Extension Questions 10 Minutes
11.03.2015Use of the word “honor” in lines 85-131 (A1S1), is used first by Brutus and then by Cassius. Analyze the word using the following guiding questions:
  1. How has the word changed in meaning?
  2. Has the word lost its importance?
  3. Has the word disappeared from this portion of the text?
  4. How does this change develop the theme of the text.
11.05.2015Start to draft a body paragraph for an essay with the prompt: After reading Act I, Scenes i and ii, write an essay in which you take a position on whether Julius Caesar is a defender or a manipulator of the people. Use information presented in the text to support your argument. Be sure to include a claim and address counterclaims. Drafts will be due on Monday.
Work Rotation Independent 30 Minutes
As students read Act One Scene One in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar they will answer the following questions:
  1. Why does Shakespeare choose to open the play with an exchange between military officials and plebeians instead of introducing the main characters of Caesar and Brutus? Cite strong evidence from the text to support your analysis.
  2. Choose a word that best replaces the word “ingratitude” in line 55 of Act I, Scene i without changing the meaning of the Scene. Cite strong evidence from the text to support your rationale.
  3. What is the impact of Shakespeare’s use of pun in Act I, Scene i on the overall meaning and tone of the scene? Cite strong evidence from the text to support your analysis.
  4. How do specific words and phrases impact the overall tone and meaning of Act I, Scene ii? Cite strong evidence from the text to support your analysis.
11.05.2015: Students will finish Act One, Scene Two and create rough draft of an argumentative essay addressing the following prompt.

Staple your work to this page and turn it in.