You are summoned to an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
to be held at the Youth and Resource Centre on
Wednesday 18th January 2017
Meeting to commence at 19:45 and to be concluded by 21:30
Mrs Marion Scott
Clerk to Parish Council
11 January 2017
1.0Apologies for Absence - To receive and accept apologies for absence.
2.0Declarations of Interest & Dispensations
2.1To receive any declarations of interest in agenda items from Councillors.
2.2To consider any written applications for dispensation
3.0Speakers - Opportunity for visiting speakers to address council and the public in attendance.
3.1Update from ward councillor Bob Matthews.
4.0Public Question Time -Opportunity for members of the public to raise issues or ask the Parish Council questions.
5.0Minutes- To approve and sign the Minutes as a true record of the Ordinary Meeting held on 21st December 2016.
6.0Financial Report – Appendix A
Marion Scott -Parish Clerk to Credenhill Parish Council Email:
6.1Confirmation of Bank Balances
6.3Invoices for Payment
7.0Planning Applications Received
None received.
8.0To receive reports from working groups
Marion Scott -Parish Clerk to Credenhill Parish Council Email:
8.1Community Hall (A French)
8.2Footpaths (P Burridge)
8.3Planning (A Slater/T Smissen)
8.4Shops/Businesses (D Pullen)
8.5Flood Alleviation Scheme (J Bevan/ R Rose)
8.6Schools (E. Baxter)
8.7Roman Park – General (A Round/P Burridge)
Marion Scott -Parish Clerk to Credenhill Parish Council Email:
9.0Matters arising since last meeting (Clk to lead):
9.1 Up-date of play equipment at Roman Park.
9.2 Up-date on tyres disposal.
9.3 Correspondence received from resident at Cross Farm.
9.4 Co-option of Mr. David Sherrard to Credenhill Parish Council.
9.5 Diary actions.
9.6 Up-dates on road sweeping and removal of signs at junction/ tree.
10 Confirmation of the next Ordinary Meeting, Time, Date & Venue.
7.30 pm, 15th February 2017, Youth and Resource Centre
Marion Scott -Parish Clerk to Credenhill Parish Council Email: