One day visit to Indian clusters - November 7, 2015

  1. Objectives

To organize a one dayexposure visit to an industrial cluster in Faridabad, Haryana, Indiato understand the:

  • Need for presence of local business membership organization (BMO) also called industry association
  • Importance and techniques of promoting joint actions by interacting with MSMEs and other stakeholders in the areas like

Raw material bank

Meeting financing needs of cluster

Jointly tackling the issue of energy efficiency

Occupational, health and safety measures

Marketing by participation in international fairs and exhibitions

  • Role of business development service providers (BDSPs)

2. Visit to BMOs

Visit will be organized to two BMOs at different levels. They are

Faridabad Foundry Association, cluster level BMO. There are around 100 foundry MSMEs in the cluster out of which around 75% of the total units are their members. BMO has set up sub-committees for different activities like purchase, marketing, CSR, Government schemes, membership, IT, finance and technical committee. One of the shining activities of BMO is the common purchase of raw material which started with 4 members and now they are a network of 30 units for this activity. The members contribute some percentage as service fee which helps them to take care of the operating expense of BMO. This has led to accumulation of INR 12 lakhs as corpus by the BMO. The BMO has also employed a full time executive who is involved in different activities. Other activities jointly implemented by MSMEs through BMO include adoption energy efficient technology for melting iron, occupational health and safety measure for workers and training program by engaging the expert.

IamSMEofIndia, Country level BMO formed in 2009, formerly Faridabad Small Industries Association (FSIA). One of the key initiatives of this BMO is provision of collateral fee loan to their members with support from Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). Thereafter the BMO provides different services to their members like legal assistance, advisory service, interest free short-term loan, IT solutions, solar energy, skill development and placements, discount on insurance specially fire and vehicles, international exposures, etc.

3. Proposed Agenda

1030-1230 hrs / Visit to 2 MSMEs to understand the work done on energy efficiency and occupational health and safety
1300-1430 hrs / Luncheon interaction with Faridabad Foundry Association on
  • Governance structure of BMO
  • Different committees and roles and responsibly of different heads
  • Raw material bank
  • Initiative on energy efficiency and occupational health and safety
  • Sustainability of BMO

1500-1630 hrs / Meeting with IamSMEofIndia on
  • Governance structure of BMO
  • Services provided by BMO to its members and their engagement with international associates
  • Provision of collateral free loan to members in association with bank
  • Sustainability of BMO

1630 hrs / Back to New Delhi (approx 1 hour)

4. Costs

Fee per participant for a group of 10 people is Rs 13,500;

Fee per participant for a group of 15 people is Rs 9,000;

Fee per participant for a group of 20 people is Rs 6,800.

Fees cover costs for travel, lunch, tea and refreshments.

5. Contact details

For more information and to register, please contact Neetu Goel at: