Invite you to attend one or more of the following workshops in Sydney, Australia, in October and November 2017 featuring Dr Patricia Crittenden:
About the speaker:
Dr Patricia M. Crittenden has many years of experience as an academic and practitioner in the fields of child abuse, attachment theory and family therapy.
After training with Mary Ainsworth, she served on the Faculties of Psychology at the Universities of Virginia and Miami. She has held visiting positions at the Universities of Helsinki and Bologna, as well as the Clark Institute of Psychiatry (Canada), San Diego State University (USA) and Edith Cowan University (Australia).
She is well known for having developed the Dynamic-Maturational Model (DMM) of attachment and adaptation and is one of the founders of the International Association for the Study of Attachment (IASA).
Affordable Professional Development Training (APDT) is privileged to be able to sponsor Dr Patricia Crittenden’s lectures and workshops in Australia in October and November 2017. APDT is an organisation that has been set up to provide high quality professional development workshops at affordable prices for mental health professionals and other members of the community in Australia.
The Directors of APDT are Judy Christian and Dianne Starkey, who have joined together to use their extensive experience in running workshops in order to provide a wide range of professional development opportunities for their colleagues, in addition to some workshops on topics relevant to client populations.
For details of other workshops run by APDT, go to our website where you can download flyers and registration forms for other workshops, as well as see any current specials.
Contact us: Dianne Starkey: 02 9636 4397Judy Christian: 0404 686 742
Email: Website:
10 Ideas for Mental Health Treatment
presented by
Dr Patricia Crittenden Ph. D
Do you wonder how to fit your work to the different people who come to you?Do you want to be inspired to find new ways to use the skills you already have?Treatment of psychological and interpersonal dysfunction is at a crossroads. The problems are increasing and the solutions seem few. In spite of new and expensive evidence-based programmes being 'rolled out' every year, the efficacy of treatment has not improved in over 25 years (Fonagy, et al, 2015; Seligman, 2013).
Is there any good news? There is! It is you! You are the 'active ingredient' in all forms of treatment.This short course will offer 10 ideas to improve your effectiveness. These ideas are straight-forward and easy to apply. They are meant for individual practitioners, no matter how they do their daily work. They will help you to fit what you do to each person who comes to you for help. These ideas can be applied in any service organization, within any theory of treatment, by all professional disciplines, and without any added cost (there's no programme to buy!).They will help you to help others and that will make you shine.
Come hear Dr. Patricia Crittenden's 10 ideas for improving the quality of your daily work. These ideas won't change your boss or national priorities; that takes far too long. Instead, they will change you so that you can improve individual lives (including your own!), one day, one hour at a time.Clinicians and researchers are hungry for theory that will truly advance their research and clinical practice. Dr Crittenden's talk will reflect the leading edge of thought in mental health. If you want a comprehensive, developmentally based and compassionate approach to treatment, come get these 10 ideas. Dr. Crittenden has authored over 100 papers and several books.
Date: 23 October 2017, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Venue: Parramatta area, tba
To Register for 10 Ideas for Mental Health Treatment go to:
Registration Fees: Morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea provided
Normal rate:$165 (GST incl)
Super Early Bird Special for those registering and paying by 14 January 2017: $132inc. GST
Early Bird Special for those registering and paying in full by 30 April 2017: $143inc. GST
Attachment and Psychopathology
presented by
Dr Patricia Crittenden Ph. D
This 3 day course will provide an introduction to the Dynamic Maturational Model (DMM) of attachment and adaptation including description of the array of patterns of attachment relationships and strategies for self-protection from infancy to adulthood.The model used is Dr Crittenden's Dynamic-Maturational Model of attachment and adaptation, (DMM), an expansion of the Bowlby-Ainsworth model to ages beyond infancy. The DMM is particularly relevant to individuals who are in at-risk situations, have been exposed to danger, display disturbed or maladaptive behavior, or are diagnosed as having a psychiatric disorder. The course is also relevant to longitudinal approaches to attachment, to the development of emotional and behavioural disorder, and to cross-generational issues. A particular emphasis in the course is cultural influences on the distribution of the patterns.
The course is structured developmentally and consists of lecture with slides, videotapes, and interview transcripts to demonstrate the patterns and principles of development. Handouts will be provided. In addition, an introduction is given to each of the DMM assessments of pattern of attachment.
Dates: 1, 2 and 3 November 2017 (3 days)
Time: Workshop will begin at 9.30am and end at 4.30pm. Registration and tea / coffee from 9am
Venue: Lecture Theatre 3, Westmead Hospital, Cnr Hawkesbury Rd and Darcy Rd, Westmead
To Register for Attachment and Psychopathology go to:
Registration Fees:
Morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea provided
Normal rate:$1650 (GST incl) for 3 days
Super Early Bird Special for those registering and paying by 14 January 2017: $990inc. GST
Early Bird Special for those registering and paying in full by 30 April 2017: $1320inc. GST
NB: The Attachment and Psychopathology course is a prerequisite for the SSP 11 day intensive course (below).
Strange Situation Procedure
presented by
Dr Pat Crittenden Ph. D and Bronwen Elliott Social Worker
The Infant Strange Situation is an instrument for assessing quality of attachment in 11-17-month-old infants. The procedure was developed by Mary D. Salter Ainsworth. The course will cover the Ainsworth patterns and the expanded patterns, including the A/C and pre-compulsive patterns developed by Dr Crittenden.
This 11 day course is taught from videos including those coded with Mary Ainsworth. The course emphasises nonverbal behaviour, interpersonal strategies and developmental processes and covers normative and clinical dyads. The course is organised such that teaching takes place for part of the days with homework to be done for other parts of the days. The course will begin at 2pm on the first day of each session, except it will begin at 9am and end at 1pm on the final day of the session.
Additional work:
1.Homework after the course
2.Two correctly managed video-recorded Strange Situations of an 11-17month old infant, with consent
3.A reliability test following the course is included in the fee.
Date and Location:
Dates: 25 to 29 October 2017 and 6 to 11 November 2017 (11 days)
Venue: The Carrington, 15-47 Katoomba Street, Katoomba
To Register for Strange Situation Procedure go to:
Registration Fees:
Morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea provided
Normal rate:$3960 (GST incl)
Super Early Bird Special for those registering and paying by 14 January 2017:$3300inc. GST
Early Bird Special for those registering and paying in full by 30 April 2017: $3630 inc. GST
For Enquiries for Dr Crittenden's Workshops Contact:
Dianne Starkey: 9636 4397 or
Bronwen Elliott: 0417257796 or