Course-Based Research Request
1.0 Purpose
Many undergraduate and graduate courses include exercises or assignments that require students to collect information from human participants. These are all referred to here as course-based research exercises.
Complete this form if you are a Course Instructor and you wish to oversee the conduct of Undergraduate Student Research, in accordance with the UOIT’s Guidelines for Ethics Review of Undergraduate Course-Based Research Projects involving Humans.
Course Based Research does not include: Courses where students conduct individually designed projects (e.g. honours thesis) the Student(s)/Researcher(s) must submit their own application for REB review using the REB Application Form.
2.0 Instructions
Submit ONE Signed Softcopy of this form along with all attachments to . Hand written forms will NOT be accepted. NO Research with human participants shall commence prior to receiving Approval from the Research Ethics Board.
Section 1: Course Instructor InformationName:
Title & Position:
UOIT Banner ID:
Section 2: Course Information
Course Name & Code:
Indicate the Start and End date or your Course. / MM/YYYY until MM/YYYY
Has Approval ever been granted for this course prior to this application? - IF YES, please complete a & b
- REB File #
- Name of Instructor
Section 3: Research Project Information
- Give a clear description in lay language concerning the type of research required in the course. (Attach a copy of the course outline to this application).
- Provide detailed instructions that will be given to the student researchers.
- Indicate the procedures or methodologies that will be utilized by the students for data collection (e.g. action research/interviews/focus groups/questionnaires/etc.)
- Attach a copy or a model of the following materials where applicable:
b.The consent form and/or letter of information/transcript of telephone script;
c.Recruitment materials/posters;
d.Any debriefing materials which will be utilized by the students.
Section 4: Signature of Course Instructor
I have reviewed the UOIT REB Guidelines for Ethics Review of Undergraduate Course-Based Research Projects Involving Humans and agree to comply with the requirements of those guidelines and to ensure that all student projects will fit within the criteria for course-based student projects.
I am familiar with and agree to abide by the ethical guidelines and policies of UOIT, the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans, and those of their profession or discipline.
I will meet with the student investigators to monitor the research progress and will be available, should problems arise during the course of the research, to supervise the students and assist in solving such problems.
I will report any Adverse/Unanticipated Events (unanticipated negative consequences or results affecting participants) to the REB Chair, as soon as possible and in any event, no more than 72 hours subsequent to their occurrence to the Research Ethics Board (REB).
Signature of Course Instructor
For research being conducted off-campus, it is recommended to fill out an Off-Campus Event Form.
Guidelines for Obtaining Research Ethics Approval at UOIT
The UOIT Research Ethics Board (REB) is charged with ensuring that all research using human participants undertaken by anyone employed by or representing UOIT complies with the Research Ethics Policy for UOIT.
Before faculty, staff, students, and others who are associated with UOIT proceed with funded or unfunded research that involves human participants, they must obtain REB approval evidenced by a current ethics certificate signed by the Chair of the UOIT REB. These guidelines are written to help with the process of obtaining an ethics certificate. Investigators who contemplate the use of humans as research participants may obtain informational material and application forms from the Office of Research Services.
1. What Research needs an Ethics Certificate?
All research and teaching that involves human participants or human remains requires a current ethics certificate before the work is begun except as follows:
- Quality assurance studies, performance reviews or testing within normal educational requirements, or practica already covered by professional code of ethics are not subject to REB review. All research conducted for administrative purposes will be the responsibility of the President.
- Research about an individual involved in the public arena, or about an artist, based exclusively on publicly available information, documents, records, works, performances, archival materials or third-party interviews, is not required to undergo ethics review.
If you are not sure if your research requires REB approval, you should ask the Office of Research Services or the Chair of the REB for assistance.
2. When should work be submitted to the Review Committee?
The review process takes time and may result in changes to research methodology or design. It is always best to start the review process as early as possible in the development of a research proposal. Some funding agencies require that a current ethics certificate accompany the application. Other funding agencies receive applications before a certificate is in hand as long as evidence is provided that the work has been or will be submitted for REB review.
Although UOIT allows submission of research proposals to funding agencies prior to an ethics certificate being issued, in no case can the actual research involving human participants proceed without a current ethics certificate.
Regardless of the source of funds, a UOIT research account will not be opened to receive funds before an ethics certificate has been issued.
3. Levels of Review Committee Review
There are four types of submission for REB approval:
- New Submission - Regular Review
- New Submission - Expedited Review
- Renewal
- Amendment
For all levels of review there is a common submission process. The appropriate submission form must be received by the Office of Research Services no later than two weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting of the REB.
3.1 New Submission - Regular Review
Complete the ethics approval submission form and return it and your full proposal in electronic form to the Office of Research Services.
If received 14 days prior to the next scheduled monthly meeting of the REB, your submission will be considered at the next meeting.
3.2 New Submission - Expedited Review
If you think that your proposal presents no more than minimal risk to participants, you may request an expedited review. Complete the ethics approval submission form and return it together with your full proposal in electronic form to the Office of Research Services. Should your request for expedited review not be granted, it will be necessary to follow the procedure for a new submission - regular review - as above.
3.3 Renewal
Ethics certificates are valid for one year from date of issue. If no change has been made to the research protocol or if changes are minimal, the Chair of the REB may at his/her discretion renew the ethics certificate for another one year period. Complete the ethics approval submission form and return it in electronic form to the Office of Research Services.
If significant changes have been made to the protocol, or if in the opinion of the REB Chair, changes warrant a review by the full committee, then the resubmission process is similar to that for a new submission.
3.4 Amendment
If in the course of an approved research project there are changes required to the research protocol, the Chair of the Review Committee may at his/her discretion issue a new ethics certificate for the project. Complete the Change Request form and return an e-copy to the Office of Research Services.
If significant changes to the protocol are required, or if in the opinion of the REB Chair, the proposed changes warrant a review by the complete committee, then the resubmission process is similar to that for a new submission.
4. Review of Course-Based Research Exercises or Assignments
Many undergraduate and graduate courses include exercises or assignments that require students to collect information from human participants. These are all referred to here as course-based research exercises. The UOIT research ethics policy makes provision for such course-based research exercises that involve human participants and pose no more than minimal risk but requires that these exercises be reviewed by the Faculty REB, unless they are practica already covered by professional code of ethics.
Faculty REBs may approve requests for which the results of the research are for class assignment purposes only (i.e., results will not be published in any other forum or revealed beyond the class) and the proposed research activity involves minimal risk to human participants.
Student research proposals should be referred to the university REB if some or all of the following conditions pertain:
- The research will generate "knowledge" that will be reported back to the community;
- The research involves more than minimal risk as defined by the Tri-Council Policy Statement;
- The research is for graduate project or thesis;
- The research is part of a faculty member's research program or is a direct extension of the course instructor's research;
- The research involves vulnerable participants such as children, persons who are not legally competent to consent, mentally incompetent persons, legal wards or the therapeutically-dependent;
- The research involves personal, sensitive or incriminating topics or questions which could put the participants or the researcher(s) at risk;
- The research involves deception;
- The research involves manipulation of the behaviour of participants beyond the range of normal classroom activity or daily life; or
- The research involves physically-invasive contact with the participants
5. Adverse Events
All adverse reactions or injuries must be reported promptly in writing to the Research Ethics Board and by telephone if serious. This includes, but is not limited to, reactions that result in the subject dropping out of an experiment or requiring medical attention. The development of any unexpected risks should also be reported promptly.
The Research Ethics Board may re-evaluate the ethical aspects of the study, as appropriate.
Office of Research Services ~ 2000 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa ON ~ FAX (905) 721-3210
Course Based Research Request