Thank you for your interest in this matter. This package contains three sections.
- Expertise and methodological competencies sought.
Expertise andmethodological competencies
Expert knowledge of Technical Vocational Education and Training and the role TVET Colleges and the overall post schooling sector is supposed to play in South Africa; Experience in strategic planning and decision making;Understand the linkages between the 'world-of-work' and the post schooling sector in order to give relevant strategic advise and/or is able to synthesise relevant strategic issues; Understands the importance of the Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) and how the right PQM can support employability of students (ability to assess and translate client needs); Experience in governance structures of public institutions and/or private enterprises; Analyticalcompetencies (to be able to analyse socio-economic developments and translate those into relevant information for strategic decision making); Systematic-methodological competency.
Personal and social competencies
Cooperation skills, ability to network; Ability to prioritise; Loyal and reliable; Ability to think holistically; Ability to work in a team and mentor and guide others; Ability to support conflict resolution; Self-management; Positive attitude to change
Council must have one member per specialised field as:
Mnambithi TVET College requires:
- At least 5 years experience in a senior position in Infrastructure, IT or the HR field; further:
- Financial experience: Comprehensive content knowledge; a financial degree (experience as a financial auditor).
- Human Resources field: Comprehensive knowledge in the HR field in Government or Private Sector;
- Infrastructure field: Comprehensive knowledge in the Infrastructure field in Government or Private Sector
- Information Technology field: Extensive knowledge and expertise in the field of IT
Purpose: Requests are invited from individuals interested to serve in the Mnambithi College IT Steering Committee whose purpose is to monitor and prioritise major IT Projects and ensure that the IT Strategy is aligned to the strategic goals of the organisation.
Duties for IT person:
- Oversee the on-going development of the College IT Strategic Plan
- Develop and recommend the Colleges Computing and IT Policies
- Make recommendations to the Executive Committee and College Council
- Establish sub-committees/working groups as and when required
- Ensure that every IT project supports the business goals
- Approve changes to project scope
- Create a project charter to hold project teams accountable
- Controlling scope and resolving conflicts
- Building business cases for IT Projects
A recognized IT Qualification and the person must have done most of following modules:
Asset Security
Security Engineering
Communication and network security
Identity and access management
Security assessment and testing
Security operations
software development security
B. Format for comprehensive CV.
C. Declaration of no conflict of interest.
Applications including CV and declaration of no conflict of interest should be hand delivered Mnambithi TVET College, 77 Murchison Street, Ladysmith 3370 or email to or before 30 June 2017for the attention of the Principal.
Sealed envelope labelled, “Application for Council Membership”
Reception to record receipt.
Mnambithi TVET-Principals Office: Advert for Council and sub-committees-HR, IT &Infrastructure 2017/06/02 Page 1 of 2