012
Present- Lila Kertz, Lynn Hughes, Kelley Thomas, Ann Buss, Jen Fagan, Liz Gorsuch, Julie Golomski, Laura Bentrup, Jennifer Riggs, Diane Wagner, Becky Schulze, Traci Sembrot, Nancy Allen, Julie Vandever, John Freitag, Paula Anderson, Mary Laurentius
1. Welcome and Call to Order/Opening Prayer-Lila Kertz
*review of order of meetings, trial to keep meetings to 60 minutes
2. Review of Back to School Barbecue
* Overall very positive feedback, liked having event on a Friday vs.
*Possible changes- cutting out the barbecue and providing snack, ie ice
cream, include preK class in the night. (John to meet with Mimi
O'Brien to discuss incorporating the preK into main school
on a regular basis, following meeting PTO to assist in inclusion
process as a whole.
3. Budget Report/Summary of 2011-2012 Finances
* Shout out from John on job well done by Chris Zirges and
Kelley Thomas regarding bringing finances forward
Giving us a good foundation to start with this year
*Requests outside of budget
Doris Skoff, shelving- approved
Katy Muldon , iPads- on hold (4 iPads with heavy covers, $1800)
1st Grade- second set of readers, Approved
*Budget- see detailed list from Kelley
Fundraising to benefit possible Science Lab, John working
on various bids to determine exact cost, thinking around
$60,000. Goal to build it in the summer using one of the
larger classrooms on the middle floor.
Things to repeat this year- Fund the Cause ($4300.00)
Possible Spirit Fundraiser to fund cost of iPads, survey to
be sent to teachers to assess interest and ease of use by
all teachers
Wrap Packs- not really a fundraiser, usually break even
Chic-fil-a night, McDonalds night for STP
Bash last year, Casino night ( Jan 19th) decided on this year, Lila
passed on info from various companies who are in charge of
Clean up and set up (see detailed sheets regarding specifics
Of the event itself) Julie Golomski, Jennifer Riggs and
Laura Bentrup to chair, Lynn to call references for companies
Logistics to be continued......
Dash- really need more volunteers! Need new chair people!
Poster Parties-online sign-up, talk them up, last year raised over
Things to consider for this year in terms of Budget: ( starting with
17,000 this year vs. $5000 in precious years)
Librarian salary being picked up by school, extra $3000
for school
$15,000 in technology fund, committed to $5000 per
year for maintenance
New Family Activities will need additional $
Back to school night high, due to food expense
Bring Guest to lunch day may need more $ this year in
order to make healthier food options that would coincide
with our food service
Beginning to sponsor lunch for teachers ( ie Great Harvest)
during in services
Wellness committee- requested $2000 last year, not sure
about this year
VBRD- we pay for new family training
Drug and alcohol program for 6th graders via West County
Psych services
$2000 additional for capital improvements
Possible need for new student desks/tables and chairs
Definite need to replace water Fountains (will initiate
bid process, John to address). Funds could come from
Wellness committee budget
4. Mission Statement
Review of existing and proposed statement, approved proposed with
Slight verbiage change, adding "present" to first line
Proposed Mission statement approved with slight change
Plan to place copy of statement and possible power point presentation
In we'd envelope and online
5. Communications
2 news letters, be thinking about topics to include, definitely need to
Discuss science lab and possible iPad additions to classrooms
Email Ann Buss and copy Lila to add info to news letters
6. Review of school Events (Traci Sembrot)
Back to School Barbecue 8/17/12 (see above notes)
New Family Welcome 8/24/12
Trunk or Treat- New organizers 10/27/12, poster party changed
Date as not to compete
Santa's Workshop 12/5/12 sign ups live, My sign up Genius
Classroom Projects- Christy
Teacher Appreciation Lunch- 2 signed up
Muffins for Mom- all slots filled
Bookfair-need more volunteers
Field Day- 22/30 spots filled Julie V and Kristin F to chair
On Agenda for next meeting....
Casino Night- details, plan etc
IPad fundraiser, spirit items etc?