Attended: Chair PG, MY, AA, BD, CB, GE (Practice Manager), DR
Apologies: JA, BH, IP
Resignations none received
Welcome new member
Minutes of last meeting – agreed.
Matters arising:
Practice survey was discussed and it was agreed that the group would assist in a campaign to promote the online services we offer and also to work towards increasing membership of our PPG. AA agreed to contact the Aire Valley magazine with a view to advertising the practices PPG and online services. DR to investigate the possibility of adding a link to the practices website on text messages to patients.
The practice agreed to survey patient experience with regard to the new phone system at the end of November.
To aid in increasing appointment capacity the group will plan a self-care event with the help of EF the CCG’s self-care lead and invite local organisations and advertise the event widely across the CCG area. The group will look to doing this early next year. Organisations to be invited could include social care, nursing homes, school nurses, physiotherapists and pharmacy first.
GE confirmed the practice had positive feedback from the CQC inspectors on the day of the inspection and is awaiting the official report which is expected in 2-3 months’ time. The report will be shared with the group at the next meeting if it has been received by then.
PG confirmed health maps are available click on link for information on local voluntary groups etc.
GE informed the group about a new Physio First service at the practice. The service aims to prevent patients with certain MSK conditions from going to A&E. This service is part of the practices enhanced care scheme which as well as reducing A&E attendance also involves a health co-ordinator who can support patients who also attend the OOH service and have unplanned admissions to hospital. Physio First leaflet attached and also information on the scheme as a whole.
The group asked if we could invite in our Community Matron to discuss her role. GE thought it may be best to have a larger group event when inviting guests to speak. The group to look at organising a larger meeting.
Network Meeting
PG to update
CCG Group Meeting:
MYgave an update from the last public meeting of the AWC CCG
The notes from the meeting are attached
Who to invite in to future meetings suggestions from the group
Community Matron
Next PPG meeting planned for Tuesday 6th December at 5.15pm.
Meeting closed at 6.45 pm.