2017-18 Archery Team Member Contract

Archers are expected to accept direction from coaches without complaint or arguing. If you want a reason, you may ask in a polite, respectful tone. Archers will follow directions the first time given. Coaches are volunteers and are giving their time to help you become a better archer.

For everyone's safety, archers are required to follow the whistle signals given by the coach during practice and will not whistle on their own. Violation of this will result in the archer sitting out and a parent being called.

Archers are expected to attend all practices each week and be on time. If you have a conflict that results in routine late arrival (employment or other sports practice), please speak with your coaches immediately.

It is expected that you will speak quietly and keep your hands to yourself when in the gym. Coaches will not yell to be heard above you. If you miss instructions or are a disruption, the coach may decide to have you sit out a round or shoot with fewer arrows.

Use of inappropriate language is unacceptable. It is disrespectful to coaches and a poor example to other archers who may be shooting at the same time as you.

Cell phones are not permitted on the range. All electronics should be put away during practice.

Division team slots are filled based on attitude, effort, attendance, academic eligibility and score. Archers must attend all practices and maintain good grades (no failing grades) in order to be eligible to shoot at a tournament.

Participating in tournaments is a commitment to yourself and your team. If you cancel less than 24 hours before a meet, or no-show the morning of, you will be required to not participate in the next tournament. If absence is caused by illness or family emergency, this requirement may be waived.

By signing this contract, you understand these rules and agree to follow them. As a parent, you accept that you may be called in and required to remove your archer from practice if they are disrespectful

or disruptive.

Archer Signature ______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______


Madrid Archery Team



All archers wanting to participate in this season's tournaments need to fill in availability of all tournaments listed.

All archers must have a NASP Consent and Waiver Form completed and turned in to a coach before you will be eligible to be registered for a tournament.

Transportation: We plan to take a bus from the high school to the West Des Moines tournament. All archers will be expected to ride together to the tournament but may leave with a parent when done shooting. The bus will return all others to the high school when the tournament is ended. All other transportation will be up to the parents but we encourage carpooling.

Tournament Options

Date LocationAvailability

Dec. 2Madrid HSYes No

Dec. 9Afton – BullseyeYes No

Dec. 9 Afton – 3-DYes No

Dec. 16AtlanticYes No

Dec. 27DiagonalYes No

Jan. 6Troy MillsYes No

Jan. 13Afton – BullseyeYes No

Jan. 13Afton – 3-DYes No

Jan. 20GreenfieldYes No

Jan. 20 Eddyville – Bullseye Iowa Winter GamesYes No

Jan. 20Eddyville – 3-D Iowa Winter GamesYes No

Jan. 27 MadridYes No

Feb. 3DiagonalYes No

Feb. 10Afton – BullseyeYes No

Feb. 10Afton – 3-DYes No

Feb. 17West Des MoinesYes No

Feb. 24TamaYes No