Author/Editor Questionnaire
1) Title information
Book title: Brain-Computer Interfaces
Subtitle: An international assessment of research and development trends
Series title: WTEC panel reports
If this is a translated title, … (NO)
If this is a revised edition … (NO)
2) Author(s)/Editor(s) information
a. Name(s) in full (surname(s) and first name(s))
- Theodore W. Berger
- John K. Chapin
- Greg A. Gerhardt
- Dennis J. McFarland
- José C. Principe
- Walid V. Soussou
- Dawn M. Taylor
- Patrick A. Tresco
b. Name(s) as to appear on the title page (in order of appearance): (As in 2a)
c. Professional/academic affiliation(s) to be used on the title page (name of the institute / company, city, country)
- Theodore W. Berger: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
- John K. Chapin: State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Ctr.
Brooklyn, NY 111203, USA
- Greg A. Gerhardt: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40536, USA
- Dennis J. McFarland: Wadsworth Center, Albany, NY 12201, USA
- José C. Principe: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
- Walid V. Soussou: Neural Consultants, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
- Dawn M. Taylor: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
- Patrick A. Tresco: University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA
d. Nationality(ies) of Author(s)/Editor(s) (required for copyright registration)
- Theodore W. Berger: USA
- John K. Chapin: USA
- Greg A. Gerhardt: USA
- Dennis J. McFarland: USA
- José C. Principe: Portugal
- Walid V. Soussou: USA and Lebanon
- Dawn M. Taylor: USA
- Patrick A. Tresco: USA
e. Postal address(es)
- Theodore W. Berger: University of Southern California
166 Denney Research Bldg.
Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
- John K. Chapin: State University of New York (SUNY)
Downstate Medical Ctr.
450 Clarkson Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 111203, USA
- Greg A. Gerhardt: University of Kentucky
306 MRISC Building
800 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40536, USA
- Dennis J. McFarland: Wadsworth Center
P.O. Box 509, Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12201, USA
- José C. Principe: University of Florida
NEB 451, Bldg. #33
Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
- Walid V. Soussou: University of Southern California
3641 Watt Way, HNB 403
Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
- Dawn M. Taylor: Case Western Reserve University
Wickenden Building 108
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
- Patrick A. Tresco: University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA
f. Date(s) of birth (for cataloguing purposes)
- Theodore W. Berger
- John K. Chapin
- Greg A. Gerhardt
- Dennis J. McFarland, March 2, 1949
- José C. Principe
- Walid V. Soussou, June 8, 1975
- Dawn M. Taylor
- Patrick A. Tresco
3) Promotion
a. Promotional text
When you finish writing your book, our job of selling it begins. To be able to promote and sell this title, you are kindly requested to provide a promotional text of approximately 200 words, which is to the point, succinct and relevant, and can be used on the back cover of the book, in promotional brochures, catalogues and on the Web.
Brain-computer interface (BCI) research deals with establishing communication pathways between the brain and external devices where such pathways do not otherwise exist. Throughout the world, such research is surprisingly extensive and expanding. BCI research is rapidly approaching a level of first-generation medical practice for use by individuals whose neural pathways are damaged, and use of BCI technologies is accelerating rapidly in nonmedical arenas of commerce as well, particularly in the gaming, automotive, and robotics industries. The technologies used for BCI purposes are cutting-edge, enabling, and synergistic in many interrelated arenas, including signal processing, neural tissue engineering, multiscale modeling, systems integration, and robotics.
This WTEC study gathered information on worldwide status and trends in BCI research to disseminate to government decisionmakers and the research community. The study reviewed and assessed the state of the art in sensor technology, the biotic-abiotic interface and biocompatibility, data analysis and modeling, hardware implementation, systems engineering, functional electrical stimulation, noninvasive communication systems, and cognitive and emotional neuroprostheses in academic research and industry. The study also compared the distinctly different foci, range, and investment levels of BCI research programs in the United States, Canada, China, Europe, and Japan.
b. Please list the book’s Main Target Audience (please narrow down to the niche target groups):
Research directors, government decisionmakers, researchers, professors, graduate students, and professionals in the healthcare, neuroscience, biomedical, biotechnology, bioengineering, gaming, automotive, and robotics fields
c. Please list the book’s Unique Selling Points (3-5 one-line bullet points):
- Provides a worldwide snapshot of current research and development trends in brain-computer interfaces, evaluated by a panel of experts based on dozens of visits to leading research institutions
- Gives a unique review of technical developments related to the unification that is rapidly taking place today among nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science
- Assesses the potential for revolutionary applications of these developments and their likely impact in improving the human condition
- Offers a wide variety of scholarly views on the likely societal impacts and policy implications of these developments and applications, including assessments of educational, economic, commercial, legal, ethical, political, and social implications
4) Competition
What titles would you consider to be in direct competition with your book? (Please include author, title, publisher and publication date).
1. Towards Replacement Parts for the Brain: Implantable Biomimetic Electronics as Neural Prostheses. Eds Berger T.W. and Glanzman D.L. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2005.
2. Neuroprosthetics: Theory and Practice, Eds Horch and Dhillon, World Scientific Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 2004.
3. Neuronal Ensembles: Strategies for Recording and Decoding, Eds. Eichenbaum and Davis, Wiley-Liss, New York, NY, 1998.
4. Methods for Neural Ensemble Recordings, Ed Nicolelis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1999.
5. Neuroprosthetics: From Basic Research to Clinical Application, Eds. Pedotti, Ferrarin, Quintern, Riener, Springer-Verlag Telos, 1996.
6. Handbook of Neuroprosthetic Methods, Eds. Finn and LoPresti, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2003.
5) Conferences
Please provide us with a list of the conferences you attended in the past two years and will attend in the near future:
Theodore W. Berger
full name of conference/association attended will attend in the future
John K. Chapin
full name of conference/association attended will attend in the future
Greg A. Gerhardt
full name of conference/association attended will attend in the future
Dennis J. McFarland
Society for Neuroscience attended most years & will attend in the future
José C. Principe
full name of conference/association attended
Walid V. Soussou
full name of conference/association attended will attend in the future
- Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (Society for Neuroscience), San Diego, CA, Nov. 2007
- Neural Interfaces Workshop (Neural Prosthesis Community and the Deep Brain Stimulation Consortium), Bethesda, MD, August 2006
Dawn M. Taylor
full name of conference/association attended will attend in the future
Patrick A. Tresco
full name of conference/association attended will attend in the future
6) Subject codes
Using the enclosed Springer Subject Codes, please indicate under 1 and 2 the major disciplines covered by this title (these two should cover 80% of the content). If relevant, please use 3,4,5 to indicate the most relevant minor disciplines, in order of importance.
(Note: As this subject encompasses the convergence of multiple disciplines and technologies, it is difficult to narrow the subject codes and keywords to just a few.)
Code Description
1. B18006 Neurosciences
2. C12002 Biotechnology
3. C32030 Biomaterials
4. H55006 Rehabilitation
5. T2700X Biomedical Engineering
7) Keywords
Please provide us with a maximum of 5 keywords, in order of importance, for the catalogue index:
Brain-computer interface(s)
Neural prostheses
Systems engineering
Biomedical engineering
Sensing/Sensors, signal analysis
Mathematical modelling
Electrode technologies
8) Table of Contents
Please provide us with a Word file of the Table of Contents of the book.
9) Additional information
The following questions relate to your professional activities and are included to give us information about potential markets for this title.
Theodore W. Berger
a. Please list all relevant societies/associations you are a member of.
b. Please list any boards, committees, advisory or reviewing bodies you are an active member of (this may include special interest groups, boards of societies, editorial boards of journals/newsletters, organizing committees for conferences, university committees, library recommendation committees, etc).
c. Do you have any pre-publication (review) quotes we could use? If so, please provide them, including the writer’s name and affiliation. If this quote has already been published, please provide details.
John K. Chapin
a. Please list all relevant societies/associations you are a member of.
b. Please list any boards, committees, advisory or reviewing bodies you are an active member of (this may include special interest groups, boards of societies, editorial boards of journals/newsletters, organizing committees for conferences, university committees, library recommendation committees, etc).
c. Do you have any pre-publication (review) quotes we could use? If so, please provide them, including the writer’s name and affiliation. If this quote has already been published, please provide details.
Greg A. Gerhardt
a. Please list all relevant societies/associations you are a member of.
b. Please list any boards, committees, advisory or reviewing bodies you are an active member of (this may include special interest groups, boards of societies, editorial boards of journals/newsletters, organizing committees for conferences, university committees, library recommendation committees, etc).
c. Do you have any pre-publication (review) quotes we could use? If so, please provide them, including the writer’s name and affiliation. If this quote has already been published, please provide details.
Dennis J. McFarland
a. Please list all relevant societies/associations you are a member of.
Society for Neuroscience
American Psychological Society
b. Please list any boards, committees, advisory or reviewing bodies you are an active member of (this may include special interest groups, boards of societies, editorial boards of journals/newsletters, organizing committees for conferences, university committees, library recommendation committees, etc).
Associate Editor- IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems
and Rehabilitation Engineering
c. Do you have any pre-publication (review) quotes we could use? If so, please provide them, including the writer’s name and affiliation. If this quote has already been published, please provide details.
José C. Principe
a. Please list all relevant societies/associations you are a member of.
b. Please list any boards, committees, advisory or reviewing bodies you are an active member of (this may include special interest groups, boards of societies, editorial boards of journals/newsletters, organizing committees for conferences, university committees, library recommendation committees, etc).
c. Do you have any pre-publication (review) quotes we could use? If so, please provide them, including the writer’s name and affiliation. If this quote has already been published, please provide details.
Walid V. Soussou
a. Please list all relevant societies/associations you are a member of.
Member: Society for Neuroscience
Member: Society for Narab Neuroscientists
b. Please list any boards, committees, advisory or reviewing bodies you are an active member of (this may include special interest groups, boards of societies, editorial boards of journals/newsletters, organizing committees for conferences, university committees, library recommendation committees, etc).
Reviewer: Biomaterials (journal)
c. Do you have any pre-publication (review) quotes we could use? If so, please provide them, including the writer’s name and affiliation. If this quote has already been published, please provide details.
Dawn M. Taylor
a. Please list all relevant societies/associations you are a member of.
b. Please list any boards, committees, advisory or reviewing bodies you are an active member of (this may include special interest groups, boards of societies, editorial boards of journals/newsletters, organizing committees for conferences, university committees, library recommendation committees, etc).
c. Do you have any pre-publication (review) quotes we could use? If so, please provide them, including the writer’s name and affiliation. If this quote has already been published, please provide details.
Patrick A. Tresco
a. Please list all relevant societies/associations you are a member of.
b. Please list any boards, committees, advisory or reviewing bodies you are an active member of (this may include special interest groups, boards of societies, editorial boards of journals/newsletters, organizing committees for conferences, university committees, library recommendation committees, etc).
c. Do you have any pre-publication (review) quotes we could use? If so, please provide them, including the writer’s name and affiliation. If this quote has already been published, please provide details.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Encl.: Springer Subject Codes