How to Correct Old Data

This guide will show you how to correct data for a client who:

·  entered and exited your project before 10/1 and was never entered into HMIS

·  needs changes to their data

·  was never entered into a project

·  was entered, but not exited

·  spanned dates (for example, 9/1-10/15) – use interim

Before 10/1, we were using the 2010 Data Standards, so changes to client data needs to be entered using the 2010 assessment method. This method used the Assessment tab.

After 10/1, to make updates to assessments, we are now using the Interim Review icon on the Client Profile screen. Do not use the Assessment tab anymore.

NOTE: If you’re unable to access older assessment via the steps shown in this document, enter a ticket at

backdate and go to "Assessment" and use the older entry and exit assessment

Entering/Exiting new client BEFORE 10/1

1.  Log into ServicePoint.

2.  Make sure you are using the correct Project, or click Enter Data As and find you Project.

3.  Click ClientPoint in the left margin f the Client Profile screen.

4.  Enter client’s name, Name Data Quality, Social Security and SSN Data Quality. Answer question about US Military Veteran. NOTE: This is the only time you can choose the Veteran answer, so make sure you answer this here!

5.  If client not found, click the Add New Client with This Information button. If client found, click on their name.

6.  Use backdate if adding information from a previous date. In our example 9/1.

7.  Click the Add Client Only or Add New Household icon.

8.  Click the Assessment tab.

a.  Select the APR Universal Data Elements Assessment from the pulldown list. Click the Submit button.

b.  Fill out the UDE elements for the client.

c.  Click the Save button.

d.  Select the APR Entry Assessment from the pulldown list. Click the Submit button.

e.  Fill out the Entry data elements for the client.

f.  Click the Save button.

g.  Select the APR Exit Assessment from the pulldown list. Click the Submit button.

h.  Fill out the APR Exit data elements for the client.

i.  Click the Save button.

j.  Now you must go to the Entry/Exit tab and add an Entry for the same date as you used on the Entry Assessment, and create an Exit for the same date as you used on the Exit Assessment. You do NOT have to fill in the data, once you click “Save & Continue” you can now hit the “x” at the top right of the screen.

If you are correcting ESG data, then choose the correct older ESG UDE, ESG Entry, or Exit assessment. ESG Prevention Entry, ESG RRH Entry, ESG Exit.

If you need to add a non-cash (health) benefit you will need to use the Health insurance Sub-assessment.

Entering client BEFORE 10/1 and Exiting AFTER 10/1

This data entry is no different from how you enter clients today. They need to use the new screens.